Morpheus CLI v7.0.7

Getting Started

The Morpheus CLI is a command line interface for the Morpheus appliance. It’s a ruby gem that provides the morpheus executable. It works by making HTTP requests to the Morpheus API.

The Morpheus CLI is written in Ruby and requires ruby 2.5 or newer to be installed. Most UNIX-based systems will have this installed already.


Installing on Linux

A Prerequisite to running the Morpheus CLI is to have ruby 2.5 or newer installed. Use rubygems to install the cli.

gem install morpheus-cli

In most cases, installing Morpheus CLI is as simple as installing from rubygems as discussed above. When installing on RHEL 8, ensure the following three dependencies are also installed:

gem install bigdecimal
gem install json
gem install io-console

Once the gem is installed, all the cli commands can be run on the shell via the morpheus executable.

Installing on Windows

The morpheus cli is capable of running on many platforms due to its ruby runtime. This includes windows based platforms. To get started, we must first ensure ruby is installed. To do this please visit and download at least Ruby version 2.5.1 of the Ruby+Devkit (2.7.x recommended).

NOTE: When installing ruby on windows, make sure the options are selected for adding the ruby binaries to your PATH.

Now that ruby is installed, simply open a PowerShell window and run

gem install morpheus-cli --no-document

The –no-document option is relatively new and can be achieved in previous versions of rubygems by using –no-rdoc –no-ri instead.

A list of installed dependencies should start sliding by the screen. Once this has completed the CLI setup is complete. Now all that must be done is configuring the cli to point to an appliance for use.

morpheus remote add dev --insecure

The –insecure option tells the cli to ignore SSL errors for this remote appliance.

Credentials are used to acquire an access token which is then stored in the users home directory in a folder called .morpheus. Now all commands provided by the CLI are available for use just as if running in a *nix based environment.


To udate to the latest morpheus-cli version:

gem update morpheus-cli

Helpful Resources

To learn more about Morpheus Data, visit
For additional tips on using Morpheus CLI, visit
To learn more about the Morpheus API, visit

Global Options

There are several global options available.

    -v, --version                    Print the version.
        --noprofile                  Do not read and execute the personal initialization script .morpheus_profile
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Common Options

There are many common options that are supported by a most commands.

    -O, --option OPTION              Option value in the format -O var="value" (deprecated soon in favor of first class options)
    -N, --no-prompt                  Skip prompts. Use default values for all optional fields.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-dir DIRECTORY      Payload from a local directory containing 1-N JSON or YAML files, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it
        --curl                       Dry Run to output API request as a curl command.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -H, --header HEADER              Additional HTTP header to include with requests.
        --timeout SECONDS            Timeout for api requests. Default is typically 30 seconds.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout

Command Format

Usage: morpheus [command] [options]
    -e, --exec EXPRESSION            Execute the command(s) expression. This is an alternative to passing [command] [options]
        --noprofile                  Do not read and execute the personal initialization script .morpheus_profile
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -v, --version                    Print the version.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

For more information, see

morpheus access-token

Usage: morpheus access-token [command] [options]

morpheus access-token details

Usage: morpheus access-token details
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print your current authentication credentials.
This contains tokens that should be kept secret. Be careful.

morpheus access-token get

Usage: morpheus access-token get
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print your current access token.
This token should be kept secret. Be careful.

morpheus access-token refresh

Usage: morpheus access-token refresh
    -T, --token TOKEN                Refresh Token to use. The saved credentials are used by default.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Use the refresh token in your saved credentials, or a provided token.
This will replace your current access and refresh tokens with a new values.
Your current access token will be invalidated
All other users or applications with access to your token will need to update to the new token.

morpheus activity

Usage: morpheus activity [command] [options]

morpheus activity list

Usage: morpheus activity list
    -a, --details                    Display more details object id, full date and time, etc.
    -t, --type TYPE                  Activity Type eg. Provisioning, Admin
        --timeframe TIMEFRAME        Timeframe, eg. hour,day,today,yesterday,week,month,3months. Default is month
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start date to search for activity, can be used instead of --timeframe. Default is a month ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              Start date to search for activity. Default is the current time.
    -u, --user USER                  User Name or ID
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List activity.
The default timeframe a month ago up until now, with the most recent activity seen first.
The option --timeframe or --start and --end can be used to customized the date period

morpheus alias

Usage: morpheus alias [command] [options]

Aliases for commands

morpheus alias add

Usage: morpheus alias add [name]='[command]'
    -e, --export                     Export this alias to your .morpheus_profile for future use
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Define a new alias.
[name] is required. This is the alias name. It should be one word.
[command] is required. This is the full command wrapped in quotes.
Aliases can be exported for future use with the -e option.
The `alias add` command can be invoked with `alias [name]=[command]`

    alias cloud=clouds
    alias ij='instances get -j'
    alias new-hosts='hosts list -S id -D'
For more information, see

morpheus alias export

Usage: morpheus alias export [alias] [alias2] [alias3]
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Export an alias, saving it to your .morpheus_profile for future use

morpheus alias list

Usage: morpheus alias list
    -f, --format FORMAT              The format for the output: export, json, list, table (default).
    -e, --export                     Include the '-e' switch after each alias in the output. This implies --format export.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print list of defined aliases.    
Use the --format option to vary output.
The `alias list` command can be abbreviated as just `alias`.
For more information, see

morpheus alias remove

Usage: morpheus alias remove [alias1] [alias2]
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

This is how you remove alias definitions from your .morpheus_profile

morpheus appliance-settings

Usage: morpheus appliance-settings [command] [options]

morpheus appliance-settings get

Usage: morpheus appliance-settings get
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get appliance settings.

morpheus appliance-settings reindex

Usage: morpheus appliance-settings reindex
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Reindex all search data.

morpheus appliance-settings toggle-maintenance

Usage: morpheus appliance-settings toggle-maintenance
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (on) or Disabled (off)
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Toggle maintenance mode.

morpheus appliance-settings update

Usage: morpheus appliance-settings update
        --appliance-url STRING       Appliance URL
        --internal-appliance-url STRING
                                     Internal appliance URL (PXE)
        --api-allowed-origins STRING API allowed origins
        --registration-enabled [on|off]
                                     Tenant registration enabled
        --default-tenant-role ROLE   Default tenant role authority or ID
        --default-user-role ROLE     Default user role authority or ID
        --docker-privileged-mode [on|off]
                                     Docker privileged mode
        --expire-pwd-days NUMBER     Expire password after specified days. Set to 0 to disable this feature
        --disable-after-attempts NUMBER
                                     Disable user after attempts. Set to 0 to disable this feature
        --disable-after-days-inactive NUMBER
                                     Disable user if inactive for specified days. Set to 0 to disable this feature
        --warn-user-days-before NUMBER
                                     Send warning email before deactivating. Set to 0 to disable this feature
        --smtp-from-email STRING     From email address
        --smtp-server STRING         SMTP server / host
        --smtp-port NUMBER           SMTP port
        --smtp-ssl [on|off]          Use SSL for SMTP connections
        --smtp-tls [on|off]          Use TLS for SMTP connections
        --smtp-user STRING           SMTP user
        --smtp-password STRING       SMTP password
        --proxy-host STRING          Proxy host
        --proxy-port NUMBER          Proxy port
        --proxy-user STRING          Proxy user
        --proxy-password STRING      Proxy password
        --proxy-domain STRING        Proxy domain
        --proxy-workstation STRING   Proxy workstation
        --currency-provider STRING   Currency provider
        --currency-key STRING        Currency provider API key
        --enable-all-clouds          Set all cloud types enabled status on, can be used in conjunction with --disable-clouds
        --enable-clouds LIST         List of cloud types to set enabled status on, each item can be either name or ID
        --disable-clouds LIST        List of cloud types to set enabled status off, each item can be either name or ID
        --disable-all-clouds         Set all cloud types enabled status off, can be used in conjunction with --enable-clouds options
        --stats-retainment-period DAYS
                                     Stats retainment period. The number of days stats should be available. Can be 30, 60, or 90.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus approvals

Usage: morpheus approvals [command] [options]

morpheus approvals approve

Usage: morpheus approvals [id]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Approve item.
[id] is required. Approval item ID

morpheus approvals cancel

Usage: morpheus approvals [id]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Cancel item.
[id] is required. Approval item ID

morpheus approvals deny

Usage: morpheus approvals [id]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deny item.
[id] is required. Approval item ID

morpheus approvals get

Usage: morpheus approvals get [approval]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a job.
[approval] is required. Approval ID or name

morpheus approvals list

Usage: morpheus approvals list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List approvals.

morpheus apps

Usage: morpheus apps [command] [options]

View and manage apps.

morpheus apps add

Usage: morpheus apps add [name] [options]
    -b, --blueprint BLUEPRINT        Blueprint Name or ID. The default value is 'existing' which means no blueprint, for creating a blank app and adding existing instances.
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Default Cloud Name or ID.
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --description VALUE          Description
    -e, --environment VALUE          Environment Name
        --validate                   Validate Only. Validates the configuration and skips creating it.
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is running,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new app.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new app. It may also be passed as --name or inside your config.

morpheus apps add-instance

Usage: morpheus apps add-instance [app] [instance] [tier]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add an existing instance to an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.
[tier] is required. This is the name of the tier.

morpheus apps apply

Usage: morpheus apps apply [app] [options]
    -p, --parameter NAME=VALUE       Template parameter name and value
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until execution is complete. Default interval is 5 seconds.
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh
        --no-validate                Do not validate planned changes before apply
        --validate-only              Only validate planned changes, do not execute the apply command.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Apply an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.
This is only supported by certain types of apps such as terraform.
By default this executes two requests to validate and then apply the changes.
The first request corresponds to the terraform plan command only.
Use --no-validate to skip this step apply changes in one step.

morpheus apps apply-security-groups

Usage: morpheus apps apply-security-groups [app] [--clear] [-s]
    -c, --clear                      Clear all security groups
    -s, --secgroups SECGROUPS        Apply the specified comma separated security group ids
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus apps cancel-removal

Usage: morpheus apps cancel-removal [app]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus apps count

Usage: morpheus apps count [options]
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get the number of apps.

morpheus apps get

Usage: morpheus apps get [app]
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is running,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
        --refresh-until STATUS       Refresh until a specified status is reached.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app. Supports 1-N [app] arguments.

morpheus apps history

Usage: morpheus apps history [app]
        --events                     Display sub processes (events).
        --output                     Display process output.
        --details                    Display more details. Shows everything, untruncated.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List historical processes for a specific app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.

morpheus apps list

Usage: morpheus apps list
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by type
        --blueprint BLUEPRINT        Blueprint Name or ID
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
        --pending-removal            Include apps pending removal.
        --pending-removal-only       Only apps pending removal.
        --environment ENV            Filter by environment code (appContext)
        --status STATUS              Filter by status.
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -a, --details                    Display all details: memory and storage usage used / max values.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List apps.

morpheus apps logs

Usage: morpheus apps logs [app]
    -n, --node NODE_ID               Scope logs to specific Container or VM
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start timestamp. Default is 30 days ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End timestamp. Default is now.
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
        --table                      Format ouput as a table.
    -a, --all                        Display all details: entire message.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List logs for an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.

morpheus apps refresh

Usage: morpheus apps refresh [app] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.
This is only supported by certain types of apps.

morpheus apps remove

Usage: morpheus apps remove [app]
        --remove-instances [on|off]  Remove instances. Default is off.
        --preserve-volumes [on|off]  Preserve Volumes. Default is off. Applies to certain types only.
        --keep-backups               Preserve copy of backups
        --release-ips [on|off]       Release Floating IPs. Default is on. Applies to certain types only. Only applies when used with --remove-instances
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.

morpheus apps remove-instance

Usage: morpheus apps remove-instance [app] [instance]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove an instance from an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.

morpheus apps restart

Usage: morpheus apps restart [app]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app. Supports 1-N [app] arguments.

morpheus apps security-groups

Usage: morpheus apps security-groups [app]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus apps start

Usage: morpheus apps start [app]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Start an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app. Supports 1-N [app] arguments.

morpheus apps state

Usage: morpheus apps state [app] [options]
        --data                       Display State Data
        --specs                      Display Spec Templates
        --plan                       Display Plan Data
        --input                      Display Input
        --output                     Display Output
    -a, --all                        Display All Details
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View state of an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.
This is only supported by certain types of apps such as terraform.

morpheus apps stop

Usage: morpheus apps stop [app]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Stop an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app. Supports 1-N [app] arguments.

morpheus apps update

Usage: morpheus apps update [app] [options]
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --description VALUE          Description
        --environment VALUE          Environment
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.

morpheus apps update-wiki

Usage: morpheus apps update-wiki [app] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - The name of the wiki page for this instance. Default is the instance name.
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - The content (markdown) of the wiki page.
        --file FILE                  File containing the wiki content. This can be used instead of --content
        --clear                      Clear current page content
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus apps view

Usage: morpheus apps view [app]
    -w, --wiki                       Open the wiki tab for this app
        --tab VALUE                  Open a specific tab
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View an app in a web browser
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app. Supports 1-N [app] arguments.

morpheus apps wiki

Usage: morpheus apps wiki [app]
        --view                       View wiki page in web browser.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View wiki page details for an app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of an app.

morpheus archives

Usage: morpheus archives [command] [options]

morpheus archives add

Usage: morpheus archives add [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --storageProvider VALUE      Storage Provider ID
        --visibility [private|public]
                                     Visibility determines if read access is restricted to the specified Tenants (Private) or all tenants (Public).
        --accounts LIST              Tenant Accounts (comma separated ids)
        --isPublic [on|off]          Enabling Public URL allows files to be downloaded without any authentication.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new archive bucket.

morpheus archives download

Usage: morpheus archives download [bucket:/path] [local-file]
    -f, --force                      Overwrite existing [local-file] if it exists.
        --mkdir                      Create missing directories for [local-file] if they do not exist.
    -p, --public                     Use Public Download URL instead of Private. The file must be in a public archives.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Download an archive file or directory.
[bucket:/path] is required. This is the name of the bucket and /path the file or folder to be downloaded.
[local-file] is required. This is the full local filepath for the downloaded file.
Directories will be downloaded as a .zip file, so you'll want to specify a [local-file] with a .zip extension.

morpheus archives download-bucket

Usage: morpheus archives download-bucket [bucket] [local-file]
    -f, --force                      Overwrite existing [local-file] if it exists.
    -p, --mkdir                      Create missing directories for [local-file] if they do not exist.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Download an entire archive bucket as a .zip file.
[bucket] is required. This is the name of the bucket.
[local-file] is required. This is the full local filepath for the downloaded file.
Buckets are be downloaded as a .zip file, so you'll want to specify a [local-file] with a .zip extension.

morpheus archives file

Usage: morpheus archives file [bucket:/path]
    -L, --all-links                  Display all links instead of only 10.
        --all-history                Display all history instead of only 10.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an archive file.
[bucket:/path] is required. This is the name of the bucket and /path the file or folder to be fetched.
[id] can be passed instead of [bucket:/path]. This is the numeric File ID.

morpheus archives file-history

Usage: morpheus archives file-history [bucket:/path]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List history log events for an archive file.

morpheus archives get

Usage: morpheus archives get [bucket:/path]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display archive bucket details and files.
The [bucket] component of the argument is the name or id of an archive bucket.
The [:/path] component is optional and can be used to display files under a sub-directory.

morpheus archives list

Usage: morpheus archives list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List archive buckets.

morpheus archives list-files

Usage: morpheus archives list-files [bucket:/path]
    -a, --all                        Show all files, including subdirectories under the /path.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List files in an archive bucket.
Include [/path] to show files under a directory.

morpheus archives ls

Usage: morpheus archives ls [bucket/path]
    -a, --all                        Show all files, including subdirectories under the /path.
    -l, --long                       Lists files in the long format, which contains lots of useful information, e.g. the exact size of the file, the file type, and when it was last modified.
        --human                      Humanized file sizes. The default is just the number of bytes.
    -1, --oneline                    One file per line. The default delimiter is a single space.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print filenames for a given archive location.
Pass archive location in the format bucket/path.

morpheus archives read

Usage: morpheus archives read [bucket:/path]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print the contents of an archive file.
[bucket:/path] is required. This is the name of the bucket and /path the file or folder to be downloaded.
Confirmation is needed if the specified file is more than 1KB.
This confirmation can be skipped with the -y option.

morpheus archives remove

Usage: morpheus archives remove [bucket]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus archives remove-file

Usage: morpheus archives remove-file [bucket:/path]
    -R, --recursive                  Delete a directory and all of its files. This must be passed if specifying a directory.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an archive file or directory.

morpheus archives rm

Usage: morpheus archives remove-file [bucket:/path]
    -R, --recursive                  Delete a directory and all of its files. This must be passed if specifying a directory.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an archive file or directory.

morpheus archives update

Usage: morpheus archives update [bucket] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --payload-file FILE          JSON Payload from a local file
        --visibility [private|public]
                                     Visibility determines if read access is restricted to the specified Tenants (Private) or all tenants (Public).
        --accounts LIST              Tenant Accounts (comma separated ids)
        --isPublic [on|off]          Enabling Public URL allows files to be downloaded without any authentication.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing archive bucket.

morpheus archives upload

Usage: morpheus archives upload [local-file] [bucket:/path]
    -R, --recursive                  Upload a directory and all of its files. This must be passed if [local-file] is a directory.
        --ignore-files PATTERN       Pattern of files to be ignored when uploading a directory.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Upload a local file or folder to an archive bucket.
The first argument [local-file] should be the path of a local file or directory.
The second argument [bucket:/path] should contain the bucket name.
The [:/path] component is optional and can be used to specify the destination of the uploaded file or folder.
The default destination is the same name as the [local-file], under the root bucket directory '/'.
This will overwrite any existing remote files that match the destination /path.

morpheus backup-services

Usage: morpheus backup-services [command] [options]

View and manage backup services.

morpheus backup-services add

Usage: morpheus backup-services add [name]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Backup Service Type
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new backup service.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new backup service.

morpheus backup-services get

Usage: morpheus backup-services get [backup service]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a backup service.
[backup service] is required. This is the name or id of a backup service.

morpheus backup-services list

Usage: morpheus backup-services list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List backup services.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus backup-services remove

Usage: morpheus backup-services remove [backup service]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing backup service.
[backup service] is required. This is the name or id of a backup service.

morpheus backup-services update

Usage: morpheus backup-services update [backup service] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing backup service.
[backup service] is required. This is the name or id of a backup service.

morpheus backup-settings

Usage: morpheus backup-settings [command] [options]

morpheus backup-settings get

Usage: morpheus backup-settings get
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get backup settings.

morpheus backup-settings update

Usage: morpheus backup-settings update
    -a, --active [on|off]            Can be used to enable / disable the scheduled backups. Default is on
        --create-backups [on|off]    Can be used to enable / disable create backups. Default is on
        --backup-appliance [on|off]  Can be use to enable / disable backup appliance. Default is on
    -b, --bucket BUCKET              Default storage bucket name or ID
        --clear-bucket               Use this flag to clear default backup bucket
    -u, --update-existing            Use this flag to update existing backups with new settings
    -s, --backup-schedule ID         Backup schedule type ID
        --clear-schedule             Use this flag to clear default backup schedule
    -R, --retention NUMBER           Maximum number of successful backups to retain
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update your backup settings.

morpheus backups

Usage: morpheus backups [command] [options]

View and manage backups

morpheus backups add

Usage: morpheus backups add [name] [options]
        --source VALUE               Backup Source: instance, host or provider
        --instance VALUE             Instance Name or ID
        --host VALUE                 Host Name or ID
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
        --payloads PATH              Payload(s) from one or more local JSON or YAML files, skip all prompting and execute the request 1-N times, once for each file. PATH can be a directory or a file pattern.
        --ignore-payload-errors      Continue processing any remaining payloads if an error occurs. The default behavior is to stop processing when an error occurs.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new backup.

morpheus backups add-job

Usage: morpheus backups add-job [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --code VALUE                 Code (optional)
        --retentionCount NUMBER      Retention Count (optional)
        --scheduleId VALUE           Schedule (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new backup job

morpheus backups execute

Usage: morpheus backups execute [backup] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute a backup to create a new backup result.
[backup] is required. This is the name or id of a backup.

morpheus backups execute-job

Usage: morpheus backups execute-job [job]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute a backup job to create a new backup result for all the backups in the job.
[job] is required. This is the name or id of a backup job.

morpheus backups get

Usage: morpheus backups get [backup]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific backup.
[backup] is required. This is the name or id of a backup.

morpheus backups get-job

Usage: morpheus backups get-job [job]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific backup job.
[job] is required. This is the id or name a backup job.

morpheus backups get-restore

Usage: morpheus backups get-restore [restore]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific backup restore.
[restore] is required. This is the id of a backup restore.

morpheus backups get-result

Usage: morpheus backups get-result [result]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific backup result.
[result] is required. This is the id of a backup result.

morpheus backups list

Usage: morpheus backups list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List backups.

morpheus backups list-jobs

Usage: morpheus backups list-jobs [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List backup jobs.

morpheus backups list-restores

Usage: morpheus backups list-restores [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List backup restores.

morpheus backups list-results

Usage: morpheus backups list-results [search]
        --backup BACKUP              Backup Name or ID
        --instance INSTANCE          Instance Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List backup results.

morpheus backups remove

Usage: morpheus backups remove [backup] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a backup.
[backup] is required. This is the name or id of a backup.

morpheus backups remove-job

Usage: morpheus backups remove-job [job]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a backup job.
[job] is required. This is the name or id of a backup job.

morpheus backups remove-restore

Usage: morpheus backups remove-restore [restore]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a backup restore.
[restore] is required. This is the id of a backup restore.

morpheus backups remove-result

Usage: morpheus backups remove-result [result]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a backup result.
[result] is required. This is the id of a backup result.

morpheus backups restore

Usage: morpheus backups restore [backup] [result] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --result ID                  Backup Result ID that is being restored
        --restore-instance existing|new
                                     Instance being targeted for the restore, existing to restore the current instance or new to create a new instance. The current instance is targeted by default.

Restore a backup, replacing the existing target with the specified backup result.
[backup] is required. This is the name or id of a backup.
--result ID is required. This is the id of a backup result being restored.

morpheus backups update

Usage: morpheus backups update [backup] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --jobId VALUE                Backup Job (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a backup.
[backup] is required. This is the name or id of a backup.

morpheus backups update-job

Usage: morpheus backups update-job [job]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --code VALUE                 Code (optional)
        --retentionCount NUMBER      Retention Count (optional)
        --scheduleId VALUE           Schedule (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a backup job.
[job] is required. This is the name or id of a backup job.

morpheus benchmark

Usage: morpheus benchmark [command] [options]
	exec	Benchmark a specified command or expression.
	off	Disable global benchmarking.
	off?	Print the value of the global benchmark setting. Exit 0 if off.
	on	Enable global benchmarking.
	on?	Print the value of the global benchmark setting. Exit 0 if on.
	start	Start recording a benchmark.
	status	Print status of benchmark.
	stop	Stop recording a benchmark.

morpheus benchmark exec

Usage: morpheus benchmark exec [command...]
    -n, --iterations NUMBER          Number of iterations to run. The default is 1.
        --name NAME                  Name for the benchmark. Default is the command itself.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Benchmark a specified command or expression.
[command] is required. This is the command to execute

morpheus benchmark off

Usage: morpheus benchmark off
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Disable global benchmarking.
The default state for this setting is off.

morpheus benchmark off?

Usage: morpheus benchmark off?
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print the value of the global benchmark setting. Exit 0 if off.
Exit 0 if off.

morpheus benchmark on

Usage: morpheus benchmark on
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Enable global benchmarking.
This behaves the same as if you were to add the -B switch to every command.

morpheus benchmark on?

Usage: morpheus benchmark on?
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print the value of the global benchmark setting. Exit 0 if on.
Exit 0 if on.

morpheus benchmark start

Usage: morpheus benchmark start [name]
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Start recording a benchmark.
[name] is required. This is just a name for the routine.
This allows you to record how long it takes to run a series of commands.
Just run `benchmark stop` when you are finished.

morpheus benchmark status

Usage: morpheus benchmark status [name]
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print status of benchmark.
[name] is optional. This is the name of the benchmark to inspect.
The last benchmark is used by default.

morpheus benchmark stop

Usage: morpheus benchmark stop [name]
        --exit CODE                  Exit code to end benchmark with. Default is 0 to indicate success.
        --error ERROR                Error message to include with a benchmark that failed.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Stop recording a benchmark.
[name] is optional. This is the name of the benchmark to stop.
The last benchmark is used by default.

morpheus blueprints

Usage: morpheus blueprints [command] [options]

morpheus blueprints add

Usage: morpheus blueprints add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name - Enter a name for this app
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --category VALUE             Category (optional)
    -t, --type TYPE                  Blueprint Type. Default is morpheus.
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new blueprint.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new blueprint.

morpheus blueprints add-instance

Usage: morpheus blueprints add-instance [blueprint] [tier] [instance-type]
        --name VALUE                 Instance Name
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a blueprint, adding an instance.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.
[tier] is required and will be prompted for. This is the name of the tier.
[instance-type] is required and will be prompted for. This is the type of instance.

morpheus blueprints add-instance-config

Usage: morpheus blueprints add-instance-config [blueprint] [tier] [instance]
    -g, --group GROUP                Group
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud
    -e, --env ENVIRONMENT            Environment
        --name VALUE                 Instance Name
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a blueprint, adding an instance config.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.
[tier] is required. This is the name of the tier.
[instance] is required. This is the type of instance.

morpheus blueprints add-tier

Usage: morpheus blueprints add-tier [blueprint] [tier]
        --name VALUE                 Tier Name
        --bootOrder NUMBER           Boot Order
        --linkedTiers x,y,z          Connected Tiers.
        --tierIndex NUMBER           Tier Index. Used for Display Order
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus blueprints available-tiers

Usage: morpheus blueprints available-tiers
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus blueprints connect-tiers

Usage: morpheus blueprints connect-tiers [blueprint] [Tier1] [Tier2]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus blueprints disconnect-tiers

Usage: morpheus blueprints disconnect-tiers [blueprint] [Tier1] [Tier2]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus blueprints duplicate

Usage: morpheus blueprints duplicate [blueprint] [new name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Duplicate a blueprint.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.
[new name] is required. This is the name for the clone.

morpheus blueprints get

Usage: morpheus blueprints get [blueprint]
    -c, --config                     Display raw config only. Default is YAML. Combine with -j for JSON instead.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a blueprint.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus blueprints list

Usage: morpheus blueprints list
    -t, --type CODE                  Blueprint Type
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List blueprints.

morpheus blueprints remove

Usage: morpheus blueprints remove [blueprint]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a blueprint.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.

morpheus blueprints remove-instance

Usage: morpheus blueprints remove-instance [blueprint] [tier] [instance]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a blueprint, removing a specified instance.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.
[tier] is required. This is the name of the tier.
[instance] is required. This is the instance identifier, which may be the type, the name, or the index starting with 0.

morpheus blueprints remove-instance-config

Usage: morpheus blueprints remove-instance-config [blueprint] [tier] [instance] -g GROUP -c CLOUD
    -g, --group GROUP                Group
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud
    -e, --env ENV                    Environment
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a blueprint, removing a specified instance config.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.
[tier] is required. This is the name of the tier.
[instance] is required. This is the instance identifier, which may be the type, the name, or the index starting with 0.
The config scope is specified with the -g GROUP, -c CLOUD and -e ENV. The -g and -c options are required.

morpheus blueprints remove-tier

Usage: morpheus blueprints remove-tier [blueprint] [tier]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus blueprints types

Usage: morpheus blueprints types
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List blueprint types.

morpheus blueprints update

Usage: morpheus blueprints update [blueprint] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Enter a name for this app
        --category VALUE             Category (optional)
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a blueprint.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.

morpheus blueprints update-permissions

Usage: morpheus blueprints update-permissions [blueprint] [options]
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --visibility [private|public]
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Enter a name for this app
        --category VALUE             Category (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a blueprint permissions.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.

morpheus blueprints update-tier

Usage: morpheus blueprints update-tier [blueprint] [tier]
        --name VALUE                 Tier Name
        --bootOrder NUMBER           Boot Order
        --linkedTiers x,y,z          Connected Tiers
        --tierIndex NUMBER           Tier Index. Used for Display Order
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus blueprints upload-image

Usage: morpheus blueprints upload-image [blueprint] [file]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Upload an image file to be used as the icon for a blueprint.
[blueprint] is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.
[file] is required. This is the local path of a file to upload [png|jpg|svg].

morpheus budgets

Usage: morpheus budgets [command] [options]

morpheus budgets add

Usage: morpheus budgets add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --scope VALUE                Scope. Default: account
        --tenant VALUE               Tenant
        --user VALUE                 User
        --group VALUE                Group
        --cloud VALUE                Cloud
        --year VALUE                 Period - The period (year) the budget applies, YYYY or 'custom' to enter Start Date and End Date manually. Default: 2024
        --startDate VALUE            Start Date - The Start Date for custom period budget eg. 2021-01-01
        --endDate VALUE              End Date - The End Date for custom period budget eg. 2023-12-31 (must be 1, 2 or 3 years from Start Date)
        --interval VALUE             Interval - The budget interval, determines cost amounts: "year", "quarter" or "month". Default: year VALUE      Forecast Model (optional) - The budget forcecast model type, determines projected cost calculations.
        --costs LIST                 Budget cost amounts, one for each interval in the budget. eg "350" for one year, "25,25,25,100" for quarters, and "10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,50" for each month
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable a policy
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a budget.
The default period is the current year, eg. "2024"
and the default interval is "year".
Costs can be passed as an array of values, one for each interval. eg. --costs "[999]"

budgets add example-budget --interval "year" --costs "[2500]"
budgets add example-qtr-budget --interval "quarter" --costs "[500,500,500,1000]"
budgets add example-monthly-budget --interval "month" --costs "[400,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,400,800]"
budgets add example-future-budget --year "2022" --interval "year" --costs "[5000]"
budgets add example-custom-budget --year "custom" --interval "year" --start "2021-01-01" --end "2023-12-31" --costs "[2500,5000,10000]"

morpheus budgets get

Usage: morpheus budgets get [budget]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a budget.
[budget] is required. Budget ID or name

morpheus budgets list

Usage: morpheus budgets list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List budgets.

morpheus budgets remove

Usage: morpheus budgets remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete budget.
[budget] is required. Budget ID or name

morpheus budgets update

Usage: morpheus budgets update [budget] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --scope VALUE                Scope (optional)
        --tenant VALUE               Tenant (optional)
        --user VALUE                 User (optional)
        --group VALUE                Group (optional)
        --cloud VALUE                Cloud (optional)
        --year VALUE                 Period (optional) - The period (year) the budget applies, YYYY or 'custom' to enter Start Date and End Date manually
        --startDate VALUE            Start Date (optional) - The Start Date for custom period budget eg. 2021-01-01
        --endDate VALUE              End Date (optional) - The End Date for custom period budget eg. 2023-12-31 (must be 1, 2 or 3 years from Start Date)
        --interval VALUE             Interval (optional) - The budget interval, determines cost amounts: "year", "quarter" or "month" VALUE      Forecast Model (optional) - The budget forcecast model type, determines projected cost calculations.
        --costs COSTS                Budget cost amounts, one for each interval in the budget. eg. [999]
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable a policy
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a budget.
[budget] is required. Budget ID or name

morpheus catalog

Usage: morpheus catalog [command] [options]

Service Catalog Persona: View catalog and manage inventory

morpheus catalog add

Usage: morpheus catalog add [type] [options]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Catalog Item Type Name or ID
        --quantity QUANTITY          Quantity for this catalog item. Will be overridden to 1 if quantity not allowed.
        --validate                   Validate Only. Validates the configuration and skips adding the item.
        --context [instance|server]  Context Type for operational workflow types
        --target ID                  Target Resource (Instance or Server) for operational workflow types
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
        --payloads PATH              Payload(s) from one or more local JSON or YAML files, skip all prompting and execute the request 1-N times, once for each file. PATH can be a directory or a file pattern.
        --ignore-payload-errors      Continue processing any remaining payloads if an error occurs. The default behavior is to stop processing when an error occurs.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add an item to your cart
[type] is required, this is name or id of a catalog item type.
Catalog item types may require additional configuration.

morpheus catalog add-order

Usage: morpheus catalog add-order [type] [options]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Catalog Item Type Name or ID
        --quantity QUANTITY          Quantity for this catalog item. Will be overridden to 1 if quantity not allowed.
        --validate                   Validate Only. Validates the configuration and skips creating the order.
    -a, --details                    Display all details: item configuration.
        --context [instance|server]  Context Type for operational workflow types
        --target ID                  Target Resource (Instance or Server) for operational workflow types
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
        --payloads PATH              Payload(s) from one or more local JSON or YAML files, skip all prompting and execute the request 1-N times, once for each file. PATH can be a directory or a file pattern.
        --ignore-payload-errors      Continue processing any remaining payloads if an error occurs. The default behavior is to stop processing when an error occurs.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Place an order for new inventory.
This allows creating a new order without using the cart.
The order must contain one or more items, each with a valid type and configuration.
By default the order is placed right away.
Use the --validate option to validate and review the order without actually placing it.

morpheus catalog cart

Usage: morpheus catalog cart
    -a, --details                    Display all details: item configuration.
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details of current cart and the items in it.
Exits non-zero if cart is empty.

morpheus catalog checkout

Usage: morpheus catalog checkout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Checkout to complete your cart and place an order.

morpheus catalog clear-cart

Usage: morpheus catalog clear-cart --name [name]
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Clear your cart.
This will empty the cart, deleting all items.

morpheus catalog dashboard

Usage: morpheus catalog dashboard
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View service catalog dashboard.
Provides an overview of available catalog item types, recent orders and inventory.

morpheus catalog get

Usage: morpheus catalog get [item]
    -c, --config                     Display raw config only. Default is YAML. Combine with -j for JSON instead.
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific catalog inventory item.
[item] is required. This is the name or id of a catalog inventory item.

morpheus catalog get-type

Usage: morpheus catalog get-type [name]
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific catalog item type.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a catalog item type.

morpheus catalog list

Usage: morpheus catalog list [search]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Catalog Item Type Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List catalog inventory.

morpheus catalog list-types

Usage: morpheus catalog list-types [search]
        --featured [on|off]          Filter by featured
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List available catalog item types.

morpheus catalog remove

Usage: morpheus catalog remove [item] [options]
        --remove-instances [true|false]
                                     Remove instances. Default is true. Applies to apps only.
        --keep-backups [true|false]  Preserve copy of backups. Default is false.
        --preserve-volumes [on|off]  Preserve Volumes. Default is off. Applies to certain types only.
        --release-ips [on|off]       Release Floating IPs. Default is on. Applies to certain types only.
        --releaseEIPs [on|off]       Alias for Release Floating IPs
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a catalog inventory item.
This removes the item from the inventory and deprovisions the associated instance(s).
[item] is required. This is the name or id of a catalog inventory item.

morpheus catalog remove-cart-item

Usage: morpheus catalog remove-cart-item [id]
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an item from the cart.
[id] is required. This is the id of a cart item (also matches on type)

morpheus catalog update-cart

Usage: morpheus catalog update-cart --name [name]
        --name [NAME]                Set an optional name for your catalog order
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits to display for prices (currency). Default is 4.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
        --payloads PATH              Payload(s) from one or more local JSON or YAML files, skip all prompting and execute the request 1-N times, once for each file. PATH can be a directory or a file pattern.
        --ignore-payload-errors      Continue processing any remaining payloads if an error occurs. The default behavior is to stop processing when an error occurs.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update your cart settings, such as name.

morpheus catalog-item-types

Usage: morpheus catalog-item-types [command] [options]

View and manage catalog item types

morpheus catalog-item-types add

Usage: morpheus catalog-item-types add [name] [options]
    -t, --type VALUE                 Type. Default: instance
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --code VALUE                 Code (optional)
        --category VALUE             Category (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional). Default: true
        --featured [on|off]          Featured (optional)
        --allowQuantity [on|off]     Allow Quantity (optional)
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility. Default: private
        --layoutCode VALUE           Layout Code (optional)
        --iconPath VALUE             Logo (optional)
        --config VALUE               Config - JSON or YAML
        --workflowConfig VALUE       Config (optional) - Enter configuration for the Workflow
        --blueprint VALUE            Blueprint - Choose a blueprint to apply to the catalog item.
        --appSpec VALUE              App Spec - Enter a spec in the for the App, the Scribe YAML format
        --workflow VALUE             Workflow - Enter a spec in the for the App, the Scribe YAML format
        --context VALUE              Context Type (optional) - Context for operational workflow, determines target type. Default: Select
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - Wiki Page Content describing the catalog item
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --logo FILE                  Upload a custom logo icon
        --dark-logo FILE             Upload a custom dark logo icon
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --form-type form|optionTypes Form Type determines if input comes from a Form or list of Option Types
        --form FORM                  Form Name or ID
        --option-types [x,y,z]       List of Option Type IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new catalog item type.

morpheus catalog-item-types get

Usage: morpheus catalog-item-types get [type]
    -c, --config                     Display raw config only.
        --no-content                 Do not display Content.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific catalog item type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of a catalog item type.

morpheus catalog-item-types list

Usage: morpheus catalog-item-types list [search]
        --enabled [on|off]           Filter by enabled
        --featured [on|off]          Filter by featured
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
        --code CODE                  Filter by code
    -c, --category CATEGORY          Filter by category
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List catalog item types.

morpheus catalog-item-types remove

Usage: morpheus catalog-item-types remove [type] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a catalog item type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of a catalog item type.

morpheus catalog-item-types update

Usage: morpheus catalog-item-types update [type] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --code VALUE                 Code (optional)
        --category VALUE             Category (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional)
        --featured [on|off]          Featured (optional)
        --allowQuantity [on|off]     Allow Quantity (optional)
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional)
        --layoutCode VALUE           Layout Code (optional)
        --iconPath VALUE             Logo (optional)
        --config VALUE               Config (optional) - JSON or YAML
        --workflowConfig VALUE       Config (optional) - Enter configuration for the Workflow
        --blueprint VALUE            Blueprint (optional) - Choose a blueprint to apply to the catalog item.
        --appSpec VALUE              App Spec (optional) - Enter a spec in the for the App, the Scribe YAML format
        --workflow VALUE             Workflow (optional) - Enter a spec in the for the App, the Scribe YAML format
        --context VALUE              Context Type (optional) - Context for operational workflow, determines target type
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - Wiki Page Content describing the catalog item
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --form-type form|optionTypes Form Type determines if input comes from a Form or list of Option Types
        --form FORM                  Form Name or ID
        --option-types [x,y,z]       List of Option Type IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a catalog item type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of a catalog item type.

morpheus certificates

Usage: morpheus certificates [command] [options]

Certificates: View and manage SSL certificates.

morpheus certificates add

Usage: morpheus certificates add [name] -t CODE [options]
    -t, --type VALUE                 Type - Certificate Type code, see `certificates list-types` for available type codes. Default: internal
        --name VALUE                 Name - Name of the certificate
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description of the certificate
        --domainName VALUE           Domain Name (optional) - Domain Name of the certificate
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new certificate.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new certificate
Configuration options vary by certificate type.

morpheus certificates get

Usage: morpheus certificates get [certificate]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific certificate.
[certificate] is required. This is the name or id of a certificate.

morpheus certificates get-type

Usage: morpheus certificates get-type [type]
        --optionTypes [true|false]   Include optionTypes in the response. Default is true.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific certificate type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of a certificate type.

morpheus certificates list

Usage: morpheus certificates list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List certificates.

morpheus certificates list-types

Usage: morpheus certificates list-types [search]
        --optionTypes [true|false]   Include optionTypes in the response. Default is false.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List certificate types.

morpheus certificates remove

Usage: morpheus certificates remove [certificate] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a certificate.
[certificate] is required. This is the name or id of a certificate.

morpheus certificates update

Usage: morpheus certificates update [certificate] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Name of the certificate
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description of the certificate
        --domainName VALUE           Domain Name (optional) - Domain Name of the certificate
        --no-refresh                 Skip refresh on update.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a certificate.
[certificate] is required. This is the name or id of a certificate.

morpheus clients

Usage: morpheus clients [command] [options]

View and manage Oath Clients

morpheus clients add

Usage: morpheus clients add [clientId] [options]
        --clientId VALUE             Client Id
        --clientSecret VALUE         Client Secret (optional)
        --accessTokenValiditySeconds NUMBER
                                     Access Token Validity Length (Seconds). Default: 43200
        --refreshTokenValiditySeconds NUMBER
                                     Refresh Token Validity Length (Seconds). Default: 43200
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add New Oauth Client Record.

morpheus clients get

Usage: morpheus clients get [client]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an oath client.
[client] is required. This is the name or id of a client.

morpheus clients list

Usage: morpheus clients list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List Oauth Clients.

morpheus clients remove

Usage: morpheus clients remove [clientId]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deletes Oauth Client.

morpheus clients update

Usage: morpheus clients update [clientId] [options]
        --clientId VALUE             Client Id
        --accessTokenValiditySeconds NUMBER
                                     Access Token Validity Length (Seconds). Default: 43200
        --refreshTokenValiditySeconds NUMBER
                                     Refresh Token Validity Length (Seconds). Default: 43200
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update Oauth Client Record.

morpheus clouds

Usage: morpheus clouds [command] [options]

morpheus clouds add

Usage: morpheus clouds add [name] --group GROUP --type TYPE
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name
    -t, --type TYPE                  Cloud Type
        --description DESCRIPTION    Description (optional)
        --certificate-provider CODE  Certificate Provider. Default is 'internal'
        --costing-mode VALUE         Costing Mode can be off,costing,full, Default is off.
        --credential VALUE           Credential ID or "local"
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clouds apply-security-groups

Usage: morpheus clouds apply-security-groups [name] [-s] [--clear]
    -c, --clear                      Clear all security groups
    -s, --secgroups SECGROUPS        Apply the specified comma separated security group ids
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clouds count

Usage: morpheus clouds count [options]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get the number of clouds.

morpheus clouds get

Usage: morpheus clouds get [name]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a cloud.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a cloud.

morpheus clouds list

Usage: morpheus clouds list
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name
    -t, --type TYPE                  Cloud Type
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List clouds.

morpheus clouds refresh

Usage: morpheus clouds refresh [cloud] [options]
    -m, --mode [daily|costing]       Refresh Mode. Use this to run the daily or costing jobs instead of the default hourly refresh.
        --rebuild [on|off]           Rebuild invoices for period. Only applies to mode=costing.
        --period PERIOD              Period in the format YYYYMM to process invoices for. Default is the current period. Only applies to mode=costing.
    -f, --force                      Force refresh. Useful if the cloud is disabled.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh a cloud.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of a cloud.

morpheus clouds remove

Usage: morpheus clouds remove [name]
        --remove-resources [on|off]  Remove Associated Resources. Default is off.
    -f, --force                      Force Remove
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clouds security-groups

Usage: morpheus clouds security-groups [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clouds type

Usage: morpheus clouds type [type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a cloud type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of cloud type.

morpheus clouds types

Usage: morpheus clouds types [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List cloud types.

morpheus clouds update

Usage: morpheus clouds update [name] [options]
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --costing-mode VALUE         Costing Mode can be off, costing, or full. Default is off.
        --credential VALUE           Credential ID or "local"
        --default-cloud-logos        Reset logos to default cloud logos, removing any custom logo and dark logo
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clouds update-wiki

Usage: morpheus clouds update-wiki [cloud] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - The name of the wiki page for this instance. Default is the instance name.
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - The content (markdown) of the wiki page.
        --file FILE                  File containing the wiki content. This can be used instead of --content
        --clear                      Clear current page content
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clouds wiki

Usage: morpheus clouds wiki [cloud]
        --view                       View wiki page in web browser.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View wiki page details for a cloud.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of a cloud.

morpheus clusters

Usage: morpheus clusters [command] [options]

morpheus clusters add

Usage: morpheus clusters add [name]
        --name NAME                  Cluster Name
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --resource-name NAME         Resource Name
        --tags LIST                  Metadata tags in the format 'ping=pong,flash=bang' (sets server tags only)
        --labels [LIST]              Labels (sets both cluster and server)
        --resource-labels [LIST]     Resource Labels (override server labels)
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -t, --cluster-type TYPE          Cluster Type Name or ID
    -l, --layout LAYOUT              Layout Name or ID
        --visibility [private|public]
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is provisioned,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
        --workflow ID                Workflow
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --resource-pool ID           ID of the Resource Pool for Amazon VPC and Azure Resource Group
    -p, --plan PLAN                  Service Plan
    -n, --worker-count VALUE         Worker / host count
        --max-memory VALUE           Maximum Memory (MB)
        --cpu-count VALUE            CPU Count
        --core-count VALUE           Core Count
        --cores-per-socket VALUE     Cores Per Socket
        --volumes JSON               Volumes Config JSON
        --volumes-file FILE          Volumes Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --config-file FILE           Instance Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --network-interfaces JSON    Network Interfaces Config JSON
        --network-interfaces-file FILE
                                     Network Interfaces Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --security-groups LIST       Security Groups
        --create-user on|off         User Config: Create Your User. Default is off
        --user-group USERGROUP       User Config: User Group
        --domain VALUE               Network Domain ID
        --hostname VALUE             Hostname
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a cluster.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new cluster.

morpheus clusters add-namespace

Usage: morpheus clusters add-namespace [cluster] [name] [options]
        --name NAME                  Name of the new namespace
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --active [on|off]            Enable namespace
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --plan-access-all [on|off]   Toggle Access for all service plans.
        --plan-access LIST           Service Plan Access, comma separated list of plan IDs.
        --plan-defaults LIST         Plan Default Selection, comma separated list of plan IDs
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a cluster namespace.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new namespace.

morpheus clusters add-worker

Usage: morpheus clusters add-worker [cluster] [options]
        --name NAME                  Name of the new worker
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --tags LIST                  Metadata tags in the format 'ping=pong,flash=bang'
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --resource-pool ID           ID of the Resource Pool for Amazon VPC and Azure Resource Group
    -p, --plan PLAN                  Service Plan
    -n, --worker-count VALUE         Worker / host count
        --max-memory VALUE           Maximum Memory (MB)
        --cpu-count VALUE            CPU Count
        --core-count VALUE           Core Count
        --cores-per-socket VALUE     Cores Per Socket
        --volumes JSON               Volumes Config JSON
        --volumes-file FILE          Volumes Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --config-file FILE           Instance Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --network-interfaces JSON    Network Interfaces Config JSON
        --network-interfaces-file FILE
                                     Network Interfaces Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --security-groups LIST       Security Groups
        --create-user on|off         User Config: Create Your User. Default is off
        --user-group USERGROUP       User Config: User Group
        --domain VALUE               Network Domain ID
        --hostname VALUE             Hostname
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add worker to a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new worker.

morpheus clusters api-config

Usage: morpheus clusters api-config [cluster]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display API service settings for a cluster.

morpheus clusters apply-template

Usage: morpheus clusters apply-template [cluster] --specTemplate --serviceUrl
        --specTemplate [TEXT]        Name or ID of desired Spec Template to apply to cluster
        --serviceUrl [TEXT]          Url of template to apply to Cluster
        --specYaml [TEXT]            Yaml to apply to Cluster
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Apply a Template to a Cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters count

Usage: morpheus clusters count [options]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get the number of clusters.

morpheus clusters get

Usage: morpheus clusters get [id]
        --hosts                      Display masters and workers
        --masters                    Display masters
        --workers                    Display workers
        --permissions                Display permissions
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is provisioned,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
        --refresh-until STATUS       Refresh until a specified status is reached.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a cluster.

morpheus clusters get-datastore

Usage: morpheus clusters get-datastore [cluster] [datastore]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a cluster datastore.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[datastore] is required. This is the name or id of an existing datastore.

morpheus clusters get-namespace

Usage: morpheus clusters get-namespace [cluster] [namespace]
        --permissions                Display permissions
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a cluster namespace.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[namespace] is required. This is the name or id of an existing namespace.

morpheus clusters history

Usage: morpheus clusters history [cluster]
        --events                     Display sub processes (events).
        --output                     Display process output.
        --details                    Display more details: memory and storage usage used / max values.
        --process-id ID              Display details about a specfic process only.
        --event-id ID                Display details about a specfic process event only.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List historical processes for a specific cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an cluster.

morpheus clusters history-details

Usage: morpheus clusters history-details [cluster] [process-id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display history details for a specific process.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of a cluster.
[process-id] is required. This is the id of the process.

morpheus clusters history-event

Usage: morpheus clusters history-event [cluster] [event-id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display history details for a specific process event.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an cluster.
[event-id] is required. This is the id of the process event.

morpheus clusters list

Usage: morpheus clusters list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List clusters.

morpheus clusters list-containers

Usage: morpheus clusters list-containers [cluster]
        --resource-level LEVEL       Resource Level
        --worker WORKER              Worker
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List containers for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-datastores

Usage: morpheus clusters list-datastores [cluster]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List datastores for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-deployments

Usage: morpheus clusters list-deployments [cluster]
        --resource-level LEVEL       Resource Level
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List deployments for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-jobs

Usage: morpheus clusters list-jobs [cluster]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List jobs for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-masters

Usage: morpheus clusters list-masters [cluster]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List masters for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-namespaces

Usage: morpheus clusters list-namespaces [cluster]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List namespaces for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-pods

Usage: morpheus clusters list-pods [cluster]
        --resource-level LEVEL       Resource Level
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List pods for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-services

Usage: morpheus clusters list-services [cluster]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List services for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-stateful-sets

Usage: morpheus clusters list-stateful-sets [cluster]
        --resource-level LEVEL       Resource Level
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List statefulsets for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-volumes

Usage: morpheus clusters list-volumes [cluster]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List volumes for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters list-workers

Usage: morpheus clusters list-workers [cluster]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List workers for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters logs

Usage: morpheus clusters logs [cluster]
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start timestamp. Default is 30 days ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End timestamp. Default is now.
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
        --table                      Format ouput as a table.
    -a, --all                        Display all details: entire message.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clusters refresh

Usage: morpheus clusters refresh [id]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh cluster.

morpheus clusters remove

Usage: morpheus clusters remove [cluster]
        --remove-resources [on|off]  Remove Infrastructure. Default is on.
        --preserve-volumes [on|off]  Preserve Volumes. Default is off.
        --remove-instances [on|off]  Remove Associated Instances. Default is off.
        --release-eips [on|off]      Release EIPs, default is on. Amazon only.
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters remove-container

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-container [cluster] [container]
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a container within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[container] is required. This is the name or id of an existing container.

morpheus clusters remove-deployment

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-deployment [cluster] [deployment]
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a deployment within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of an existing deployment.

morpheus clusters remove-job

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-job [cluster] [job]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a job within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[job] is required. This is the name or id of an existing job.

morpheus clusters remove-namespace

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-namespace [cluster] [namespace]
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a namespace within a cluster.

morpheus clusters remove-pod

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-pod [cluster] [pod]
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a pod within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[pod] is required. This is the name or id of an existing pod.

morpheus clusters remove-service

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-service [cluster] [service]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a service within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[service] is required. This is the name or id of an existing service.

morpheus clusters remove-stateful-set

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-stateful-set [cluster] [statefulset]
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a statefulset within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[statefulset] is required. This is the name or id of an existing statefulset.

morpheus clusters remove-volume

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-volume [cluster] [volume]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a volume within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[volume] is required. This is the name or id of an existing volume.

morpheus clusters remove-worker

Usage: morpheus clusters remove-worker [cluster] [worker]
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a worker from a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[worker] is required. This is the name or (server) id of an existing worker.

morpheus clusters restart-container

Usage: morpheus clusters restart-container [cluster] [container]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart a container within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[container] is required. This is the name or id of an existing container.

morpheus clusters restart-deployment

Usage: morpheus clusters restart-deployment [cluster] [deployment]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart a deployment within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of an existing deployment.

morpheus clusters restart-pod

Usage: morpheus clusters restart-pod [cluster] [pod]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart a pod within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[pod] is required. This is the name or id of an existing pod.

morpheus clusters restart-stateful-set

Usage: morpheus clusters restart-stateful-set [cluster] [statefulset]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart a statefulset within a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[statefulset] is required. This is the name or id of an existing statefulset.

morpheus clusters update

Usage: morpheus clusters update [cluster] --name --description --active
        --name NAME                  Updates Cluster Name
        --description [TEXT]         Updates Cluster Description
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --api-url [TEXT]             Updates Cluster API Url
        --api-token [TEXT]           Updates Cluster API Token
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to enable / disable the cluster. Default is on
        --managed [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable managed cluster. Default is on
        --refresh                    Refresh cluster
        --tenant ACCOUNT             Account ID or Name
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters update-datastore

Usage: morpheus clusters update-datastore [cluster] [datastore] [options]
        --active [on|off]            Enable datastore
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a cluster datastore.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[datastore] is required. This is the name or id of an existing datastore.

morpheus clusters update-namespace

Usage: morpheus clusters update-namespace [cluster] [namespace] [options]
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --active [on|off]            Enable namespace
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --plan-access-all [on|off]   Toggle Access for all service plans.
        --plan-access LIST           Service Plan Access, comma separated list of plan IDs.
        --plan-defaults LIST         Plan Default Selection, comma separated list of plan IDs
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a cluster namespace.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[namespace] is required. This is the name or id of an existing namespace.

morpheus clusters update-permissions

Usage: morpheus clusters update-permissions [cluster]
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --plan-access-all [on|off]   Toggle Access for all service plans.
        --plan-access LIST           Service Plan Access, comma separated list of plan IDs.
        --plan-defaults LIST         Plan Default Selection, comma separated list of plan IDs
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a clusters permissions.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters update-wiki

Usage: morpheus clusters update-wiki [cluster] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - The name of the wiki page for this instance. Default is the instance name.
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - The content (markdown) of the wiki page.
        --file FILE                  File containing the wiki content. This can be used instead of --content
        --clear                      Clear current page content
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus clusters update-worker-count

Usage: morpheus clusters update-worker-count [cluster] [worker_count]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Resizes a cluster to the specified number of worker nodes.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.
[worker_count] is required. This is the desired number of workers.

morpheus clusters upgrade-cluster

Usage: morpheus clusters upgrade-cluster [cluster]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Updates kubernetes version (kubectl and kubeadm) of the specified cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing cluster.

morpheus clusters view

Usage: morpheus clusters view [cluster]
    -w, --wiki                       Open the wiki tab for this cluster
        --tab VALUE                  Open a specific tab
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View a cluster in a web browser
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of a cluster. Supports 1-N [cluster] arguments.

morpheus clusters view-api-token

Usage: morpheus clusters view-api-token [cluster]
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
    -t, --token-only                 Print the api token only

Display api token for a cluster.

morpheus clusters view-kube-config

Usage: morpheus clusters view-kube-config [cluster]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display Kubernetes config for a cluster.

morpheus clusters wiki

Usage: morpheus clusters wiki [cluster]
        --view                       View wiki page in web browser.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View wiki page details for a cluster.
[cluster] is required. This is the name or id of a cluster.

morpheus containers

Usage: morpheus containers [command] [options]

View and manage containers (nodes).

morpheus containers action

Usage: morpheus containers action [id] -a CODE
    -a, --action CODE                Container Action CODE to execute
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute an action for a container or containers
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.

    containers action 42 -a docker-remove-node

morpheus containers actions

Usage: morpheus containers actions [id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List the actions available to specified container(s).
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.

    containers actions 42
    containers actions 1 2 3

morpheus containers attach-floating-ip

Usage: morpheus containers attach-floating-ip [id]
        --ip ID                      Floating IP Address, in the format 'ip-ID'.
        --pool ID                    Floating IP Pool Identifier, in the format 'pool-ID'.
        --bandwidth VALUE            Floating IP Bandidth (Mbit/s). Only cloud types Huawei and OpenTelekom support this option.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Attach a floating IP to a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container.
Only the following cloud types support this command: OpenStack, Huawei and OpenTelekom

morpheus containers clone-image

Usage: morpheus containers clone-image [id]
        --name VALUE                 Image Name (Template Name). Default is server name + timestamp
        --folder VALUE               Folder externalId or '/' to use the root folder
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Clone to image (template) for a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container.

morpheus containers detach-floating-ip

Usage: morpheus containers detach-floating-ip [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Detach a floating IP from a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container.
Only the following cloud types support this command: OpenStack, Huawei and OpenTelekom

morpheus containers eject

Usage: morpheus containers eject [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Eject a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.
If more than one [id] is given, the command will execute for each one sequentially.

    containers eject 42
    containers eject 1 2 3 -y

morpheus containers exec

Usage: morpheus containers exec [id] [options]
        --script SCRIPT              Script to be executed
        --file FILE                  File containing the script. This can be used instead of --script
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh until finished
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute an arbitrary command or script on a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container.
[script] is required and can be passed as --script of --file instead. This is the script that is to be executed.

    containers exec 42 "uname -a"

morpheus containers get

Usage: morpheus containers get [id]
        --actions                    Display Available Actions
        --costs                      Display Cost and Price
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is running,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
        --refresh-until STATUS       Refresh until a specified status is reached.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.
If more than one [id] is given, the command will execute for each one sequentially.

    containers get 42
    containers get 1 2 3
    containers get 42 --refresh
    containers get 42 --refresh 10 --refresh-until stopped

morpheus containers import

Usage: morpheus containers import [id] [image]
        --storage-provider VALUE     Optional storage provider to use
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Import image template for a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container.

morpheus containers logs

Usage: morpheus containers logs [id]
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start timestamp. Default is 30 days ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End timestamp. Default is now.
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
        --table                      Format ouput as a table.
    -a, --all                        Display all details: entire message.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List logs for a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.

    containers logs 42 --level ERROR

morpheus containers restart

Usage: morpheus containers restart [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.
If more than one [id] is given, the command will execute for each one sequentially.

    containers restart 42
    containers restart 1 2 3 -y

morpheus containers start

Usage: morpheus containers start [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Start a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.
If more than one [id] is given, the command will execute for each one sequentially.

    containers start 42
    containers start 1 2 3 -y

morpheus containers stop

Usage: morpheus containers stop [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Stop a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.
If more than one [id] is given, the command will execute for each one sequentially.

    containers stop 42
    containers stop 1 2 3 -y

morpheus containers suspend

Usage: morpheus containers suspend [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Suspend a container.
[id] is required. This is the id of a container. Supports multiple [id] arguments.
If more than one [id] is given, the command will execute for each one sequentially.

    containers suspend 42
    containers suspend 1 2 3 -y

morpheus credential-types

Usage: morpheus credential-types [command] [options]

View credential types

morpheus credential-types get

Usage: morpheus credential-types get [credential type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a credential type.
[credential type] is required. This is the name or id of a credential type.

morpheus credential-types list

Usage: morpheus credential-types list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List credential types.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus credentials

Usage: morpheus credentials [command] [options]

View and manage credentials.

morpheus credentials add

Usage: morpheus credentials add [name]
    -t, --type VALUE                 Credential Type VALUE       Credential Store (optional)
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional). Default: true
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new credential.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new credential.

morpheus credentials get

Usage: morpheus credentials get [credential]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a credential.
[credential] is required. This is the name or id of a credential.

morpheus credentials list

Usage: morpheus credentials list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List credentials.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus credentials remove

Usage: morpheus credentials remove [credential]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing credential.
[credential] is required. This is the name or id of a credential.

morpheus credentials update

Usage: morpheus credentials update [credential] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing credential.
[credential] is required. This is the name or id of a credential.

morpheus curl

Usage: morpheus curl [path]
    -p, --pretty                     Print result as parsed JSON. Alias for -j
    -X, --request METHOD             HTTP request method. Default is GET
        --post                       Set the HTTP request method to POST
        --put                        Set the HTTP request method to PUT
        --delete                     Set the HTTP request method to DELETE
        --data DATA                  HTTP request body for use with POST and PUT, typically JSON.
        --absolute                   Absolute path, skip the addition of path prefix '/api/'
        --inspect                    Inspect response, prints headers. By default only the body is printed.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute an HTTP request against the remote appliance api to an arbitrary path.
[path] is required. This is the path to path to request. By default
By default the "/api" prefix is included in the request path.
The --absolute option ban be used to supress this.

    morpheus curl "/api/whoami"
    morpheus curl whoami
    morpheus curl apps -r demo

morpheus cypher

Usage: morpheus cypher [command] [options]

morpheus cypher get

Usage: morpheus cypher get [key]
    -v, --value                      Print only the decrypted value.
    -t, --ttl SECONDS                Time to live, the lease duration before this key expires. Use if creating new key.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Read a cypher item and display the decrypted value.
[key] is required. This is the cypher key to read.
Use --ttl to specify a ttl if expecting cypher engine to automatically create the key.

morpheus cypher list

Usage: morpheus cypher list [key]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List cypher keys.
[key] is optional. This is the cypher key or path to search for.

morpheus cypher put

Usage: morpheus cypher put [key] [value] [options] to store a string.
       morpheus cypher put [key] [k=v] [k=v] [options] to store an object.
        --key KEY                    Key. This can also be passed as the first argument.
    -v, --value VALUE                Secret value. This can be used to store a string instead of an object, and can also be passed as the second argument.
    -t, --ttl SECONDS                Time to live, the lease duration before this key expires.
        --type string|object         The type of data being stored: string or object.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create or update a cypher key.
[key] is required. This is the key of the cypher being created or updated. The key includes the mount prefix eg. secret/hello
[value] is required for some cypher engines, such as secret. This is the secret value or k=v pairs being stored. Supports 1-N arguments.
If a single [value] is passed, it is stored as type string.
If more than one [value] is passed, the format is expected to be k=v and the value will be stored as an object.
The --value option can be used to store a string value.
The --payload option can be used to store an object.

morpheus cypher remove

Usage: morpheus cypher remove [key]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a cypher.
[key] is required. This is the cypher key to be deleted.

morpheus datastores

Usage: morpheus datastores [command] [options]

morpheus datastores get

Usage: morpheus datastores get [cloud] [datastore]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a datastore.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.
[datastore] is required. This is the name or id of a datastore.

morpheus datastores list

Usage: morpheus datastores list [cloud]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List datastores for a cloud.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus datastores update

Usage: morpheus datastores update [cloud] [datastore] [options]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a datastore
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a datastore.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.
[datastore] is required. This is the name or id of a datastore.

morpheus deploy

Usage: morpheus deploy [environment]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deploy to an instance using the morpheus.yml file, located in the working directory.
[environment] is optional. Merge settings under environments.{environment}. Default is no environment.

First the morpheus.yml YAML file is parsed, merging the specified environment's nested settings.
The specified instance must exist and the specified deployment version must not exist.
If the settings are valid, the new deployment version will be created.
If is a file type deployment, all the discovered files are uploaded to the new deployment version.
Finally, it deploys the new version to the instance using any specified config options.

The morpheus.yml should be located in the working directory.
This YAML file contains the settings that specify how to execute the deployment.

File Settings

* name - (required) The instance name being deployed to, also the default name of the deployment.
* version - (required) The version identifier of the deployment being created (userVersion)
* deployment - The name of the deployment being created, name is used by default
* type - The type of deployment, file, 'git' or 'fetch', default is 'file'.
* script - The initial script to run, happens before finding the files to be uploaded.
* files - (required) List of file patterns to use for uploading files and their target destination.
          Each item should contain path and pattern, path may be relative to the working directory, default pattern is: '**/*'
          only applies to type 'file'
* url - (required) The url to fetch files from, only applies to types 'git' and 'fetch'.
* ref - The git reference, default is master (main), only applies to type git.
* config - Map of deployment config options depending on deployment type
* options - alias for config
* post_script - A post operation script to be run on the local machine
* stage_only - If set to true the deploy will only be staged and not actually run
* environments - Map of objects that contain nested properties for each environment name

It is possible to nest these properties in an "environments" map to override based on a passed environment.


name: mysite
version: 5.0
script: "rake build"
- path: build
    - path: production-build

Git Example

name: morpheus-apidoc
version: 5.0.0
type: git
url: ""

morpheus deployments

Usage: morpheus deployments [command] [options]

View and manage deployments, including versions and files.

morpheus deployments add

Usage: morpheus deployments add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new deployment.

morpheus deployments add-version

Usage: morpheus deployments add-version [deployment] [version] [options]
    -t, --type CODE                  Deploy Type, file, git or fetch, default is file.
        --userVersion VALUE          Version - This is the deployment version identifier (userVersion)
        --fetchUrl VALUE             Fetch URL - The URL to fetch the deployment file(s) from.
        --gitUrl VALUE               Git URL - The URL to fetch the deployment file(s) from.
        --gitRef VALUE               Git Ref (optional) - The Git Reference to use, this the branch or tag name, defaults to master.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new deployment version.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.
[version] is required. This is the deployment version identifier

morpheus deployments get

Usage: morpheus deployments get [deployment]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific deployment.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.

morpheus deployments get-version

Usage: morpheus deployments get-version [deployment] [version] [options]
        --no-files                   Do not show files
        --userVersion VALUE          Version - This is the deployment version identifier (userVersion)
        --deployType VALUE           Deploy Type - This is the deployment version identifier (userVersion). Default: file
        --fetchUrl VALUE             Fetch URL - The URL to fetch the deployment file(s) from.
        --gitUrl VALUE               Git URL - The URL to fetch the deployment file(s) from.
        --gitRef VALUE               Git Ref (optional) - The Git Reference to use, this the branch or tag name, defaults to master.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new deployment version.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.
[version] is required. This is the deployment version identifier

morpheus deployments list

Usage: morpheus deployments list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List deployments.

morpheus deployments list-files

Usage: morpheus deployments list-files [deployment] [version] [path] [options]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List files in a deployment version.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.
[version] is required. This is the deployment version identifier
[path] is optional. This is a the directory to search for files under.

morpheus deployments list-versions

Usage: morpheus deployments list-versions [deployment] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List versions of a specific deployment.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.

morpheus deployments remove

Usage: morpheus deployments remove [deployment] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a deployment.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.

morpheus deployments remove-file

Usage: morpheus deployments remove-file [deployment] [version] [file] [options]
    -R, --recursive                  Delete a directory and all of its files. This must be passed if specifying a directory.
    -f, --force                      Force delete, this will do a recursive delete of directories.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a deployment file.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.
[version] is required. This is the version identifier of a deployment version.
[file] is required. This is the name of the file to be deleted.

morpheus deployments remove-version

Usage: morpheus deployments remove-version [deployment] [version] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a deployment version.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.
[version] is required. This is the version identifier of a deployment version.

morpheus deployments update

Usage: morpheus deployments update [deployment] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a deployment.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.

morpheus deployments update-version

Usage: morpheus deployments update-version [deployment] [version] [options]
        --userVersion VALUE          Version (optional) - This is the deployment version identifier (userVersion)
        --deployType VALUE           Deploy Type (optional) - This is the deployment version identifier (userVersion)
        --fetchUrl VALUE             Fetch URL (optional) - The URL to fetch the deployment file(s) from.
        --gitUrl VALUE               Git URL (optional) - The URL to fetch the deployment file(s) from.
        --gitRef VALUE               Git Ref (optional) - The Git Reference to use, this the branch or tag name, defaults to master.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a deployment version.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.
[version] is required. This is the deployment version identifier

morpheus deployments upload

Usage: morpheus deployments upload [deployment] [version] [files]
        --files LIST                 Files to upload
        --workdir DIRECTORY          Working directory to switch to before uploading files, determines the paths of the uploaded files. The current working directory of your terminal is used by default.
        --destination FILEPATH       Destination filepath for file being uploaded, should include full filename and extension. Only applies when uploading a single file.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Upload one or more files or directories to a deployment version.
[deployment] is required. This is the name or id of a deployment.
[version] is required. This is the deployment version identifier
[files] is required. This is a list of files or directories to be uploaded. Glob pattern format supported eg. build/*.html

morpheus deploys

Usage: morpheus deploys [command] [options]

View and manage instance deploys.

morpheus deploys add

Usage: morpheus deploys add [instance] [deployment] [version] [options]
        --instance VALUE             Instance
        --deployment VALUE           Deployment
        --version VALUE              Version
        --stageOnly [on|off]         Stage Only (optional) - If set to true the deploy will only be staged and not actually run
        --stage                      Stage Only, do not run the deployment right away.
    -c, --config JSON                Config for deployment
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new instance deploy.
This deploys a specific deployment version to a target instance.
By default the deployment is run right away, unless the --stage option is used.

morpheus deploys deploy

Usage: morpheus deploys deploy [id] [options]
    -c, --config JSON                Config for deployment
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deploy an instance deploy.
[id] is required. This is the id of an instance deploy.

morpheus deploys get

Usage: morpheus deploys get [id]
    -a, --all                        Show all details.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific instance deploy.
[id] is required. This is the id of an instance deploy.

morpheus deploys list

Usage: morpheus deploys list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List deploys.

morpheus deploys remove

Usage: morpheus deploys remove [id] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an instance deploy.
[id] is required. This is the id of an instance deploy.

morpheus deploys update

Usage: morpheus deploys update [id] [options]
    -c, --config JSON                Config for deployment
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an instance deploy.
[id] is required. This is the id of an instance deploy.

morpheus edit-profile

Usage: morpheus edit-profile
    -e, --editor PROGRAM             Editor program to use. The default is $EDITOR.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Edit your .morpheus_profile script located in the morpheus home directory.
This script runs whenever the morpheus terminal command is executed.
It provides a way to initialize your cli environment for all morpheus commands.


# disable coloring to exclude ansi characters in output
coloring off -q

# Enable debugging to print extra output for troubleshooting
debug on

morpheus edit-rc

Usage: morpheus edit-rc
    -e, --editor PROGRAM             Editor program to use. The default is $EDITOR.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Edit your .morpheusrc script located in the morpheus home directory.
This script runs at the beginning of the interactive morpheus shell command.
It provides a way to initialize your interactive morpheus shell environment.


# customize the morpheus shell prompt
set-prompt "%cyan%username%reset@%magenta%remote %cyanmorpheus> %reset"

# print the morpheus cli version

# print the current remote appliance version
remote get current

# greetings
echo "Welcome back %username"

morpheus email-templates

Usage: morpheus email-templates [command] [options]

morpheus email-templates add

Usage: morpheus email-templates add [name]
        --type [TEXT]                Type
        --template [TEXT]            Template
        --accounts LIST              Tenant accounts, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create an email template.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new template.

morpheus email-templates get

Usage: morpheus email-templates get [emailTemplate]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific email template.
[emailTemplate] is required. This is the name or id of an emailTemplate.

morpheus email-templates list

Usage: morpheus email-templates list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List email templates.

morpheus email-templates remove

Usage: morpheus email-templates remove [emailTemplate]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an email template.
[emailTemplate] is required. This is the id of an existing email template.
Note: You cannot remove System Templates, only those that you own/created.

morpheus email-templates update

Usage: morpheus email-templates update [emailTemplate] --template
        --template TEMPLATE          Updates Email Template
        --accounts LIST              Tenant accounts, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an Email Template.
[emailTemplate] is required. This is the name or id of an existing email template.

morpheus environments

Usage: morpheus environments [command] [options]

morpheus environments add

Usage: morpheus environments add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --code VALUE                 Code
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional). Default: private
        --sortOrder NUMBER           Sort Order (optional). Default: 0
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus environments get

Usage: morpheus environments get [name]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus environments list

Usage: morpheus environments list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus environments remove

Usage: morpheus environments remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus environments toggle-active

Usage: morpheus environments toggle-active [name] [on|off]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus environments update

Usage: morpheus environments update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional). Default: private
        --sortOrder NUMBER           Sort Order (optional). Default: 0
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus execute-schedules

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules [command] [options]

morpheus execute-schedules add

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --type [execute]             Type of Schedule. Default is 'execute'
        --timezone CODE              The timezone. Default is UTC.
        --cron EXPRESSION            Cron Expression. Default is daily at midnight '0 0 * * *'
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable it
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new execute schedule.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus execute-schedules add-hosts

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules add-hosts [name] [host]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Assign hosts to a execute schedule.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a execute schedule.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host. More than one can be passed.

morpheus execute-schedules add-instances

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules add-instances [name] [instance]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Assign instances to a execute schedule.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a execute schedule.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. More than one can be passed.

morpheus execute-schedules get

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules get [name]
        --max-instances VALUE        Display a limited number of instances in schedule. Default is 25
        --max-hosts VALUE            Display a limited number of hosts in schedule. Default is 25
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus execute-schedules list

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus execute-schedules remove

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules remove [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus execute-schedules remove-hosts

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules remove-hosts [name] [host]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove hosts from a execute schedule.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a execute schedule.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host. More than one can be passed.

morpheus execute-schedules remove-instances

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules remove-instances [name] [instance]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove instances from a execute schedule.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a execute schedule.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. More than one can be passed.

morpheus execute-schedules update

Usage: morpheus execute-schedules update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --type [execute]             Type of Schedule. Default is 'execute'
        --timezone CODE              The timezone. Default is UTC.
        --cron EXPRESSION            Cron Expression
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable it
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a execute schedule.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a execute schedule.

morpheus execution-request

Usage: morpheus execution-request [command] [options]

morpheus execution-request execute

Usage: morpheus execution-request execute [options]
        --server ID                  Server ID
        --instance ID                Instance ID
        --container ID               Container ID
        --request ID                 Execution Request ID
        --script SCRIPT              Script to be executed
        --optionTypes [true|false]   Include optionTypes in the response. Default is false.
        --send-keys [true|false]     Send key mappings to the hypervisor console so commands such as <LEFT>, <RIGHT> and <WAIT> can be used.
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until execution is finished. Default interval is 5 seconds.
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh. The default behavior is to refresh until finished.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute an arbitrary script.
[server] or [instance] or [container] is required. This is the id of a server, instance or container.
[script] is required. This is the script that is to be executed.

morpheus execution-request get

Usage: morpheus execution-request get [uid]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until execution is finished. Default interval is 5 seconds.

Get details about an execution request.
[uid] is required. This is the unique id of an execution request.

morpheus file-copy-request

Usage: morpheus file-copy-request [command] [options]

morpheus file-copy-request download

Usage: morpheus file-copy-request download [uid] [file]
        --file FILE                  Local file destination for the downloaded file.
    -f, --force                      Overwrite existing [file] if it exists.
    -p, --mkdir                      Create missing directories for [file] if they do not exist.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Download a file associated with a file copy request.
[uid] is required. This is the unique id of a file copy request.
[file] is required. This is the full local filepath for the downloaded file.

morpheus file-copy-request execute

Usage: morpheus file-copy-request execute [options]
        --server ID                  Server ID
        --instance ID                Instance ID
        --container ID               Container ID
        --request ID                 File Copy Request ID
        --file FILE                  Local file to be copied.
        --target-path PATH           Target path for file on destination host.
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh until finished
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Copy a file to a remote host(s).
[server] or [instance] or [container] is required. This is the id of a server, instance or container.
[file] is required. This is the local filename that is to be copied.
[target-path] is required. This is the target path for the file on the destination host.

morpheus file-copy-request get

Usage: morpheus file-copy-request get [uid]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until execution is finished. Default interval is 30 seconds.

Get details about a file copy request.
[uid] is required. This is the unique id of a file copy request.

morpheus forgot

Usage: morpheus forgot [username]
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username of the user to be emailed.
        --email [USERNAME]           Email only. Only send an email, skip the reset password.
        --reset [TOKEN]              Reset only. Only reset password, skip sending an email.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Token, the secret token that was emailed to the user. Only reset password, skip sending an email.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          New Password, the new password for the user.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Send a forgot password email and reset your password.
[username] is required. This is the username to be notified.
By default this command prompts to perform two actions.
First it sends a forgot password email to the specified user.
Then it attempts to reset the password with the secret token and a new password.
Use the --email and --token options to only perform one of these actions, instead of prompting to do both.
That is, only send the email or only reset the password.

morpheus groups

Usage: morpheus groups [command] [options]

morpheus groups add

Usage: morpheus groups add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --code VALUE                 Code (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --location VALUE             Location (optional)
        --use                        Make this the current active group
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new group.

morpheus groups add-cloud

Usage: morpheus groups add-cloud [name] CLOUD
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add a cloud to a group.

morpheus groups current

Usage: morpheus groups current
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print the name of the current active group

morpheus groups get

Usage: morpheus groups get [name]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a group.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a group. Supports 1-N arguments.

morpheus groups list

Usage: morpheus groups list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List groups.

morpheus groups remove

Usage: morpheus groups remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a group.

morpheus groups remove-cloud

Usage: morpheus groups remove-cloud [name] [cloud]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove a cloud from a group.

morpheus groups unuse

Usage: morpheus groups unuse
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

This will clear the current active group.
You will be prompted for a Group during provisioning.

morpheus groups update

Usage: morpheus groups update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --code VALUE                 Code (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --location VALUE             Location (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a group.

morpheus groups update-wiki

Usage: morpheus groups update-wiki [group] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - The name of the wiki page for this instance. Default is the instance name.
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - The content (markdown) of the wiki page.
        --file FILE                  File containing the wiki content. This can be used instead of --content
        --clear                      Clear current page content
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus groups use

Usage: morpheus groups use [name]
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

This sets the active group.
The active group will be auto-selected for use during provisioning.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a group.

morpheus groups wiki

Usage: morpheus groups wiki [group]
        --view                       View wiki page in web browser.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View wiki page details for an group.
[group] is required. This is the name or id of an group.

morpheus guidance

Usage: morpheus guidance [command] [options]

morpheus guidance execute

Usage: morpheus guidance execute [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific discovery.

morpheus guidance get

Usage: morpheus guidance get [id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific discovery.

morpheus guidance ignore

Usage: morpheus guidance ignore [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Ignore discovery.

morpheus guidance list

Usage: morpheus guidance list
    -l, --severity LEVEL             Filter by Severity Level: info, low, warning, critical
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by Type
    -i, --ignored                    Include Ignored Discoveries
    -p, --processed                  Include Processed Discoveries
    -a, --any                        Include Processed and Ignored Discoveries
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List discoveries

morpheus guidance stats

Usage: morpheus guidance stats
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get guidance stats.

morpheus guidance types

Usage: morpheus guidance types
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List discovery types.

morpheus guidance-settings

Usage: morpheus guidance-settings [command] [options]

View and manage guidance settings

morpheus guidance-settings get

Usage: morpheus guidance-settings get
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get guidance settings.

morpheus guidance-settings update

Usage: morpheus guidance-settings update
        --power-cpu-avg PERCENT      Power Shutdown Average CPU (%). Lower limit for average CPU usage
        --power-cpu-max PERCENT      Power Shutdown Maximum CPU (%). Lower limit for peak CPU usage
        --power-network BYTES        Power Shutdown Network threshold (bytes). Lower limit for average network bandwidth
        --cpu-up-avg PERCENT         CPU Up-size Average CPU (%). Upper limit for CPU usage
        --cpu-up-max PERCENT         CPU Up-size Maximum CPU (%). Upper limit for peak CPU usage
        --memory-up-avg PERCENT      Memory Up-size Minimum Free Memory (%). Lower limit for average free memory usage
        --memory-down-avg PERCENT    Memory Down-size Maximum Free Memory (%). Upper limit for average free memory
        --memory-down-max PERCENT    Memory Down-size Maximum Free Memory (%). Upper limit for peak memory usage
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update guidance settings.

morpheus health

Usage: morpheus health [command] [options]

morpheus health acknowledge-alarms

Usage: morpheus health acknowledge-alarms [alarm] [options]
    -a, --all                        Acknowledge all open alarms. This can be used instead of passing specific alarms.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Acknowledge health alarm(s).
[alarm] is required. Alarm ID, supports multiple arguments.

morpheus health alarms

Usage: morpheus health alarms
        --category VALUE             Filter by Alarm Category. datastore, computeZone, computeServer, etc.
        --status VALUE               Filter by status. warning, error
        --acknowledged               Filter by acknowledged. By default only open alarms are returned.
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start timestamp. Default is 24 hours ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End timestamp. Default is now.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List health alarms.

morpheus health export-logs

Usage: morpheus health export-logs [file]
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start date timestamp in standard iso8601 format. Default is 24 hours ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End date timestamp in standard iso8601 format. Default is now.
    -f, --force                      Overwrite existing [file] if it exists.
    -p, --mkdir                      Create missing directories for [file] if they do not exist.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Export morpheus appliance log.
[file] is required. This is local destination for the downloaded file. Example: morpheus.log

morpheus health get

Usage: morpheus health get [-a] [options]
    -a, --all                        Display all details: CPU, Memory, Database, etc.
        --cpu                        Display CPU details
        --threads                    Display Thread details
        --memory                     Display Memory details
        --database                   Display Database details
        --elastic                    Display Elasticsearch details
        --queue                      Display Queue (Rabbit) details
        --live                       Fetch Live Health Data. By default the last cached health data is returned. This also retrieves all elastic indices.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get appliance health information.
By default, only the health status and levels are displayed.
Display more details with the options --cpu, --database, --memory, etc.
Display all details with the -a option.

morpheus health get-alarm

Usage: morpheus health get-alarm [id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a health alarm.
[id] is required. Health Alarm ID

morpheus health logs

Usage: morpheus health logs
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start date timestamp in standard iso8601 format. Default is 24 hours ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End date timestamp in standard iso8601 format. Default is now.
    -t, --table                      Format output as a table.
    -a, --all                        Display all details: entire message.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List health logs. These are the logs of the morpheus appliance itself.

morpheus health unacknowledge-alarms

Usage: morpheus health unacknowledge-alarms [alarm] [options]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unacknowledge health alarm(s).
[alarm] is required. Alarm ID, supports multiple arguments.

morpheus hosts

Usage: morpheus hosts [command] [options]

View and manage hosts (servers).

morpheus hosts add

Usage: morpheus hosts add [cloud] [name]
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -t, --type TYPE                  Server Type Code
        --security-groups LIST       Security Groups, comma separated list of security group IDs
        --tags LIST                  Metadata tags in the format 'ping=pong,flash=bang'
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is running,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts count

Usage: morpheus hosts count [options]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -M, --managed                    Show only Managed Servers
        --unmanaged                  Show only Unmanaged Servers
    -t, --type TYPE                  Show only Certain Server Types
    -p, --power STATE                Filter by Power Status
    -i, --ip IPADDRESS               Filter by IP Address
        --vm                         Show only virtual machines
        --hypervisor                 Show only VM Hypervisors
        --container                  Show only Container Hypervisors
        --baremetal                  Show only Baremetal Servers
        --status STATUS              Filter by Status
        --agent                      Show only Servers with the agent installed
        --noagent                    Show only Servers with No agent
        --created-by USER            Created By User Username or ID
        --details                    Display more details: memory and storage usage used / max values.
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get the number of hosts.

morpheus hosts exec

Usage: morpheus hosts exec [id] [options]
        --script SCRIPT              Script to be executed
        --file FILE                  File containing the script. This can be used instead of --script
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh until finished
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute an arbitrary command or script on a host.
[id] is required. This is the id a host.
[script] is required. This is the script that is to be executed.

morpheus hosts get

Usage: morpheus hosts get [name]
        --costs                      Display Cost and Price
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is provisioned,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
        --refresh-until STATUS       Refresh until a specified status is reached.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts leave-maintenance

Usage: morpheus hosts leave-maintenance [host]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Disable maintenance mode for a host.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host.

morpheus hosts list

Usage: morpheus hosts list
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -M, --managed                    Show only Managed Servers
        --unmanaged                  Show only Unmanaged Servers
    -t, --type TYPE                  Show only Certain Server Types
    -p, --power STATE                Filter by Power Status
    -i, --ip IPADDRESS               Filter by IP Address
        --cluster CLUSTER            Filter by Cluster Name or ID
        --plan NAME                  Filter by Plan name(s)
        --plan-id ID                 Filter by Plan id(s)
        --plan-code CODE             Filter by Plan code(s)
        --vm                         Show only virtual machines
        --hypervisor                 Show only VM Hypervisors
        --container                  Show only Container Hypervisors
        --baremetal                  Show only Baremetal Servers
        --status STATUS              Filter by Status
        --agent                      Show only Servers with the agent installed
        --noagent                    Show only Servers with No agent
        --created-by USER            Created By User Username or ID
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
        --tags Name=Value            Filter by tags.
        --tag-compliant              Displays only servers that are valid according to applied tag policies. Does not show servers that do not have tag policies.
        --non-tag-compliant          Displays only servers with tag compliance warnings.
        --stats                      Display values for memory and storage usage used / max values.
    -a, --details                    Display all details: hostname, private ip, plan, stats, etc.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List hosts.

morpheus hosts logs

Usage: morpheus hosts logs [name]
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start timestamp. Default is 30 days ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End timestamp. Default is now.
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
        --table                      Format ouput as a table.
    -a, --all                        Display all details: entire message.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts maintenance

Usage: morpheus hosts maintenance [host]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Enable maintenance mode for a host.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host.

morpheus hosts make-managed

Usage: morpheus hosts make-managed [name]
        --sshUsername VALUE          SSH Username (optional)
        --sshPassword VALUE          SSH Password (optional)
        --serverOs VALUE             OS Type (optional)
        --install-agent [on|off]     Install Agent? Pass false to manually install agent. Default is true.
    -g, --group GROUP                Group to assign to new instance.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts placement

Usage: morpheus hosts placement [host]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update placement for a host.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host.

morpheus hosts remove

Usage: morpheus hosts remove [name]
        --remove-resources [on|off]  Remove Infrastructure. Default is on if server is managed.
        --preserve-volumes [on|off]  Preserve Volumes. Default is off.
        --remove-instances [on|off]  Remove Associated Instances. Default is off.
        --release-eips [on|off]      Release EIPs, default is on. Amazon only.
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts resize

Usage: morpheus hosts resize [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts restart

Usage: morpheus hosts restart [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart a host.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a host.

morpheus hosts run-workflow

Usage: morpheus hosts run-workflow [host] [workflow] [options]
        --phase PHASE                Task Phase to run for Provisioning workflows. The default is provision.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Run workflow for a host.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host
[workflow] is required. This is the name or id of a workflow
By default the provision phase is executed.
Use the --phase option to execute a different phase.
The available phases are start, stop, preProvision, provision, postProvision, preDeploy, deploy, reconfigure, teardown, startup and shutdown.

morpheus hosts snapshots

Usage: morpheus hosts snapshots [host]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts software

Usage: morpheus hosts software [host]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List installed software for a host.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host.

morpheus hosts software-sync

Usage: morpheus hosts software-sync [host]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Sync installed software for a host.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host.

morpheus hosts start

Usage: morpheus hosts start [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Start a host.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a host. Supports 1-N [name] arguments.

morpheus hosts stats

Usage: morpheus hosts stats [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts stop

Usage: morpheus hosts stop [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Stop a host.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a host. Supports 1-N [name] arguments.

morpheus hosts types

Usage: morpheus hosts types
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List host types.

morpheus hosts update

Usage: morpheus hosts update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --ssh-username VALUE         SSH Username
        --ssh-password VALUE         SSH Password
        --power-schedule-type ID     Power Schedule Type ID
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --tags LIST                  Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will add and remove tags.
        --add-tags TAGS              Add Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will only add/update tags.
        --remove-tags TAGS           Remove Tags in the format 'name, name:value'. This removes tags, the :value component is optional and must match if passed.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts update-network-label

Usage: morpheus hosts update-network-label [server] [options]
        --network NETWORK            Network Interface ID
        --label LABEL                label
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Change the label of a Network Interface.
Editing an Interface will not apply changes to the physical hardware. The purpose is for a manual override or data correction (mostly for self managed or baremetal servers where cloud sync is not available)
[name or id] is required. The name or the id of the server.
[network] ID of the Network Interface. (optional).
[label] New Label name for the Network Interface (optional)

morpheus hosts update-wiki

Usage: morpheus hosts update-wiki [host] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - The name of the wiki page for this instance. Default is the instance name.
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - The content (markdown) of the wiki page.
        --file FILE                  File containing the wiki content. This can be used instead of --content
        --clear                      Clear current page content
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts upgrade-agent

Usage: morpheus hosts upgrade-agent [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus hosts view

Usage: morpheus hosts view [host]
    -w, --wiki                       Open the wiki tab for this host
        --tab VALUE                  Open a specific tab
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View a host in a web browser
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host. Supports 1-N [host] arguments.

morpheus hosts wiki

Usage: morpheus hosts wiki [host]
        --view                       View wiki page in web browser.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View wiki page details for a host.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host.

morpheus image-builder

Usage: morpheus image-builder [command] [options]

morpheus image-builder add

Usage: morpheus image-builder add [options]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Image Build Type
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --config JSON                Instance Config JSON
        --config-yaml YAML           Instance Config YAML
        --config-file FILE           Instance Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --bootScript VALUE           Boot Script ID
        --bootCommand VALUE          Boot Command. This can be used in place of a bootScript
        --preseedScript VALUE        Preseed Script ID
        --scripts LIST               Additional Scripts (comma separated names or ids)
        --sshUsername VALUE          SSH Username
        --sshPassword VALUE          SSH Password
        --storageProvider VALUE      Storage Provider ID
        --isCloudInit [on|off]       Cloud Init?
        --buildOutputName VALUE      Build Output Name
        --conversionFormats VALUE    Conversion Formats ie. ovf, qcow2, vhd
        --keepResults VALUE          Keep only the most recent builds. Older executions will be deleted along with their associated Virtual Images. The value 0 disables this functionality.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus image-builder boot-scripts

Usage: morpheus image-builder boot-scripts [command] [options]

morpheus image-builder get

Usage: morpheus image-builder get [image-build]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus image-builder list

Usage: morpheus image-builder list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus image-builder list-runs

Usage: morpheus image-builder list-runs [image-build]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display a list of executions for an image build.

morpheus image-builder preseed-scripts

Usage: morpheus image-builder preseed-scripts [command] [options]

morpheus image-builder remove

Usage: morpheus image-builder remove [image-build]
    -K, --keep-virtual-images        Preserve associated virtual images
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus image-builder run

Usage: morpheus image-builder run [image-build]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus image-builder update

Usage: morpheus image-builder update [image-build] [options]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Image Build Type
        --name VALUE                 New Name
        --description VALUE          Description
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --config JSON                Instance Config JSON
        --config-yaml YAML           Instance Config YAML
        --config-file FILE           Instance Config from a local JSON or YAML file
        --bootScript VALUE           Boot Script ID
        --bootCommand VALUE          Boot Command. This can be used in place of a bootScript
        --preseedScript VALUE        Preseed Script ID
        --scripts LIST               Additional Scripts (comma separated names or ids)
        --sshUsername VALUE          SSH Username
        --sshPassword VALUE          SSH Password
        --storageProvider VALUE      Storage Provider ID
        --isCloudInit [on|off]       Cloud Init?
        --buildOutputName VALUE      Build Output Name
        --conversionFormats VALUE    Conversion Formats ie. ovf, qcow2, vhd
        --keepResults VALUE          Keep only the most recent builds. Older executions will be deleted along with their associated Virtual Images. The value 0 disables this functionality.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instance-types

Usage: morpheus instance-types [command] [options]

morpheus instance-types get

Usage: morpheus instance-types get [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get instance type details.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an instance type.

morpheus instance-types list

Usage: morpheus instance-types list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --category VALUE             Filter by category
        --code VALUE                 Filter by code
        --technology VALUE           Filter by technology

List instance types.

morpheus instances

Usage: morpheus instances [command] [options]

View and manage instances.

morpheus instances action

Usage: morpheus instances action [id list] -a CODE
    -a, --action CODE                Instance Action CODE to execute
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute an action for one or many instances.

morpheus instances actions

Usage: morpheus instances actions [id or name list]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List the actions available to specified instance(s).

morpheus instances add

Usage: morpheus instances add [name] -c CLOUD -t TYPE
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -t, --type CODE                  Instance Type
        --name NAME                  Instance Name
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --environment ENV            Environment code
        --tags LIST                  Metadata tags in the format 'ping=pong,flash=bang'
        --labels LIST                Labels (keywords) in the format 'foo, bar'
        --copies NUMBER              Number of copies to provision
        --layout-size NUMBER         Apply a multiply factor of containers/vms within the instance
    -l, --layout LAYOUT              Layout ID
    -p, --plan PLAN                  Service plan ID
        --resource-pool ID           Resource pool ID
        --workflow ID                Automation: Workflow ID
        --ports ARRAY                Exposed Ports, JSON formatted list of objects containing name and port
        --create-user on|off         User Config: Create Your User. Default is on
        --user-group USERGROUP       User Config: User Group
        --shutdown-days DAYS         Automation: Shutdown Days
        --expire-days DAYS           Automation: Expiration Days
        --create-backup [on|off]     Automation: Create Backups.
        --security-groups LIST       Security Groups, comma separated list of security group IDs
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is running,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new instance.
[name] is required. This is the new instance name.
The available options vary by --type.

morpheus instances add-schedule

Usage: morpheus instances add-schedule [instance]
        --scheduleType VALUE         Schedule Type - Schedule type  can be recurring day of the week str or exact start and end timestamp. Default: dayOfWeek
        --scheduleTimezone VALUE     Timezone (optional) - The timezone. Default: UTC
        --startDayOfWeek VALUE       Start Day Of Week - Start day of the week Sunday-Saturday (1-7). Default: Sunday
        --startTime HH:MM            Start Time (HH:MM) - Start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 01:00
        --endDayOfWeek VALUE         End Day Of Week - End day of the week Sunday-Saturday (1-7). Default: Sunday
        --endTime HH:MM              End Time (HH:MM) - End time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 01:00
        --startDate YYYY-MM-DD       Start Date - Exact start date timestamp in standard iso8601 format
        --endDate YYYY-MM-DD         End Date - Exact end date timestamp in standard iso8601 format
        --threshold VALUE            Threshold - Threshold template to use as source for scaling threshold settings.. Default: custom
        --autoUp [on|off]            Auto Upscale (optional) - Enable auto upscaling
        --autoDown [on|off]          Auto Downscale (optional) - Enable auto downscaling
        --minCount NUMBER            Min Count (optional) - Minimum number of nodes
        --maxCount NUMBER            Max Count (optional) - Maximum number of nodes
        --cpuEnabled [on|off]        Enable CPU Threshold (optional) - Scale when CPU thresholds are met.
        --minCpu NUMBER              Min CPU (optional) - Minimum CPU percent (0-100)
        --maxCpu NUMBER              Max CPU (optional) - Maximum CPU percent (0-100)
        --memoryEnabled [on|off]     Enable Memory Threshold (optional) - Scale when memory thresholds are met.
        --minMemory NUMBER           Min Memory (optional) - Minimum memory percent (0-100)
        --maxMemory NUMBER           Max Memory (optional) - Maximum memory percent (0-100)
        --diskEnabled [on|off]       Enable Disk Threshold (optional) - Scale when storage thresholds are met.
        --minDisk NUMBER             Min Disk (optional) - Minimum storage percent (0-100)
        --maxDisk NUMBER             Max Disk (optional) - Maximum storage percent (0-100)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing instance scaling threshold schedule
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances apply

Usage: morpheus instances apply [instance] [options]
    -p, --parameter NAME=VALUE       Template parameter name and value
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until execution is complete. Default interval is 5 seconds.
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh
        --no-validate                Do not validate planned changes before apply
        --validate-only              Only validate planned changes, do not execute the apply command.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Apply an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.
This is only supported by certain types of instances such as terraform.
By default this executes two requests to validate and then apply the changes.
The first request corresponds to the terraform plan command only.
Use --no-validate to skip this step apply changes in one step.

morpheus instances apply-security-groups

Usage: morpheus instances apply-security-groups [instance] [-S] [-c]
    -S, --secgroups SECGROUPS        Apply the specified comma separated security group ids
    -c, --clear                      Clear all security groups
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances backup

Usage: morpheus instances backup [instance]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances backups

Usage: morpheus instances backups [instance]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances cancel-expiration

Usage: morpheus instances cancel-expiration [instance]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Cancel expiration of an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances cancel-removal

Usage: morpheus instances cancel-removal [instance]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Cancel removal of an instance.
This is a way to undo delete of an instance still pending removal.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances cancel-shutdown

Usage: morpheus instances cancel-shutdown [instance]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Cancel shutdown for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances clone

Usage: morpheus instances clone [instance] -g GROUP
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID for the new instance
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID for the new instance
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --environment ENV            Environment code
        --tags LIST                  Metadata tags in the format 'ping=pong,flash=bang'
        --labels LIST                Labels (keywords) in the format 'foo, bar'
    -p, --plan PLAN                  Service plan ID
        --resource-pool ID           Resource pool ID
        --workflow ID                Automation: Workflow ID
        --ports ARRAY                Exposed Ports, JSON formatted list of objects containing name and port
        --create-user on|off         User Config: Create Your User. Default is on
        --user-group USERGROUP       User Config: User Group
        --shutdown-days DAYS         Automation: Shutdown Days
        --expire-days DAYS           Automation: Expiration Days
        --create-backup [on|off]     Automation: Create Backups.
        --security-groups LIST       Security Groups, comma separated list of security group IDs
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances clone-image

Usage: morpheus instances clone-image [instance]
        --name VALUE                 Image Name (Template Name). Default is server name + timestamp
        --folder VALUE               Folder externalId or '/' to use the root folder
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Clone to image (template) for an instance
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances console

Usage: morpheus instances console [instance]
    -n, --node NODE_ID               Scope console to specific Container or VM
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances containers

Usage: morpheus instances containers [instance]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances count

Usage: morpheus instances count [options]
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --host HOST                  Host Name or ID
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get the number of instances.

morpheus instances create-linked-clone

Usage: morpheus instances create-linked-clone [instance]
        --snapshot ID                Optional snapshot
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a linked clone using the selected snapshot of an Instance.
[snapshotId] is required. This is the id of the snapshot which the clone will refer to.

morpheus instances delenv

Usage: morpheus instances delenv [instance] VAR
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances deploys

Usage: morpheus instances deploys [instance] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List deployments for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance
[search] is optional. Filters on deployment version identifier

morpheus instances eject

Usage: morpheus instances eject [instance]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Eject an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances envs

Usage: morpheus instances envs [instance]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances exec

Usage: morpheus instances exec [id] [options]
        --script SCRIPT              Script to be executed
        --file FILE                  File containing the script. This can be used instead of --script
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh until finished
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Execute an arbitrary script or command on an instance.
[id] is required. This is the id or name of an instance.
[script] is required. This is the script that is to be executed.

morpheus instances extend-expiration

Usage: morpheus instances extend-expiration [instance]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Extend expiration for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances extend-shutdown

Usage: morpheus instances extend-shutdown [instance]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Extend shutdown for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances get

Usage: morpheus instances get [instance]
    -a, --all                        Display all details: containers|vms, and scaling.
        --containers                 Display Instance Containers
        --nodes                      Alias for --containers
        --vms                        Alias for --containers
        --scaling                    Display Instance Scaling Settings
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is running,failed. Default interval is 30 seconds.
        --refresh-until STATUS       Refresh until a specified status is reached.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances get-schedule

Usage: morpheus instances get-schedule [instance] [schedule]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an instance scaling threshold schedule.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance
[schedule] is required. This is id of an instance schedule

morpheus instances history

Usage: morpheus instances history [instance]
        --events                     Display sub processes (events).
        --output                     Display process output.
        --details                    Display more details: memory and storage usage used / max values.
        --process-id ID              Display details about a specfic process only.
        --event-id ID                Display details about a specfic process event only.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List historical processes for a specific instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.

morpheus instances history-details

Usage: morpheus instances history-details [instance] [process-id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display history details for a specific process.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.
[process-id] is required. This is the id of the process.

morpheus instances history-event

Usage: morpheus instances history-event [instance] [event-id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display history details for a specific process event.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.
[event-id] is required. This is the id of the process event.

morpheus instances import-snapshot

Usage: morpheus instances import-snapshot [instance]
        --storage-provider ID        Optional storage provider
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances list

Usage: morpheus instances list
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --host HOST                  Host Name or ID
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
        --agent                      Show only Instances with the agent installed
        --noagent                    Show only Instances with No agent
        --status STATUS              Filter by status i.e. provisioning,running,starting,stopping
        --type CODE                  Filter by Instance Type code
        --environment CODE           Filter by Environment code(s)
        --pending-removal            Include instances pending removal.
        --pending-removal-only       Only instances pending removal.
        --plan NAME                  Filter by Plan name(s)
        --plan-id ID                 Filter by Plan id(s)
        --plan-code CODE             Filter by Plan code(s)
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
        --tags Name=Value            Filter by tags (metadata name value pairs).
        --stats                      Display values for memory and storage usage used / max values.
    -a, --details                    Display all details: plan, stats, etc
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List instances.

morpheus instances lock

Usage: morpheus instances lock [instance]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Lock an instance
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances logs

Usage: morpheus instances logs [instance]
    -n, --node NODE_ID               Scope logs to specific Container or VM
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start timestamp. Default is 30 days ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End timestamp. Default is now.
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
        --table                      Format ouput as a table.
    -a, --all                        Display all details: entire message.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances refresh

Usage: morpheus instances refresh [instance] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.
This is only supported by certain types of instances such as terraform.

morpheus instances remove

Usage: morpheus instances remove [instance]
        --keep-backups               Preserve copy of backups
        --preserve-volumes [on|off]  Preserve Volumes. Default is off. Applies to certain types only.
        --release-ips [on|off]       Release Floating IPs. Default is on. Applies to certain types only.
    -f, --force                      Force Delete
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances remove-all-container-snapshots

Usage: morpheus instances remove-all-container-snapshots [instance]
        --container ID               Required container
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove all snapshots attached to an instances container.
[containerId] is required. This is the id of the container which removes all attached snapshots.

morpheus instances remove-all-snapshots

Usage: morpheus instances remove-all-snapshots [instance]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove all snapshots attached to an instance.
Warning: This will remove all snapshots across all containers of an instance.

morpheus instances remove-from-control

Usage: morpheus instances remove-from-control [name or id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove a brownfield instance from Morpheus. This does not delete the cloud instance, only Morpheus' record of it.
[name or id] is required. The name or the id of the instance may be listed.
[name or id] [name or id] [name or id] ...  A list of names or ids, separated by a space, may be used for bulk removal.

morpheus instances remove-schedule

Usage: morpheus instances remove-schedule [instance] [schedule]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing instance scaling threshold schedule
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance
[schedule] is required. This is id of an instance schedule

morpheus instances resize

Usage: morpheus instances resize [instance]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances restart

Usage: morpheus instances restart [instance]
        --mute-monitoring [on|off]   Mute monitoring. Default is on.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances restart-service

Usage: morpheus instances restart-service [instance]
        --mute-monitoring [on|off]   Mute monitoring. Default is on.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Restart service on an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances revert-to-snapshot

Usage: morpheus instances revert-to-snapshot [instance]
        --snapshot ID                Optional snapshot
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Revert an Instance to saved Snapshot previously made.
[snapshotId] is required. This is the id of the snapshot to replace the current instance.

morpheus instances run-workflow

Usage: morpheus instances run-workflow [instance] [workflow] [options]
        --phase PHASE                Task Phase to run for Provisioning workflows. The default is provision.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Run workflow for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance
[workflow] is required. This is the name or id of a workflow
By default the provision phase is executed.
Use the --phase option to execute a different phase.
The available phases are start, stop, preProvision, provision, postProvision, preDeploy, deploy, reconfigure, teardown, startup and shutdown.

morpheus instances scaling

Usage: morpheus instances scaling [instance]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Show scaling threshold information for an instance.

morpheus instances schedules

Usage: morpheus instances schedules [instance]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List instance scaling threshold schedules.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances security-groups

Usage: morpheus instances security-groups [instance]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances setenv

Usage: morpheus instances setenv [instance] VAR VALUE [-e]
    -e                               Exportable
    -M                               Masked
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances snapshot

Usage: morpheus instances snapshot [instance]
        --name VALUE                 Snapshot Name. Default is server name + timestamp
        --description VALUE          Snapshot Description.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a snapshot for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances snapshots

Usage: morpheus instances snapshots [instance]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List snapshots for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances start

Usage: morpheus instances start [instance]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Start an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances start-service

Usage: morpheus instances start-service [instance]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Start service on an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances state

Usage: morpheus instances state [instance] [options]
        --data                       Display State Data
        --specs                      Display Spec Templates
        --plan                       Display Plan Data
        --input                      Display Input
        --output                     Display Output
    -a, --all                        Display All Details
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View state of an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.
This is only supported by certain types of apps such as terraform.

morpheus instances stats

Usage: morpheus instances stats [instance]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances status-check

Usage: morpheus instances status-check [instance]
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances stop

Usage: morpheus instances stop [instance]
        --mute-monitoring [on|off]   Mute monitoring. Default is off.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Stop an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances stop-service

Usage: morpheus instances stop-service [instance]
        --mute-monitoring [on|off]   Mute monitoring. Default is off.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Stop service on an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances suspend

Usage: morpheus instances suspend [instance]
        --mute-monitoring [on|off]   Mute monitoring. Default is on.
        --server [on|off]            Suspend instance server. Default is off.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Suspend an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances unlock

Usage: morpheus instances unlock [instance]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unlock an instance
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance

morpheus instances update

Usage: morpheus instances update [instance]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --displayName VALUE          Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --environment VALUE          Environment
        --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
        --labels [LIST]              Labels (keywords) in the format 'foo, bar'
        --tags LIST                  Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will add and remove tags.
        --add-tags TAGS              Add Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will only add/update tags.
        --remove-tags TAGS           Remove Tags in the format 'name, name:value'. This removes tags, the :value component is optional and must match if passed.
        --power-schedule-type ID     Power Schedule Type ID
        --owner USER                 Owner Username or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances update-network-label

Usage: morpheus instances update-network-label [instance] [options]
        --network NETWORK            Network Interface ID
        --label LABEL                label
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Change the label of a Network Interface.
Editing an Interface will not apply changes to the physical hardware. The purpose is for a manual override or data correction (mostly for self managed or baremetal servers where cloud sync is not available)
[name or id] is required. The name or the id of the instance.
[network] ID of the Network Interface. (optional).
[label] New Label name for the Network Interface (optional)

morpheus instances update-scaling

Usage: morpheus instances update-scaling [instance]
        --threshold VALUE            Threshold - Threshold template to use as source for scaling threshold settings.. Default: custom
        --autoUp [on|off]            Auto Upscale (optional) - Enable auto upscaling
        --autoDown [on|off]          Auto Downscale (optional) - Enable auto downscaling
        --minCount NUMBER            Min Count (optional) - Minimum number of nodes
        --maxCount NUMBER            Max Count (optional) - Maximum number of nodes
        --cpuEnabled [on|off]        Enable CPU Threshold (optional) - Scale when CPU thresholds are met.
        --minCpu NUMBER              Min CPU (optional) - Minimum CPU percent (0-100)
        --maxCpu NUMBER              Max CPU (optional) - Maximum CPU percent (0-100)
        --memoryEnabled [on|off]     Enable Memory Threshold (optional) - Scale when memory thresholds are met.
        --minMemory NUMBER           Min Memory (optional) - Minimum memory percent (0-100)
        --maxMemory NUMBER           Max Memory (optional) - Maximum memory percent (0-100)
        --diskEnabled [on|off]       Enable Disk Threshold (optional) - Scale when storage thresholds are met.
        --minDisk NUMBER             Min Disk (optional) - Minimum storage percent (0-100)
        --maxDisk NUMBER             Max Disk (optional) - Maximum storage percent (0-100)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update scaling threshold settings for an instance.

morpheus instances update-schedule

Usage: morpheus instances update-schedule [instance] [schedule]
        --scheduleType VALUE         Schedule Type (optional) - Schedule type  can be recurring day of the week str or exact start and end timestamp
        --scheduleTimezone VALUE     Timezone (optional) - The timezone
        --startDayOfWeek VALUE       Start Day Of Week (optional) - Start day of the week Sunday-Saturday (1-7)
        --startTime HH:MM            Start Time (HH:MM) (optional) - Start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --endDayOfWeek VALUE         End Day Of Week (optional) - End day of the week Sunday-Saturday (1-7)
        --endTime HH:MM              End Time (HH:MM) (optional) - End time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --startDate YYYY-MM-DD       Start Date (optional) - Exact start date timestamp in standard iso8601 format
        --endDate YYYY-MM-DD         End Date (optional) - Exact end date timestamp in standard iso8601 format
        --threshold VALUE            Threshold (optional) - Threshold template to use as source for scaling threshold settings.
        --autoUp [on|off]            Auto Upscale (optional) - Enable auto upscaling
        --autoDown [on|off]          Auto Downscale (optional) - Enable auto downscaling
        --minCount NUMBER            Min Count (optional) - Minimum number of nodes
        --maxCount NUMBER            Max Count (optional) - Maximum number of nodes
        --cpuEnabled [on|off]        Enable CPU Threshold (optional) - Scale when CPU thresholds are met.
        --minCpu NUMBER              Min CPU (optional) - Minimum CPU percent (0-100)
        --maxCpu NUMBER              Max CPU (optional) - Maximum CPU percent (0-100)
        --memoryEnabled [on|off]     Enable Memory Threshold (optional) - Scale when memory thresholds are met.
        --minMemory NUMBER           Min Memory (optional) - Minimum memory percent (0-100)
        --maxMemory NUMBER           Max Memory (optional) - Maximum memory percent (0-100)
        --diskEnabled [on|off]       Enable Disk Threshold (optional) - Scale when storage thresholds are met.
        --minDisk NUMBER             Min Disk (optional) - Minimum storage percent (0-100)
        --maxDisk NUMBER             Max Disk (optional) - Maximum storage percent (0-100)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing instance scaling threshold schedule.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance
[schedule] is required. This is id of an instance schedule

morpheus instances update-wiki

Usage: morpheus instances update-wiki [instance] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - The name of the wiki page for this instance. Default is the instance name.
        --content VALUE              Content (optional) - The content (markdown) of the wiki page.
        --file FILE                  File containing the wiki content. This can be used instead of --content
        --clear                      Clear current page content
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus instances view

Usage: morpheus instances view [instance]
    -w, --wiki                       Open the wiki tab for this instance
        --tab VALUE                  Open a specific tab
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View an instance in a web browser
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. Supports 1-N [instance] arguments.

morpheus instances wiki

Usage: morpheus instances wiki [instance]
        --view                       View wiki page in web browser.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View wiki page details for an instance.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance.

morpheus integrations

Usage: morpheus integrations [command] [options]

Integrations: View and manage integrations

morpheus integrations add

Usage: morpheus integrations add [name] -t CODE [options]
    -t, --type VALUE                 Type - Integration Type code, see `integrations list-types` for available type codes
        --name VALUE                 Name - Name of the integration
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional) - Can be used to disable an integration. Default: true
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new integration.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new integration
Configuration options vary by integration type.

morpheus integrations add-object

Usage: morpheus integrations add-object [integration] [name] -t CODE [options]
    -t, --type VALUE                 Type - Integration Object Type eg. catalog
        --catalog VALUE              Catalog Item - Catalog Item
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new integration object.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new integration
Configuration options vary by integration type.

morpheus integrations get

Usage: morpheus integrations get [integration]
        --objects                    Display exposed objects for the integration.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific integration.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.

morpheus integrations get-inventory

Usage: morpheus integrations get-inventory [integration] [inventory]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific integration inventory item.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.
[inventory] is required. This is the name or id of an integration inventory item.
Only certain types of integrations support this operation, such as Ansible Tower.

morpheus integrations get-object

Usage: morpheus integrations get-object [integration] [object]
    -c, --config                     Display config only, for blueprint objects
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific integration object.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.
[object] is required. This is the name or id of an integration object.

morpheus integrations get-type

Usage: morpheus integrations get-type [type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --optionTypes [true|false]   Include optionTypes in the response. Default is true.

Get details about a specific integration type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of an integration type.

morpheus integrations list

Usage: morpheus integrations list [search]
    -t, --type CODE                  Filter by type code(s), see `list-types` for available type codes
        --url URL                    Filter by url
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List integrations.

morpheus integrations list-inventory

Usage: morpheus integrations list-inventory [integration] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List integration inventory.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.
Only certain types of integrations support this operation, such as Ansible Tower.

morpheus integrations list-objects

Usage: morpheus integrations list-objects [integration] [search]
    -t, --type CODE                  Filter by types: cloud, layout, blueprint, catalog
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List integration objects.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.

morpheus integrations list-types

Usage: morpheus integrations list-types [search]
        --optionTypes [true|false]   Include optionTypes in the response. Default is false.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List integration types.

morpheus integrations refresh

Usage: morpheus integrations refresh [integration] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Name of the integration
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional) - Can be used to disable an integration
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh an integration.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.

morpheus integrations remove

Usage: morpheus integrations remove [integration] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an integration.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.

morpheus integrations remove-object

Usage: morpheus integrations remove-object [integration] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an integration object.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.
[object] is required. This is the name or id of an integration object.

morpheus integrations update

Usage: morpheus integrations update [integration] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Name of the integration
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional) - Can be used to disable an integration
        --no-refresh                 Skip refresh on update.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an integration.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.

morpheus integrations update-inventory

Usage: morpheus integrations update-inventory [integration] [inventory] [options]
        --tenants [LIST]             Tenant Default, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an integration inventory item.
[integration] is required. This is the name or id of an integration.
[inventory] is required. This is the name or id of an integration inventory item.
Only certain types of integrations support this operation, such as Ansible Tower.

morpheus invoices

Usage: morpheus invoices [command] [options]

morpheus invoices get

Usage: morpheus invoices get [id]
    -a, --all                        Display all details, costs and prices.
        --estimates                  Display all estimated prices, from usage metering info: Compute, Memory, Storage, Network, Extra
        --costs                      Display Costs in addition to prices
        --no-line-items              Do not display line items.
        --max-line-items VALUE       String
                                     Max line items to load. Default is 1000.
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits when rounding cost values for display as currency. Default is 2. eg. $3.50
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific invoice.
[id] is required. This is the id of an invoice.

morpheus invoices get-line-item

Usage: morpheus invoices get-line-item [id]
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits when rounding cost values for display as currency. Default is 2. eg. $3.50
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific invoice line item.
[id] is required. This is the id of an invoice line item.

morpheus invoices list

Usage: morpheus invoices list
    -a, --all                        Display all details, costs and prices.
        --dates                      Display Ref Start, Ref End, etc.
        --costs                      Display Costs in addition to prices
        --estimates                  Display all estimated prices, from usage metering info: Compute, Memory, Storage, Network, Extra
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by Ref Type eg. ComputeSite (Group), ComputeZone (Cloud), ComputeServer (Host), Instance, Container, User
        --id ID                      Filter by Ref ID
        --group ID                   Filter by Group
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Filter by Cloud
        --instance ID                Filter by Instance
        --container ID               Filter by Container
        --server ID                  Filter by Server (Host)
        --user ID                    Filter by User
        --project PROJECT            View invoices for a project.
        --start DATE                 Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
        --end DATE                   End date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Default is now.
        --period PERIOD              Period in the format YYYYMM. This can be used instead of start/end.
        --active [true|false]        Filter by active.
        --estimate [true|false]      Filter by estimate.
        --tenant ID                  View invoices for a tenant. Default is your own account.
        --tags Name=Value            Filter by tags.
        --totals                     View total costs and prices for all the invoices found.
        --totals-only                View totals only
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits when rounding cost values for display as currency. Default is 2. eg. $3.50
        --test-count VALUE           Test if value matches the total number of results found and exit with error code 3 if not.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List invoices.

morpheus invoices list-line-items

Usage: morpheus invoices list-line-items
    -a, --all                        Display all details, costs and prices.
        --costs                      Display costs in addition to prices
        --invoice-id ID              Filter by Invoice ID
        --external-id ID             Filter by External ID
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by Ref Type eg. ComputeSite (Group), ComputeZone (Cloud), ComputeServer (Host), Instance, Container, User
        --id ID                      Filter by Ref ID
        --group ID                   Filter by Group
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Filter by Cloud
        --instance ID                Filter by Instance
        --container ID               Filter by Container
        --server ID                  Filter by Server (Host)
        --user ID                    Filter by User
        --project PROJECT            View invoices for a project.
        --start DATE                 Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
        --end DATE                   End date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Default is now.
        --period PERIOD              Period in the format YYYYMM. This can be used instead of start/end.
        --active [true|false]        Filter by active.
        --estimate [true|false]      Filter by estimate.
        --tenant ID                  View invoice line items for a tenant. Default is your own account.
        --tags Name=Value            Filter by tags.
        --totals                     View total costs and prices for all the invoices found.
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits when rounding cost values for display as currency. Default is 2. eg. $3.50
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List invoice line items.

morpheus invoices refresh

Usage: morpheus invoices refresh [-c CLOUD]
    -c, --clouds CLOUD               Specify clouds to refresh costing for.
        --all                        Refresh costing for all clouds. This can be used instead of --clouds
        --date DATE                  Date to collect costing for. By default the cost data is collected for the end of the previous job interval (hour or day).
        --period PERIOD              Period in the format YYYYMM to process invoices for. Default is the current period. This is an alias for the --date option.
        --rebuild                    Rebuild invoices for period. Only applies to mode=costing.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh invoice costing data for the specified clouds.

morpheus invoices update

Usage: morpheus invoices update [invoice] [options]
        --tags LIST                  Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will add and remove tags.
        --add-tags TAGS              Add Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will only add/update tags.
        --remove-tags TAGS           Remove Tags in the format 'name, name:value'. This removes tags, the :value component is optional and must match if passed.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an invoice.
[invoice] is required. This is the id of an invoice.

morpheus jobs

Usage: morpheus jobs [command] [options]

morpheus jobs add

Usage: morpheus jobs add [name]
        --name NAME                  Updates job name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -a, --active [on|off]            Can be used to enable / disable the job. Default is on
        --type [TYPE]                Job Type Name, Code or ID. The available types are "Security Scan Job", "Task Job", and "Workflow Job"
    -t, --task [TASK]                Task ID or name, assigns task to job. This sets the job type to "Task Job".
    -w, --workflow [WORKFLOW]        Workflow ID or name, assigns workflow to job. This sets the job type to "Workflow Job".
        --security-package [PACKAGE] Security Package ID or name, assigns security package to job. This sets the job type to "Security Scan Job".
        --context-type [TYPE]        Context type (instance|instance-label|server|server-label|none). Default is none
        --instances [LIST]           Context instances(s), comma separated list of instance IDs. Incompatible with --servers
        --instance-label LABEL       Instance Label
        --servers [LIST]             Context server(s), comma separated list of server IDs. Incompatible with --instances
        --server-label LABEL         Server Label
    -S, --schedule [SCHEDULE]        Job execution schedule type name or ID
        --config [TEXT]              Custom config
    -R, --run [on|off]               Can be used to run the job now.
        --date-time DATETIME         Can be used to run schedule at a specific date and time. Use UTC time in the format 2020-02-15T05:00:00Z. This sets scheduleMode to 'dateTime'.
        --scan-checklist [VALUE]     Scan Checklist. Only applicable to the security scan job type
        --security-profile [VALUE]   Security Profile. Only applicable to the security scan job type
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create job.

morpheus jobs execute

Usage: morpheus jobs execute [job]
        --config [TEXT]              Custom config
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Run job.
[job] is required. Job ID or name

morpheus jobs get

Usage: morpheus jobs get [job] [max-exec-count]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a job.
[job] is required. Job ID or name.
[max-exec-count] is optional. Specified max # of most recent executions. Defaults is 3

morpheus jobs get-execution

Usage: morpheus jobs get-execution [id]
    -a, --all                        Show all details.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a job.
[id] is required. Job execution ID.

morpheus jobs get-execution-event

Usage: morpheus jobs get-execution-event [id] [event]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a job.
[id] is required. Job execution ID.
[event] is required. Process event ID.

morpheus jobs list

Usage: morpheus jobs list
        --source [all|user|discovered]
                                     Filters job based upon specified source. Default is all
        --internal [true|false]      Filters job based on internal flag. Internal jobs are excluded by default.
        --stats [true|false]         Hide Execution Stats. Job statistics are displayed by default.
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List jobs.

morpheus jobs list-executions

Usage: morpheus jobs list-executions [job]
        --job JOB                    Filter by Job ID or name.
        --internal [true|false]      Filters executions based on internal flag. Internal executions are excluded by default.
        --automation [true|false]    Filters executions based on automation flag. Non-automation executions include ansible and kubernetes job types.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -a, --all                        Show all details.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List job executions.
[job] is optional. Job ID or name to filter executions.

morpheus jobs remove

Usage: morpheus jobs remove [job]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove job.
[job] is required. Job ID or name

morpheus jobs update

Usage: morpheus jobs update [job]
        --name NAME                  Updates job name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -a, --active [on|off]            Can be used to enable / disable the job. Default is on
    -t, --task [TASK]                Task ID or name, assigns task to job. Only compatible with workflow job type.
    -w, --workflow [WORKFLOW]        Workflow ID or name, assigns workflow to job. Only compatible with security scan job type.
        --security-package [PACKAGE] Security Package ID or name, assigns security package to job. Only compatible with security scan job type.
        --context-type [TYPE]        Context type (instance|instance-label|server|server-label|none). Default is none
        --instances [LIST]           Context instances(s), comma separated list of instance IDs. Incompatible with --servers
        --instance-label LABEL       Instance Label
        --servers [LIST]             Context server(s), comma separated list of server IDs. Incompatible with --instances
        --server-label LABEL         Server Label
        --schedule [SCHEDULE]        Job execution schedule type name or ID
        --config [TEXT]              Custom config
    -R, --run [on|off]               Can be used to run the job now.
        --date-time DATETIME         Can be used to run schedule at a specific date and time. Use UTC time in the format 2020-02-15T05:00:00Z. This sets scheduleMode to 'dateTime'.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update job.
[job] is required. Job ID or name

morpheus key-pairs

Usage: morpheus key-pairs [command] [options]

morpheus key-pairs add

Usage: morpheus key-pairs add [name] [options]
        --public-key-file FILENAME
                                     Public Key File
        --public-key TEXT
                                     Public Key Text
        --private-key-file FILENAME
                                     Private Key File
        --private-key TEXT
                                     Private Key Text
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add a key pair.

morpheus key-pairs generate

Usage: morpheus key-pairs generate [name]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Generate a key pair.

morpheus key-pairs get

Usage: morpheus key-pairs get [name]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus key-pairs list

Usage: morpheus key-pairs list
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus key-pairs remove

Usage: morpheus key-pairs remove [name]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a key pair.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a key pair.

morpheus key-pairs update

Usage: morpheus key-pairs update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a key pair.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a key pair.

morpheus library-cluster-layouts

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-layouts [command] [options]

morpheus library-cluster-layouts add

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-layouts add [name] [options]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this cluster layout
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -D, --description VALUE          Description
    -v, --version VALUE              Version
    -c, --creatable [on|off]         Can be used to enable / disable creatable layout. Default is on
    -g, --cluster-type CODE          Cluster type. This is the cluster type code.
    -t, --technology CODE            Technology. This is the provision type code.
    -m, --min-memory NUMBER          Min memory. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
    -w, --workflow ID                Workflow
    -s, --auto-scale [on|off]        Can be used to enable / disable horizontal scaling. Default is on
        --install-docker [on|off]    Install Docker container runtime. Default is off.
        --evars-json JSON            Environment variables JSON: {"name":"Foo", "value":"Bar", "masked":true, "export":true}
    -e, --evars LIST                 Environment variables list. Comma delimited list of name=value pairs
    -o, --option-types LIST          Option types, comma separated list of option type IDs
        --masters LIST               List of master. Comma separated container types IDs in format id[/count/priority], ex: 100,101/3/0
        --workers LIST               List of workers. Comma separated container types IDs in format id[/count/priority], ex: 100,101/3/1
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a cluster layout.

morpheus library-cluster-layouts clone

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-layouts clone [layout]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for new cluster layout. Defaults to 'Copy of...'
    -D, --description VALUE          Description
    -v, --version VALUE              Version
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Clone a cluster layout.
[layout] is required. This is the name or id of a cluster layout being cloned.

morpheus library-cluster-layouts get

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-layouts get [layout]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display cluster layout details.
[layout] is required. This is the name or id of a cluster layout.

morpheus library-cluster-layouts list

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-layouts list
        --technology VALUE           Filter by technology
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List cluster layouts.

morpheus library-cluster-layouts remove

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-layouts remove [layout]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a cluster layout.
[layout] is required. This is the name or id of a cluster layout.

morpheus library-cluster-layouts update

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-layouts update [name] [options]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this cluster layout
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -D, --description VALUE          Description
    -v, --version VALUE              Version
    -c, --creatable [on|off]         Can be used to enable / disable creatable layout. Default is on
    -g, --cluster-type CODE          Cluster type. This is the cluster type code.
    -t, --technology CODE            Technology. This is the provision type code.
    -m, --min-memory NUMBER          Min memory. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
    -w, --workflow ID                Workflow
        --clear-workflow             Removes workflow from cluster layout
    -s, --auto-scale [on|off]        Can be used to enable / disable horizontal scaling. Default is on
        --install-docker [on|off]    Install Docker container runtime. Default is off.
        --evars-json JSON            Environment variables JSON: {"name":"Foo", "value":"Bar", "masked":true, "export":true}
    -e, --evars LIST                 Environment variables list. Comma delimited list of name=value pairs
        --clear-evars                Removes all environment variables
    -o, --opt-types LIST             Option types, comma separated list of option type IDs
        --clear-opt-types            Removes all options
        --masters LIST               List of master. Comma separated container types IDs in format id[/count/priority], ex: 100,101/3/0
        --clear-masters              Removes all master nodes
        --workers LIST               List of workers. Comma separated container types IDs in format id[/count/priority], ex: 100,101/3/1
        --clear-workers              Removes all worker nodes
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a cluster layout.
[layout] is required. This is the name or id of a cluster layout.

morpheus library-cluster-packages

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-packages [command] [options]

morpheus library-cluster-packages add

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-packages add [name] [options]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this cluster package
        --description VALUE          Description
    -c, --code VALUE                 Code
    -e, --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable package. Default is on
        --repeatInstall [on|off]     Can be used to retry install package if initial fails
    -t, --type VALUE                 Type
    -p, --packageType VALUE          Package Type
    -v, --packageVersion VALUE       Package Version
        --spec-templates [x,y,z]     List of Spec Templates to include in this package, comma separated list of IDs.
        --logo FILE                  Upload a custom logo icon
        --dark-logo FILE             Upload a custom dark logo icon
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a cluster package.

morpheus library-cluster-packages get

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-packages get [clusterPackage]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display cluster package details.
[clusterPackage] is required. This is the id of a cluster package.

morpheus library-cluster-packages list

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-packages list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List cluster packages.

morpheus library-cluster-packages remove

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-packages remove [clusterPackage]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a cluster package.
[clusterPackage] is required. This is the id of a cluster package.

morpheus library-cluster-packages update

Usage: morpheus library-cluster-packages update [id] [options]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this cluster package
        --description VALUE          Description
    -c, --code VALUE                 Code
    -e, --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable package. Default is on
        --repeatInstall [on|off]     Can be used to retry install package if initial fails
    -t, --type VALUE                 Type
    -p, --packageType VALUE          Package Type
    -v, --packageVersion VALUE       Package Version
        --spec-templates [x,y,z]     List of Spec Templates to include in this package, comma separated list of IDs.
        --logo FILE                  Upload a custom logo icon
        --dark-logo FILE             Upload a custom dark logo icon
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a cluster package.
[id] is required. This is the id of a cluster package.

morpheus library-file-templates

Usage: morpheus library-file-templates [command] [options]

morpheus library-file-templates add

Usage: morpheus library-file-templates add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --file-name VALUE            File Name
        --file-path VALUE            File Path
        --phase [preProvision|provision|postProvision]
                                     Template Phase. Default is 'provision'
        --template TEXT              Contents of the template.
        --file FILE                  File containing the template. This can be used instead of --template
        --file-owner VALUE           File Owner
        --setting-name VALUE         Setting Name
        --setting-category VALUE     Setting Category
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new file template.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus library-file-templates get

Usage: morpheus library-file-templates get [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-file-templates list

Usage: morpheus library-file-templates list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-file-templates remove

Usage: morpheus library-file-templates remove [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-file-templates update

Usage: morpheus library-file-templates update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --file-name VALUE            File Name
        --file-path VALUE            File Path
        --phase [preProvision|provision|postProvision]
                                     Template Phase. Default is 'provision'
        --template TEXT              Contents of the template.
        --file FILE                  File containing the template. This can be used instead of --template
        --file-owner VALUE           File Owner
        --setting-name VALUE         Setting Name
        --setting-category VALUE     Setting Category
        --settingCategory VALUE      Setting Category
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a file template.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a file template.

morpheus library-forms

Usage: morpheus library-forms [command] [options]

morpheus library-forms add

Usage: morpheus library-forms add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name - Form name
        --code VALUE                 Code - Unique form code
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --options OPTIONS            List of option type inputs to add to the form, this list can include full JSON objects or just the id to use an existing option eg. --options '[5,6,7,{"fieldName":"input","fieldLabel":"Input"}]'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new form.

morpheus library-forms get

Usage: morpheus library-forms get [form]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a form.
[form] is required. This is the name or id of a form.

morpheus library-forms list

Usage: morpheus library-forms list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List option forms.

morpheus library-forms remove

Usage: morpheus library-forms remove [form]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a form.
[form] is required. This is the name or id of a form.

morpheus library-forms update

Usage: morpheus library-forms update [form] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Form name
        --code VALUE                 Code (optional) - Unique form code
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a form.
[form] is required. This is the name or id of a form.

morpheus library-instance-types

Usage: morpheus library-instance-types [command] [options]

morpheus library-instance-types add

Usage: morpheus library-instance-types add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --code VALUE                 Code - Useful shortcode for provisioning naming schemes and export reference.
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --category VALUE             Category
        --logo VALUE                 Icon File (optional)
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional). Default: private
        --environmentPrefix VALUE    Environment Prefix (optional) - Used for exportable environment variables when tying instance types together in app contexts. If not specified a name will be generated.
        --hasSettings [on|off]       Enable Settings (optional)
        --hasAutoScale [on|off]      Enable Scaling (Horizontal) (optional)
        --hasDeployment [on|off]     Supports Deployments (optional) - Requires a data volume be configured on each version. Files will be copied into this location.
        --option-types [x,y,z]       List of Option Type IDs
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --price-sets [LIST]          Price set(s), comma separated list of price set IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new instance type.

morpheus library-instance-types get

Usage: morpheus library-instance-types get [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-instance-types list

Usage: morpheus library-instance-types list
        --category VALUE             Filter by category
        --code VALUE                 Filter by code
        --technology VALUE           Filter by technology
        --featured [true|false]      Filter by featured.
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List instance types.

morpheus library-instance-types remove

Usage: morpheus library-instance-types remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an instance type.

morpheus library-instance-types update

Usage: morpheus library-instance-types update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --code VALUE                 Code - Useful shortcode for provisioning naming schemes and export reference.
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --category VALUE             Category
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional). Default: private
        --environmentPrefix VALUE    Environment Prefix (optional) - Used for exportable environment variables when tying instance types together in app contexts. If not specified a name will be generated.
        --hasSettings [on|off]       Enable Settings (optional)
        --hasAutoScale [on|off]      Enable Scaling (Horizontal) (optional)
        --hasDeployment [on|off]     Supports Deployments (optional) - Requires a data volume be configured on each version. Files will be copied into this location.
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --option-types [x,y,z]       List of Option Type IDs
        --price-sets [LIST]          Price set(s), comma separated list of price set IDs

Update an instance type.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a instance type.

morpheus library-layouts

Usage: morpheus library-layouts [command] [options]

morpheus library-layouts add

Usage: morpheus library-layouts add [instance-type]
        --instance-type ID           Instance Type
        --name VALUE                 Name for this layout
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --version VALUE              Version
        --description VALUE          Description
        --creatable [on|off]         Creatable
        --technology CODE            Technology
        --min-memory VALUE           Minimum Memory (MB)
        --auto-scale [on|off]        Enable Scaling (Horizontal)
        --convert-to-managed [on|off]
                                     Supports Convert To Managed
        --workflow ID                Workflow
        --option-types [x,y,z]       List of Option Type IDs
        --node-types [x,y,z]         List of Node Type IDs
        --spec-templates [x,y,z]     List of Spec Templates to include in this layout, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --tfvar-secret VALUE         Tfvar Secret name, eg. 'tfvars/dev-key'
        --price-sets [LIST]          Price set(s), comma separated list of price set IDs
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new layout.
[instance-type] is required and can be passed as --instance-type instead.

morpheus library-layouts get

Usage: morpheus library-layouts get [layout]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a layout.
[layout] is required. This is the name or id of a layout.

morpheus library-layouts list

Usage: morpheus library-layouts list
        --instance-type ID           Filter by Instance Type
        --category VALUE             Filter by category
        --code VALUE                 Filter by code
        --technology VALUE           Filter by technology
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List layouts.

morpheus library-layouts remove

Usage: morpheus library-layouts remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a layout.

morpheus library-layouts update

Usage: morpheus library-layouts update [layout] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this layout
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --version VALUE              Version
        --description VALUE          Description
        --creatable [on|off]         Creatable
        --technology CODE            Technology
        --min-memory VALUE           Minimum Memory (MB)
        --auto-scale [on|off]        Enable Scaling (Horizontal)
        --convert-to-managed [on|off]
                                     Supports Convert To Managed
        --workflow ID                Workflow
        --option-types [x,y,z]       List of Option Type IDs
        --node-types [x,y,z]         List of Node Type IDs
        --spec-templates [x,y,z]     List of Spec Templates to include in this layout, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --tfvar-secret VALUE         Tfvar Secret name, eg. 'tfvars/dev-key'
        --price-sets [LIST]          Price set(s), comma separated list of price set IDs
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a layout.
[layout] is required. This is the name or id of a layout.

morpheus library-layouts update-permissions

Usage: morpheus library-layouts update-permissions [layout]
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update layout permissions.
[layout] is required. This is the name or id of a layout.

morpheus library-node-types

Usage: morpheus library-node-types [command] [options]

morpheus library-node-types add

Usage: morpheus library-node-types add
        --name VALUE                 Name for this node type
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --shortName VALUE            Short Name
        --version VALUE              Version
        --technology CODE            Technology. This is the provision type code.
        --evars-json JSON            Environment variables JSON: {"name":"Foo", "value":"Bar", "masked":true, "export":true}
    -e, --evars LIST                 Environment variables list. Comma delimited list of name=value pairs
        --ports NAME=PORT,NAME=PORT  List of exposed port definitions in the format NAME=PORT|PROTOCOL, Example: "WEB=80|HTTP,SECURE=443|HTTPS"
        --scripts x,y,z              List of Script IDs
        --file-templates x,y,z       List of File Template IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a node type.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus library-node-types get

Usage: morpheus library-node-types get [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display node type details.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a node type.

morpheus library-node-types list

Usage: morpheus library-node-types list
        --layout ID                  Filter by Layout
        --technology VALUE           Filter by technology
        --category VALUE             Filter by category
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List node types.

morpheus library-node-types remove

Usage: morpheus library-node-types remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a node type.

morpheus library-node-types update

Usage: morpheus library-node-types update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this layout
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --shortName VALUE            Short Name
        --version VALUE              Version
        --evars-json JSON            Environment variables JSON: {"name":"Foo", "value":"Bar", "masked":true, "export":true}
    -e, --evars LIST                 Environment variables list. Comma delimited list of name=value pairs
        --ports NAME=PORT,NAME=PORT  List of exposed port definitions in the format NAME=PORT|PROTOCOL, Example: "WEB=80|HTTP,SECURE=443|HTTPS"
        --scripts x,y,z              List of Script IDs
        --file-templates x,y,z       List of File Template IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a node type.

morpheus library-option-lists

Usage: morpheus library-option-lists [command] [options]

morpheus library-option-lists add

Usage: morpheus library-option-lists add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --type VALUE                 Type - Option List Type. eg. rest, api, ldap, manual. Default: rest
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional). Default: private
        --sourceUrl VALUE            Source Url - A REST URL can be used to fetch list data and is cached in the appliance database.
        --ignoreSSLErrors [on|off]   Ignore SSL Errors (optional)
        --realTime [on|off]          Real Time (optional)
        --sourceMethod VALUE         Source Method. Default: GET
        --apiType VALUE              Option List - The code of the api option list to use, eg. clouds, environments, groups, instances, instance-wiki, networks, servicePlans, resourcePools, securityGroups, servers, server-wiki
        --credential VALUE           Credentials - Credential ID or use "local" to specify username and password. Default: local
        --serviceUsername VALUE      Username (optional) - An LDAP Username for use when type is 'ldap'.
        --servicePassword VALUE      Password (optional) - An LDAP Password for use when type is 'ldap'.
        --ldapQuery VALUE            LDAP Query (optional) - LDAP Queries are standard LDAP formatted queries where different objects can be searched. Dependent parameters can be loaded into the query using the <%=phrase%> syntax.
        --initialDataset VALUE       Initial Dataset (optional) - Create an initial json dataset to be used as the collection for this option list. It should be a list containing objects with properties 'name', and 'value'. However, if there is a translation script, that will also be passed through.
        --translationScript VALUE    Translation Script (optional) - Create a js script to translate the result data object into an Array containing objects with properties name, and value. The input data is provided as data and the result should be put on the global variable results.
        --requestScript VALUE        Request Script (optional) - Create a js script to prepare the request. Return a data object as the body for a post, and return an array containing properties name and value for a get. The input data is provided as data and the result should be put on the global variable results.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new option list.

morpheus library-option-lists get

Usage: morpheus library-option-lists get [name]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --items                      Load and display option list items

Get details about an option list.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an option list. Supports 1-N [name] arguments.

morpheus library-option-lists list

Usage: morpheus library-option-lists list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List option lists.

morpheus library-option-lists list-items

Usage: morpheus library-option-lists list-items [name]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List items for an option list.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an option list.

morpheus library-option-lists remove

Usage: morpheus library-option-lists remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an option list.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an option list.

morpheus library-option-lists update

Usage: morpheus library-option-lists update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --type VALUE                 Type (optional) - Option List Type. eg. rest, api, ldap, manual
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional)
        --sourceUrl VALUE            Source Url (optional) - A REST URL can be used to fetch list data and is cached in the appliance database.
        --ignoreSSLErrors [on|off]   Ignore SSL Errors (optional)
        --realTime [on|off]          Real Time (optional)
        --sourceMethod VALUE         Source Method (optional)
        --apiType VALUE              Option List (optional) - The code of the api option list to use, eg. clouds, environments, groups, instances, instance-wiki, networks, servicePlans, resourcePools, securityGroups, servers, server-wiki
        --credential VALUE           Credentials (optional) - Credential ID or use "local" to specify username and password
        --serviceUsername VALUE      Username (optional) - An LDAP Username for use when type is 'ldap'.
        --servicePassword VALUE      Password (optional) - An LDAP Password for use when type is 'ldap'.
        --ldapQuery VALUE            LDAP Query (optional) - LDAP Queries are standard LDAP formatted queries where different objects can be searched. Dependent parameters can be loaded into the query using the <%=phrase%> syntax.
        --initialDataset VALUE       Initial Dataset (optional) - Create an initial json dataset to be used as the collection for this option list. It should be a list containing objects with properties 'name', and 'value'. However, if there is a translation script, that will also be passed through.
        --translationScript VALUE    Translation Script (optional) - Create a js script to translate the result data object into an Array containing objects with properties name, and value. The input data is provided as data and the result should be put on the global variable results.
        --requestScript VALUE        Request Script (optional) - Create a js script to prepare the request. Return a data object as the body for a post, and return an array containing properties name and value for a get. The input data is provided as data and the result should be put on the global variable results.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an option list.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an option list.

morpheus library-option-types

Usage: morpheus library-option-types [command] [options]

morpheus library-option-types add

Usage: morpheus library-option-types add [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --fieldName VALUE            Field Name - This is the input property that the value gets assigned to.
        --type VALUE                 Type. Default: text
        --optionList VALUE           Option List - The Option List to be the source of options when type is 'select'.
        --fieldLabel VALUE           Field Label - This is the input label that shows typically to the left of a custom option.
        --placeHolder VALUE          Placeholder (optional)
        --helpBlock VALUE            Help Block (optional) - This is the explaination of the input that shows typically underneath the option.
        --defaultValue VALUE         Default Value (optional)
        --required [on|off]          Required (optional)
        --exportMeta [on|off]        Export As Tag (optional) - Export as Tag.
        --verifyPattern VALUE        Verify Pattern (optional) - A regexp string that validates the input, use (?i) to make the matcher case insensitive
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new option type.

morpheus library-option-types get

Usage: morpheus library-option-types get [name]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an option type.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an option type. Supports 1-N [name] arguments.

morpheus library-option-types list

Usage: morpheus library-option-types list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List option types.

morpheus library-option-types remove

Usage: morpheus library-option-types remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an option type.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an option type.

morpheus library-option-types update

Usage: morpheus library-option-types update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --fieldName VALUE            Field Name (optional) - This is the input property that the value gets assigned to.
        --type VALUE                 Type (optional)
        --optionList VALUE           Option List (optional) - The Option List to be the source of options when type is 'select'.
        --fieldLabel VALUE           Field Label (optional) - This is the input label that shows typically to the left of a custom option.
        --placeHolder VALUE          Placeholder (optional)
        --helpBlock VALUE            Help Block (optional) - This is the explaination of the input that shows typically underneath the option.
        --defaultValue VALUE         Default Value (optional)
        --required [on|off]          Required (optional)
        --exportMeta [on|off]        Export As Tag (optional) - Export as Tag.
        --verifyPattern VALUE        Verify Pattern (optional) - A regexp string that validates the input, use (?i) to make the matcher case insensitive
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an option type.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an option type.

morpheus library-scripts

Usage: morpheus library-scripts [command] [options]

morpheus library-scripts add

Usage: morpheus library-scripts add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -t, --type TYPE                  Script Type. i.e. bash, powershell. Default is bash.
        --phase PHASE                Script Phase. i.e. start, stop, preProvision, provision, postProvision, preDeploy, deploy, reconfigure, teardown. Default is provision.
        --script TEXT                Contents of the script.
        --file FILE                  File containing the script. This can be used instead of --script
        --sudo [on|off]              Run with sudo
        --run-as-user VALUE          Run as user
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new container script.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus library-scripts get

Usage: morpheus library-scripts get [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-scripts list

Usage: morpheus library-scripts list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List container scripts.

morpheus library-scripts remove

Usage: morpheus library-scripts remove [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-scripts update

Usage: morpheus library-scripts update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -t, --type TYPE                  Script Type. i.e. bash, powershell. Default is bash.
        --phase PHASE                Script Phase. i.e. start, stop, preProvision, provision, postProvision, preDeploy, deploy, reconfigure, teardown. Default is provision.
        --script TEXT                Contents of the script.
        --file FILE                  File containing the script. This can be used instead of --script
        --sudo [on|off]              Run with sudo
        --run-as-user VALUE          Run as user
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a container script.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a container script.

morpheus library-spec-templates

Usage: morpheus library-spec-templates [command] [options]

morpheus library-spec-templates add

Usage: morpheus library-spec-templates add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -t, --type TYPE                  Spec Template Type. i.e. arm, cloudFormation, helm, kubernetes, oneview, terraform, ucs
        --source VALUE               Source Type. local, repository, url
        --content TEXT               Contents of the template. This implies source is local.
        --file FILE                  File containing the template. This can be used instead of --content
        --url VALUE                  URL, for use when source is url
        --content-path VALUE         Content Path, for use when source is repository or url
        --content-ref VALUE          Content Ref (Version Ref), for use when source is repository
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new spec template.

morpheus library-spec-templates get

Usage: morpheus library-spec-templates get [name]
        --no-content                 Do not display content.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-spec-templates list

Usage: morpheus library-spec-templates list
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List spec templates.

morpheus library-spec-templates list-types

Usage: morpheus library-spec-templates list-types
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List spec template types.

morpheus library-spec-templates remove

Usage: morpheus library-spec-templates remove [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus library-spec-templates update

Usage: morpheus library-spec-templates update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
    -t, --type TYPE                  Spec Template Type. kubernetes, helm, terraform, cloudFormation
        --source VALUE               Source Type. local, repository, url
        --content TEXT               Contents of the template. This implies source is local.
        --file FILE                  File containing the template. This can be used instead of --content
        --url VALUE                  File URL, for use when source is url
        --content-path VALUE         Content Path, for use when source is repository or url
        --content-ref VALUE          Content Ref (Version Ref), for use when source is repository
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a spec template.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a spec template.

morpheus library-upgrades

Usage: morpheus library-upgrades [command] [options]

morpheus library-upgrades add

Usage: morpheus library-upgrades add [instance-type] [name]
        --instance-type ID           Instance Type this upgrade belongs to
        --name VALUE                 Name for this upgrade
        --code CODE                  Code
        --description VALUE          Description
        --source-layout ID           Source Layout ID to upgrade from
        --target-layout ID           Target Layout ID to upgrade to
        --upgradeCommand TEXT        Upgrade Command
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new upgrade.
[instance-type] is required.

morpheus library-upgrades get

Usage: morpheus library-upgrades get [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an upgrade.
[instance-type] is required.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an upgrade.

morpheus library-upgrades list

Usage: morpheus library-upgrades list [instance-type]
        --code VALUE                 Filter by code
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List upgrades.
[instance-type] is required.

morpheus library-upgrades remove

Usage: morpheus library-upgrades remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a upgrade.

morpheus library-upgrades update

Usage: morpheus library-upgrades update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this upgrade
        --version VALUE              Version
        --description VALUE          Description
        --min-memory VALUE           Minimum Memory (MB)
        --workflow ID                Workflow
        --option-types x,y,z         List of Option Type IDs
        --node-types x,y,z           List of Node Type IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a upgrade.

morpheus license

Usage: morpheus license [command] [options]

morpheus license get

Usage: morpheus license get
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about the currently installed license.
This information includes license features and limits.
The actual secret license key value will never be returned.

morpheus license install

Usage: morpheus license install [key]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Install a new license key.
This will potentially change the enabled features and capabilities of your appliance.

morpheus license test

Usage: morpheus license test [key]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Test a license key.
This is a way to decode and view a license key before installing it.

morpheus license uninstall

Usage: morpheus license uninstall [key]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --yaml                       YAML Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Uninstall the current license key.
This clears out the current license key from the appliance.
The function of the remote appliance will be restricted without a license installed.
Be careful using this.

morpheus load-balancer-monitors

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-monitors [command] [options]

View and manage load balancer monitors.

morpheus load-balancer-monitors add

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-monitors add [load balancer] [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new load balancer monitor.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new load balancer monitor.

morpheus load-balancer-monitors get

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-monitors get [load balancer] [load balancer monitor]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a load balancer monitor.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer monitor] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer monitor.

morpheus load-balancer-monitors list

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-monitors list [load balancer] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List load balancer monitors.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus load-balancer-monitors remove

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-monitors remove [load balancer] [load balancer monitor]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing load balancer monitor.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer monitor] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer monitor.

morpheus load-balancer-monitors update

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-monitors update [load balancer] [load balancer monitor] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing load balancer monitor.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer monitor] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer monitor.

morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes [command] [options]

View and manage load balancer pool member nodes.

morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes add

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes add [load balancer pool] [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new load balancer node.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new load balancer node.

morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes get

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes get [load balancer pool] [load balancer node]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a load balancer node.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.
[load balancer node] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer node.

morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes list

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes list [load balancer pool] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List load balancer nodes.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes remove

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes remove [load balancer pool] [load balancer node]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing load balancer node.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.
[load balancer node] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer node.

morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes update

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pool-nodes update [load balancer pool] [load balancer node] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing load balancer node.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.
[load balancer node] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer node.

morpheus load-balancer-pools

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pools [command] [options]

View and manage load balancer pools.

morpheus load-balancer-pools add

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pools add [load balancer] [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new load balancer pool.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new load balancer pool.

morpheus load-balancer-pools get

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pools get [load balancer] [load balancer pool]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a load balancer pool.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.

morpheus load-balancer-pools list

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pools list [load balancer] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List load balancer pools.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus load-balancer-pools remove

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pools remove [load balancer] [load balancer pool]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing load balancer pool.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.

morpheus load-balancer-pools update

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-pools update [load balancer] [load balancer pool] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing load balancer pool.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer pool] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer pool.

morpheus load-balancer-profiles

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-profiles [command] [options]

View and manage load balancer profiles.

morpheus load-balancer-profiles add

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-profiles add [load balancer] [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new load balancer profile.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new load balancer profile.

morpheus load-balancer-profiles get

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-profiles get [load balancer] [load balancer profile]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a load balancer profile.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer profile] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer profile.

morpheus load-balancer-profiles list

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-profiles list [load balancer] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List load balancer profiles.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus load-balancer-profiles remove

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-profiles remove [load balancer] [load balancer profile]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing load balancer profile.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer profile] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer profile.

morpheus load-balancer-profiles update

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-profiles update [load balancer] [load balancer profile] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing load balancer profile.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[load balancer profile] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer profile.

morpheus load-balancer-types

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-types [command] [options]

morpheus load-balancer-types get

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-types get [load balancer type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a load balancer type.
[load balancer type] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer type.

morpheus load-balancer-types list

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-types list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List load balancer types.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers [command] [options]

View and manage load balancer virtual servers.

morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers add

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers add [load balancer] [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new load balancer virtual server.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new load balancer virtual server.

morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers get

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers get [load balancer] [vipName]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a load balancer virtual server.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[vipName] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer virtual server.

morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers list

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers list [load balancer] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List load balancer virtual servers.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers remove

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers remove [load balancer] [vipName]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing load balancer virtual server.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[vipName] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer virtual server.

morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers update

Usage: morpheus load-balancer-virtual-servers update [load balancer] [vipName] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing load balancer virtual server.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.
[vipName] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer virtual server.

morpheus load-balancers

Usage: morpheus load-balancers [command] [options]

View and manage load balancers.

morpheus load-balancers add

Usage: morpheus load-balancers add [name]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Load Balancer Type
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional) - Visibility. Default: public
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new load balancer.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new load balancer.

morpheus load-balancers get

Usage: morpheus load-balancers get [load balancer]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a load balancer.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.

morpheus load-balancers list

Usage: morpheus load-balancers list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List load balancers.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus load-balancers refresh

Usage: morpheus load-balancers refresh [load balancer] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh an existing load balancer.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.

morpheus load-balancers remove

Usage: morpheus load-balancers remove [load balancer]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing load balancer.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.

morpheus load-balancers update

Usage: morpheus load-balancers update [load balancer] [options]
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional) - Visibility. Default: public
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing load balancer.
[load balancer] is required. This is the name or id of a load balancer.

morpheus log-settings

Usage: morpheus log-settings [command] [options]

morpheus log-settings add-syslog-rule

Usage: morpheus log-settings add-syslog-rule [name] [rule]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add syslog rule.
[name] is required. If syslog already exists, the specified rule will be updated
[rule] is required

morpheus log-settings get

Usage: morpheus log-settings get
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get log settings.

morpheus log-settings remove-syslog-rule

Usage: morpheus log-settings remove-syslog-rule [syslog-rule]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a syslog rule.
[syslog-rule] is required. This is the name or id of an syslog rule.

morpheus log-settings update

Usage: morpheus log-settings update
        --enabled [on|off]           Logs enabled
    -R, --retention NUMBER           Availability time frame in days
    -s, --syslog JSON                Syslog rules JSON
        --syslog-list LIST           Syslog rules list in form of name value pairs: name1=rule1,name2=rule2
    -i, --integrations JSON          Integrations
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update your log settings.

morpheus login

Usage: morpheus login [username] [password]
    -u, --username USERNAME          Username. Sub-tenant users must format their username with a prefix like {subdomain}\{username}
    -p, --password PASSWORD          Password
        --password-file FILE         Password File, read a file containing the password.
    -t, --test                       Test credentials only, does not update stored credentials for the appliance.
        --client-id CLIENT           Used to test authentication with a client_id other than morph-cli. Currently behaves like --test, credentials are not stored.
    -T, --token ACCESS_TOKEN         Use an existing access token to login instead of authenticating with a username and password.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Login to a remote appliance with a username and password or using an access token.
Logging in with username and password will make an authentication api request to obtain an access token.
[username] is required, this is the username of the Morpheus User
[password] is required, this is the password of the Morpheus User
Sub-tenant users will need to pass their tenant subdomain prefix. ie. {subdomain}\{username}
By default, the subdomain is the tenant account ID. Example: 2\neo
The --token option can be used to login with a valid access token instead of username and password.
The specified token will be verified by making a whoami api request
If successful, the access token will be saved with the active session for the remote appliance.
This command will first logout any active session before attempting authentication.
The --test option can be used to test credentials without updating the stored credentials for the appliance, neither logging you in or out.

morpheus logout

Usage: morpheus logout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Logout of a remote appliance.
This clears your credentials so that you will need to login again.

morpheus logs

Usage: morpheus logs

morpheus logs list

Usage: morpheus logs list [search]
        --hosts HOSTS                Filter logs to specific Host ID(s)
        --servers HOSTS              alias for --hosts
        --vms HOSTS                  alias for --hosts
        --container CONTAINER        Filter logs to specific Container ID(s)
        --cluster ID                 Filter logs to specific Cluster ID
        --start TIMESTAMP            Start timestamp. Default is 30 days ago.
        --end TIMESTAMP              End timestamp. Default is now.
        --level VALUE                Log Level. DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR
    -t, --table                      Format ouput as a table.
    -a, --all                        Display all details: entire message.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List logs for all hosts and containers.

morpheus monitor-alerts

Usage: morpheus monitor-alerts [command] [options]

morpheus monitor-alerts add

Usage: morpheus monitor-alerts add [name]
        --name STRING                Alert name
        --min-severity VALUE         Min. Severity. Trigger when severity level is reached. Default is critical
        --min-duration MINUTES       Min. Duration. Trigger after a number of minutes. Default is 0 (immediate)
        --all-checks [on|off]        Toggle trigger for all checks.
        --checks LIST                Checks, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --all-groups [on|off]        Toggle trigger for all check groups.
        --groups LIST                Check Groups, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --all-apps [on|off]          Toggle trigger for all check groups.
        --apps LIST                  Monitor Apps, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --contacts LIST              Contacts, comma separated list of Contact names or IDs. Additional recipient settings can be passed like Contact ID:method:notifyOnClose:notifyOnChange.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a monitoring alert rule.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new alert rule.

morpheus monitor-alerts get

Usage: morpheus monitor-alerts get [alert]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a monitoring alert rule.
[alert] is required. This is the name or ID of the alert rule. Supports 1-N [alert] arguments.

morpheus monitor-alerts list

Usage: morpheus monitor-alerts list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List monitoring alert rules.

morpheus monitor-alerts remove

Usage: morpheus monitor-alerts remove [alert]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a monitoring alert rule.
[alert] is required. This is the name or ID of the alert rule. Supports 1-N [alert] arguments.

morpheus monitor-alerts update

Usage: morpheus monitor-alerts update [alert]
        --name STRING                Alert name
        --min-severity VALUE         Min. Severity. Trigger when severity level is reached. Default is critical
        --min-duration MINUTES       Min. Duration. Trigger after a number of minutes. Default is 0 (immediate)
        --all-checks [on|off]        Toggle trigger for all checks.
        --checks LIST                Checks, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --all-groups [on|off]        Toggle trigger for all check groups.
        --groups LIST                Check Groups, comma separated list of check group ID or names.
        --all-apps [on|off]          Toggle trigger for all check groups.
        --apps LIST                  Monitor Apps, comma separated list of monitor app ID or names.
        --contacts LIST              Contacts, comma separated list of contact ID or names. Additional recipient settings can be passed like Contact ID:method:notifyOnClose:notifyOnChange
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a monitoring alert rule.
[alert] is required. This is the name or ID of the alert rule.

morpheus monitor-apps

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps [command] [options]

morpheus monitor-apps add

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --minHappy VALUE             Min Checks. This specifies the minimum number of checks within the app that must be happy to keep the app from becoming unhealthy.
        --severity VALUE             Max Severity. Determines the maximum severity level this app can incur on an incident when failing. Default is critical
        --inUptime [on|off]          Affects Availability. Default is on.
        --muted [on|off]             Muted, Turns Affects Availability off.
        --checks LIST                Checks to include in this app, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --groups LIST                Check Groups to include in this app, comma separated list of names or IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new app of monitoring checks.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus monitor-apps get

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps get [id list]
        --history                    Display Monitoring App History
    -a, --all                        Display All Details (History, Notifications)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-apps list

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps list
        --status LIST                Filter by status. error,healthy,warning,muted
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-apps mute

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps mute [name]
        --disable                    Unmute instead, the same as the unmute command
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute a monitoring app. This prevents it from creating new incidents.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a monitoring app.

morpheus monitor-apps mute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps mute-all
        --disable                    Unmute instead, the same as the unmute-all command
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute all monitoring apps. This prevents the creation of new incidents.

morpheus monitor-apps remove

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-apps unmute

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps unmute [name]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute a monitoring app.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a monitoring app.

morpheus monitor-apps unmute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps unmute-all
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute all monitoring apps.

morpheus monitor-apps update

Usage: morpheus monitor-apps update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --minHappy VALUE             Min Checks. This specifies the minimum number of checks within the app that must be happy to keep the app from becoming unhealthy.
        --severity VALUE             Max Severity. Determines the maximum severity level this app can incur on an incident when failing. Default is critical
        --inUptime [on|off]          Affects Availability. Default is on.
        --muted [on|off]             Muted, Turns Affects Availability off.
        --checks LIST                Checks to include in this app, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --groups LIST                Check Groups to include in this app, comma separated list of names or IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a monitoring app.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a monitoring app.

morpheus monitor-checks

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks [command] [options]

morpheus monitor-checks add

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks add [name] -t CODE
    -t, --type CODE                  Check Type Code
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --checkInterval MILLIS       Check Interval. Value is in milliseconds. Default varies by type.
        --severity VALUE             Max Severity. Determines the maximum severity level this check can incur on an incident when failing. Default is critical
        --inUptime [on|off]          Affects Availability. Default is on.
    -c, --config JSON                Config settings as JSON
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List monitoring checks.

morpheus monitor-checks get

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks get [id list]
        --history                    Display Check History
    -a, --all                        Display All Details (History, Notifications)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-checks history

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks history [name] [options]
        --severity LIST              Filter by severity. critical, warning, info
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-checks list

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks list
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by Check Type
        --status VALUE               Filter by status. error,healthy,warning,muted
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-checks list-types

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks list-types
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List monitoring check types.

morpheus monitor-checks mute

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks mute [name]
        --disable                    Disable mute state instead, the same as unmute
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute a check. This prevents it from creating new incidents.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a check.

morpheus monitor-checks mute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks mute-all
        --disable                    Disable mute state instead, the same as unmute-all
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute all checks. This prevents the creation new incidents.

morpheus monitor-checks remove

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-checks unmute

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks unmute [name]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute a check.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a check.

morpheus monitor-checks unmute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks unmute-all
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute all checks.

morpheus monitor-checks update

Usage: morpheus monitor-checks update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --checkInterval VALUE        Check Interval. Value is in milliseconds.
        --severity VALUE             Max Severity. Determines the maximum severity level this check can incur on an incident when failing. Default is critical
        --inUptime [on|off]          Affects Availability. Default is on.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a monitoring check.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a check.
The available options vary by type.

morpheus monitor-contacts

Usage: morpheus monitor-contacts [command] [options]

morpheus monitor-contacts add

Usage: morpheus monitor-contacts add [id]
        --name STRING                Contact name
        --email STRING               Contact email address
        --mobile STRING              Contact sms addresss
        --slackHook STRING           Contact slack hook
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a monitoring contact.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new contact.

morpheus monitor-contacts get

Usage: morpheus monitor-contacts get [contact]
        --history                    Display History
        --notifications              Display Notifications
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a monitoring contact.
[contact] is required. This is the name or ID of the contact. Supports 1-N [contact] arguments.

morpheus monitor-contacts list

Usage: morpheus monitor-contacts list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List monitoring contacts.

morpheus monitor-contacts remove

Usage: morpheus monitor-contacts remove [contact]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a monitoring contact.
[contact] is required. This is the name or ID of the contact. Supports 1-N [contact] arguments.

morpheus monitor-contacts update

Usage: morpheus monitor-contacts update [contact]
        --name STRING                Contact name
        --email STRING               Contact email address
        --mobile STRING              Contact sms addresss
        --slackHook STRING           Contact slack hook
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a monitoring contact.
[contact] is required. This is the name or ID of the contact.

morpheus monitor-groups

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups [command] [options]

morpheus monitor-groups add

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --minHappy VALUE             Min Checks. This specifies the minimum number of checks within the group that must be happy to keep the group from becoming unhealthy.
        --severity VALUE             Max Severity. Determines the maximum severity level this group can incur on an incident when failing. Default is critical
        --inUptime [on|off]          Affects Availability. Default is on.
        --checks LIST                Checks to include in this group, comma separated list of names or IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new group of monitoring checks.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus monitor-groups get

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups get [id list]
        --history                    Display Check Group History
    -a, --all                        Display All Details (History, Notifications)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-groups history

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups history [name] [options]
        --severity LIST              Filter by severity. critical, warning, info
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-groups list

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups list
        --status VALUE               Filter by status. error,healthy,warning,muted
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-groups mute

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups mute [name]
        --disable                    Disable mute, the same as unmute
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute a check group. This prevents it from creating new incidents.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a check group.

morpheus monitor-groups mute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups mute-all
        --disable                    Disable mute, the same as unmute-all
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute all check groups. This prevents the creation of new incidents.

morpheus monitor-groups remove

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-groups unmute

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups unmute [name]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute a check group.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a check.

morpheus monitor-groups unmute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups unmute-all
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute all check groups.

morpheus monitor-groups update

Usage: morpheus monitor-groups update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this check group
        --description VALUE          Description
        --minHappy VALUE             Min Checks. This specifies the minimum number of checks within the group that must be happy to keep the group from becoming unhealthy.
        --severity VALUE             Max Severity. Determines the maximum severity level this group can incur on an incident when failing. Default is critical
        --inUptime [on|off]          Affects Availability. Default is on.
        --checks LIST                Checks to include in this group, comma separated list of names or IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a check group.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a check group.

morpheus monitor-incidents

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents [command] [options]

morpheus monitor-incidents add

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents add [id]
    -c, --comment STRING             Comment on this incident. Updates summary field.
        --resolution STRING          Description of the resolution to this incident
        --status STATUS              Set status (open or closed)
        --severity STATUS            Set severity (critical, warning or info)
        --name STRING                Set display name (subject)
        --startDate TIME             Set start time
        --endDate TIME               Set end time
        --inUptime BOOL              Set 'In Availability'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents close

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents close [id list]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents get

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents get [id list]
        --history                    Display Incident History
        --notifications              Display Incident Notifications
    -a, --all                        Display All Details (History, Notifications)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents history

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents history [id] [options]
        --severity LIST              Filter by severity. critical, warning, info
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents list

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents list
        --status LIST                Filter by status. open, closed
        --severity LIST              Filter by severity. critical, warning, info
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
        --last-updated TIME          Filter by Last Updated (gte)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents mute

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents mute [id]
        --disable                    Disable mute state instead, the same as unmute
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute an incident.
[id] is required. This is the id of an incident.

morpheus monitor-incidents mute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents mute-all
        --disable                    Disable mute state instead, the same as unmute-all
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Mute all open incidents.

morpheus monitor-incidents notifications

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents notifications [id] [options]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents reopen

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents reopen [id list]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents stats

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents stats
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-incidents unmute

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents unmute [id]
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute an incident.
[id] is required. This is the id of an incident.

morpheus monitor-incidents unmute-all

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents unmute-all
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Unmute all open incidents.

morpheus monitor-incidents update

Usage: morpheus monitor-incidents update [id]
    -c, --comment STRING             Comment on this incident. Updates summary field.
        --resolution STRING          Description of the resolution to this incident
        --status STATUS              Set status (open or closed)
        --severity STATUS            Set severity (critical, warning or info)
        --name STRING                Set display name (subject)
        --startDate TIME             Set start time
        --endDate TIME               Set end time
        --inUptime BOOL              Set 'In Availability'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus monitor-settings

Usage: morpheus monitor-settings [command] [options]

View and manage monitoring settings

morpheus monitor-settings get

Usage: morpheus monitor-settings get
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get monitoring settings.

morpheus monitor-settings update

Usage: morpheus monitor-settings update
        --auto-create-checks [on|off]
                                     Auto Create Checks
        --availability-time-frame DAYS
                                     Availability Time Frame. The number of days availability should be calculated for. Changes will not take effect until your checks have passed their check interval.
        --availability-precision DIGITS
                                     Availability Precision. The number of decimal places availability should be displayed in. Can be anywhere between 0 and 5.
        --default-check-interval MINUTES
                                     Default Check Interval. The default interval to use when creating new checks. Value is in minutes.
        --service-now-enabled [on|off]
                                     ServiceNow: Enabled (on) or disabled (off)
        --service-now-integration ID ServiceNow: Integration ID or Name
        --service-now-new-incident-action create|none
                                     ServiceNow: New Incident Action
        --service-now-close-incident-action close|activity|none
                                     ServiceNow: Close Incident Action
        --service-now-info-mapping low|medium|high
                                     ServiceNow: Info Mapping
        --service-now-warning-mapping low|medium|high
                                     ServiceNow: Warning Mapping
        --service-now-critical-mapping low|medium|high
                                     ServiceNow: Critical Mapping
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update monitoring settings.

morpheus network-dhcp-relays

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-relays [command] [options]

morpheus network-dhcp-relays add

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-relays add [server]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network dhcp relay.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-dhcp-relays get

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-relays get [server] [dhcp_relay]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on a network DHCP Relay.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[dhcp_relay] is required. This is the id of a network DHCP Relay.

morpheus network-dhcp-relays list

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-relays list [server] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network DHCP Relays.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-dhcp-relays remove

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-relays remove [server] [dhcp_relay]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network dhcp relay.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[dhcp_relay] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network dhcp relay.

morpheus network-dhcp-relays update

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-relays update [server] [dhcp_relay]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network DHCP Relay.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[dhcp_relay] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network DHCP Relay.

morpheus network-dhcp-servers

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-servers [command] [options]

morpheus network-dhcp-servers add

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-servers add [server]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network dhcp server.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-dhcp-servers get

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-servers get [server] [dhcp_server]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on a network DHCP Server.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[dhcp_server] is required. This is the id of a network DHCP Server.

morpheus network-dhcp-servers list

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-servers list [server]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network DHCP Servers.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-dhcp-servers remove

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-servers remove [server] [dhcp_server]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network dhcp server.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[dhcp_server] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network dhcp server.

morpheus network-dhcp-servers update

Usage: morpheus network-dhcp-servers update [server] [dhcp_server]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network DHCP Server.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[dhcp_server] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network DHCP Server.

morpheus network-domains

Usage: morpheus network-domains [command] [options]

morpheus network-domains add

Usage: morpheus network-domains add
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network domain
        --description VALUE          Description for this network domain
        --public-zone [on|off]       Public Zone
        --domain-controller [on|off] Join Domain Controller
        --domain-username VALUE      Domain Username
        --domain-password VALUE      Domain Password
        --dc-server VALUE            DC Server
        --ou-path VALUE              OU Path
        --visibility [private|public]
        --tenant ID                  Tenant Account ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network domain.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus network-domains add-record

Usage: morpheus network-domains add-record [network-domain] [record]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --type VALUE                 Domain Record Type. Default is 'A'
        --content VALUE              Content
        --comment VALUE              Comment
        --ttl SECONDS                TTL in seconds. Default is 86400.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network domain record.
[network-domain] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain.
[record] is required. This is the name of the domain record and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus network-domains get

Usage: morpheus network-domains get [network-domain]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network domain.
[network-domain] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain.

morpheus network-domains get-record

Usage: morpheus network-domains get-record [network-domain] [record]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network domain record.
[network-domain] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain.
[record] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain record.

morpheus network-domains list

Usage: morpheus network-domains list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network domains.

morpheus network-domains list-records

Usage: morpheus network-domains list-records [network-domain]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network domain records.
[network-domain] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain.

morpheus network-domains remove

Usage: morpheus network-domains remove [network-domain]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network domain.
[network-domain] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain.

morpheus network-domains remove-record

Usage: morpheus network-domains remove-record [network-domain] [record]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network domain record.
[network-domain] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain.
[record] is required. This is the name or id of a network domain record.

morpheus network-domains update

Usage: morpheus network-domains update [network-domain] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network domain
        --type VALUE                 Type of network domain
        --ip-ranges LIST             IP Ranges, comma separated list IP ranges in the format start-end.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network domain.
[network-domain] is required. This is the id of a network domain.

morpheus network-edge-clusters

Usage: morpheus network-edge-clusters [command] [options]

morpheus network-edge-clusters get

Usage: morpheus network-edge-clusters get [server] [edge_cluster]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on a network edge cluster.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[edge_cluster] is required. This is the id of a network edge cluster.

morpheus network-edge-clusters list

Usage: morpheus network-edge-clusters list [server]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network edge clusters.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-edge-clusters update

Usage: morpheus network-edge-clusters update [server] [edge_cluster]
        --name NAME                  Name
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network edge cluster.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[edge_cluster] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network edge cluster.

morpheus network-firewalls

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls [command] [options]

morpheus network-firewalls add-rule

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls add-rule [server] [group]
    -g, --group GROUP                Rule group name or ID
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule
    -D, --description VALUE          Description for this firewall rule
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this firewall rule
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network firewall rule.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.
[group] is optional. This is the name of id of rule group (applicable to select network servers).

morpheus network-firewalls add-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls add-rule-group [server]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule group
    -D, --description VALUE          Description for this firewall rule group
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this firewall rule group
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network firewall rule group.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-firewalls get-rule

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls get-rule [server] [rule]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on a network firewall rule.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.
[rule] is optional. This is the id of a network firewall rule.

morpheus network-firewalls get-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls get-rule-group [server] [group]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on a network firewall rule group.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.
[group] is optional. This is the id of a network firewall rule group.

morpheus network-firewalls list-rule-groups

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls list-rule-groups [server]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network firewall rule groups.
[server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-firewalls list-rules

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls list-rules [server]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network firewall rules.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-firewalls remove-rule

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls remove-rule [server] [rule]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network firewall rule.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.
[rule] is optional. This is the name of id of an existing rule.

morpheus network-firewalls remove-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls remove-rule-group [server] [group]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network firewall group.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[group] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network firewall rule group.

morpheus network-firewalls update-rule

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls update-rule [server] [rule]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule
    -D, --description VALUE          Description for this firewall rule
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this firewall rule
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network firewall rule.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.
[rule] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing rule.

morpheus network-firewalls update-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-firewalls update-rule-group [server] [group]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule group
    -D, --description VALUE          Description for this firewall rule group
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this firewall rule group
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network firewall rule group.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[group] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network firewall rule group.

morpheus network-floating-ips

Usage: morpheus network-floating-ips [command] [options]

View and manage network floating IPs.

morpheus network-floating-ips get

Usage: morpheus network-floating-ips get [id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network floating ip.
[id] is required. This is the id of a network floating ip.

morpheus network-floating-ips list

Usage: morpheus network-floating-ips list [search]
        --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --server SERVER              Server Name or ID
        --ip-address VALUE           Filter by IP Address
        --status VALUE               Filter by Status (free, assigned, pending)
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network floating ips.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus network-floating-ips release

Usage: morpheus network-floating-ips release [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Release an existing network floating ip.
[id] is required. This is the id of a network floating ip.
Only the following cloud types support this command: OpenStack, Huawei and OpenTelekom

morpheus network-groups

Usage: morpheus network-groups [command] [options]

morpheus network-groups add

Usage: morpheus network-groups add --networks [id,id,id]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network group
        --description VALUE          Description of network group
        --networks LIST              Networks in the group, comma separated list of network names or IDs
        --subnets LIST               Subnets, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a network group
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network group.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus network-groups get

Usage: morpheus network-groups get [network-group]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network group.
[network-group] is required. This is the name or id of a network group.

morpheus network-groups list

Usage: morpheus network-groups list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network groups.

morpheus network-groups remove

Usage: morpheus network-groups remove [network-group]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network group.
[network-group] is required. This is the name or id of a network group.

morpheus network-groups update

Usage: morpheus network-groups update [network-group] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network group
        --description VALUE          Description of network group
        --networks LIST              Networks in the group, comma separated list of network IDs
        --subnets LIST               Subnets, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a network group
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network group.
[network-group] is required. This is the id of a network group.

morpheus network-pool-servers

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers [command] [options]

View and manage network pool servers (IPAM integrations)

morpheus network-pool-servers add

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network pool server
        --type VALUE                 Type of network pool server
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network pool server.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus network-pool-servers get

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers get [network pool server]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network pool server.
[network pool server] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool server.

morpheus network-pool-servers get-type

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers get-type [type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network pool server type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool server type.

morpheus network-pool-servers list

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network pool servers.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus network-pool-servers list-types

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers list-types [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network pool server types.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus network-pool-servers remove

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers remove [network-pool-server]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network pool server.
[network-pool-server] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool server.

morpheus network-pool-servers update

Usage: morpheus network-pool-servers update [network-pool-server] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network pool server
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable or disable it
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network pool server.
[network-pool-server] is required. This is the id of a network pool server.

morpheus network-pools

Usage: morpheus network-pools [command] [options]

morpheus network-pools add

Usage: morpheus network-pools add
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network pool
        --type VALUE                 Type of network pool
        --ip-ranges LIST             IP Ranges, comma separated list IP ranges in the format start-end or an IPv6 CIDR
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network pool.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus network-pools add-ip

Usage: morpheus network-pools add-ip [network-pool] [ip] [--next]
        --ip-address VALUE           IP Address for this network pool IP
        --next-free-ip               Use the next available ip address. This can be used instead of specifying an ip address
        --hostname VALUE             Hostname for this network pool IP
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network pool IP.
[network-pool] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool.
[ip] is required or --next-free-ip to use the next available address instead.

morpheus network-pools get

Usage: morpheus network-pools get [network-pool]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network pool.
[network-pool] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool.

morpheus network-pools get-ip

Usage: morpheus network-pools get-ip [network-pool] [ip]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network pool IP address.
[network-pool] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool.
[ip] is required. This is the ip address or id of a network pool IP.

morpheus network-pools list

Usage: morpheus network-pools list
        --pool-server SERVER         Filter by Network Pool Server Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network pools.

morpheus network-pools list-ips

Usage: morpheus network-pools list-ips [network-pool]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network pool IP addresses.
[network-pool] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool.

morpheus network-pools remove

Usage: morpheus network-pools remove [network-pool]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network pool.
[network-pool] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool.

morpheus network-pools remove-ip

Usage: morpheus network-pools remove-ip [network-pool] [ip]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network pool IP.
[network-pool] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool.
[ip] is required. This is the ip address or id of a network pool IP.

morpheus network-pools update

Usage: morpheus network-pools update [network-pool] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network pool
        --code VALUE                 Code
        --category VALUE             Category
        --ip-ranges LIST             IP Ranges, comma separated list IP ranges in the format start-end or an IPv6 CIDR
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network pool.
[network-pool] is required. This is the id of a network pool.

morpheus network-pools update-ip

Usage: morpheus network-pools update-ip [network-pool] [ip] [options]
        --hostname VALUE             Hostname for this network pool IP
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network pool IP.
[network-pool] is required. This is the name or id of a network pool.
[ip] is required. This is the ip address or id of a network pool IP.

morpheus network-proxies

Usage: morpheus network-proxies [command] [options]

morpheus network-proxies add

Usage: morpheus network-proxies add
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network proxy
        --proxy-host VALUE           Proxy Host
        --proxy-port VALUE           Proxy Port
        --proxy-user VALUE           Proxy User
        --proxy-password VALUE       Proxy Password
        --proxy-domain VALUE         Proxy Domain
        --proxy-workstation VALUE    Proxy Workstation
        --visibility [private|public]
        --tenant ID                  Tenant Account ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network proxy.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus network-proxies get

Usage: morpheus network-proxies get [network-proxy]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network proxy.
[network-proxy] is required. This is the name or id of a network proxy.

morpheus network-proxies list

Usage: morpheus network-proxies list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network proxies.

morpheus network-proxies remove

Usage: morpheus network-proxies remove [network-proxy]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network proxy.
[network-proxy] is required. This is the name or id of a network proxy.

morpheus network-proxies update

Usage: morpheus network-proxies update [network-proxy] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network proxy
        --proxy-host VALUE           Proxy Host
        --proxy-port VALUE           Proxy Port
        --proxy-user VALUE           Proxy User
        --proxy-password VALUE       Proxy Password
        --proxy-domain VALUE         Proxy Domain
        --proxy-workstation VALUE    Proxy Workstation
        --visibility [private|public]
        --tenant ID                  Tenant Account ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network proxy.
[network-proxy] is required. This is the id of a network proxy.

morpheus network-routers

Usage: morpheus network-routers [command] [options]

morpheus network-routers add

Usage: morpheus network-routers add [type] [name] [options]
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -t, --type VALUE                 Name or ID of router type
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this network router
    -D, --description VALUE          Description
    -s, --server VALUE               Network server
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable the network router. Default is on
        --hostname VALUE             Hostname for this network pool IP
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network router.

morpheus network-routers add-bgp-neighbor

Usage: morpheus network-routers add-bgp-neighbor [router]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network router BGP neighbor.

morpheus network-routers add-firewall-rule

Usage: morpheus network-routers add-firewall-rule [router] [name]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable the rule. Default is on
    -g, --group GROUP                Firewall rule group name or ID (not applicable to all firewall types)
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this rule (not applicable to all firewall types)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network router firewall rule.

morpheus network-routers add-firewall-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-routers add-firewall-rule-group [router] [name]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule group
    -D, --description VALUE          Description for this firewall rule group
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this firewall rule group (not applicable to all firewall types)
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network router firewall rule group.

morpheus network-routers add-nat

Usage: morpheus network-routers add-nat [router] [name]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this NAT
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network router NAT.

morpheus network-routers add-route

Usage: morpheus network-routers add-route [router] [name]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this route
    -D, --description VALUE          Description
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable the route. Default is on
        --default [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable as default route. Default is off
        --source VALUE               Network for this route
        --destination VALUE          Next hop for this route
        --mtu VALUE                  MTU for this route
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this route
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network router route.

morpheus network-routers bgp-neighbor

Usage: morpheus network-routers bgp-neighbor [router] [BGP neighbor]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on network router BGP neighbor.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.
[BGP neighbor] is required. This is the id of a BGP neighbor.

morpheus network-routers bgp-neighbors

Usage: morpheus network-routers bgp-neighbors [router]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network router BGP neighbors.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers dhcp

Usage: morpheus network-routers dhcp [router]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router DHCP details.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers firewall

Usage: morpheus network-routers firewall [router]
        --details                    Display details.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router firewall details.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers firewall-rule

Usage: morpheus network-routers firewall-rule [router] [rule]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router firewall rule details.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.
[rule] is required. This is the name or id of a firewall rule.

morpheus network-routers firewall-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-routers firewall-rule-group [router]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router firewall rule group details.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.
[group] is required. This is the name or id of a firewall rule group.

morpheus network-routers firewall-rule-groups

Usage: morpheus network-routers firewall-rule-groups [router]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router firewall rule groups.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers firewall-rules

Usage: morpheus network-routers firewall-rules [router]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router firewall rules.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers get

Usage: morpheus network-routers get [router]
        --details                    Display details: firewall, DHCP, routing, and NATs.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router details.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers list

Usage: morpheus network-routers list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network routers.

morpheus network-routers nat

Usage: morpheus network-routers nat [router] [nat]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router firewall rule details.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.
[nat] is required. This is the name or id of a NAT.

morpheus network-routers nats

Usage: morpheus network-routers nats [router]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network router NATs.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers remove

Usage: morpheus network-routers remove [router]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network router.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.

morpheus network-routers remove-bgp-neighbor

Usage: morpheus network-routers remove-bgp-neighbor [router] [BGP neighbor]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network router BGP neighbor.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.

morpheus network-routers remove-firewall-rule

Usage: morpheus network-routers remove-firewall-rule [router] [rule]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network router firewall rule.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.

morpheus network-routers remove-firewall-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-routers remove-firewall-rule-group [router] [group]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network router firewall rule group.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.

morpheus network-routers remove-nat

Usage: morpheus network-routers remove-nat [router] [NAT]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network router NAT.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.

morpheus network-routers remove-route

Usage: morpheus network-routers remove-route [router] [route]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network router route.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.

morpheus network-routers routes

Usage: morpheus network-routers routes [router]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network router routes.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of a network router.

morpheus network-routers type

Usage: morpheus network-routers type [type]
    -t, --type VALUE                 Name or ID of router type
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display network router type details.

morpheus network-routers types

Usage: morpheus network-routers types
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network router types.

morpheus network-routers update

Usage: morpheus network-routers update [router]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this network
    -D, --description VALUE          Description for this network
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable the network router. Default is on
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network router.

morpheus network-routers update-bgp-neighbor

Usage: morpheus network-routers update-bgp-neighbor [router] [BGP neighbor]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network router BGP neighbor.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.
[BGP neighbor] is required. This is the id of an existing network router BGP neighbor.

morpheus network-routers update-firewall-rule

Usage: morpheus network-routers update-firewall-rule [router] [name]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to enable / disable the rule. Default is on
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this rule (not applicable to all firewall types)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network router firewall rule.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router firewall rule.

morpheus network-routers update-firewall-rule-group

Usage: morpheus network-routers update-firewall-rule-group [router] [name]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this firewall rule group
    -D, --description VALUE          Description for this firewall rule group
        --priority VALUE             Priority for this firewall rule group (not applicable to all firewall types)
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network router firewall rule group.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router firewall rule group.

morpheus network-routers update-nat

Usage: morpheus network-routers update-nat [router] [NAT]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name for this NAT
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network router NAT.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.
[NAT] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router NAT.

morpheus network-routers update-permissions

Usage: morpheus network-routers update-permissions [router]
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network router permissions.
[router] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network router.

morpheus network-server-groups

Usage: morpheus network-server-groups [command] [options]

View and manage network server groups.

morpheus network-server-groups add

Usage: morpheus network-server-groups add [network server] [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network server group.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new network server group.

morpheus network-server-groups get

Usage: morpheus network-server-groups get [network server] [network server group]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network server group.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[network server group] is required. This is the name or id of a network server group.

morpheus network-server-groups list

Usage: morpheus network-server-groups list [network server] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network server groups.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus network-server-groups remove

Usage: morpheus network-server-groups remove [network server] [network server group]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing network server group.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[network server group] is required. This is the name or id of a network server group.

morpheus network-server-groups update

Usage: morpheus network-server-groups update [network server] [network server group] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing network server group.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
[network server group] is required. This is the name or id of a network server group.

morpheus network-servers

Usage: morpheus network-servers [command] [options]

View and manage network servers

morpheus network-servers add

Usage: morpheus network-servers add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network server
        --type VALUE                 Network Server Type code
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional) - Visibility. Default: private
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network server.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.
Configuration options vary by network server type.

morpheus network-servers get

Usage: morpheus network-servers get [network server]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network server.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-servers get-type

Usage: morpheus network-servers get-type [type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network server type.
[type] is required. This is the name or id of a network server type.

morpheus network-servers list

Usage: morpheus network-servers list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network servers.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus network-servers list-types

Usage: morpheus network-servers list-types [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network server types.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus network-servers refresh

Usage: morpheus network-servers refresh [network server]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh a network server.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-servers remove

Usage: morpheus network-servers remove [network server]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing network server.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-servers update

Usage: morpheus network-servers update [network server] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network server
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional) - Visibility
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network server.
[network server] is required. This is the name or id of a network server.
Configuration options vary by network server type.

morpheus network-services

Usage: morpheus network-services [command] [options]

morpheus network-services list

Usage: morpheus network-services list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network services (Integrations).

morpheus network-services refresh

Usage: morpheus network-services refresh [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh a network integration/server.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a network server/integration.

morpheus network-static-routes

Usage: morpheus network-static-routes [command] [options]

morpheus network-static-routes add

Usage: morpheus network-static-routes add [network]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network static route.
[network] is required. This is the name or id of a network.

morpheus network-static-routes get

Usage: morpheus network-static-routes get [network] [network_route]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on a network Static Route.
[network] is required. This is the name or id of a network.
[network_route] is required. This is the id of a network route.

morpheus network-static-routes list

Usage: morpheus network-static-routes list [network] [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network DHCP Static Routes.
[network] is required. This is the name or id of a network.

morpheus network-static-routes remove

Usage: morpheus network-static-routes remove [network] [network_route]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network static route.
[network] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network.
[network_route] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network static route.

morpheus network-static-routes update

Usage: morpheus network-static-routes update [network] [networkRoute]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network Static Route.
[network] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network.
[networkRoute] is required. This is the name or id of an existing network static route.

morpheus network-transport-zones

Usage: morpheus network-transport-zones [command] [options]

morpheus network-transport-zones add

Usage: morpheus network-transport-zones add [server]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name
    -D, --description VALUE          Description
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a network transport zone.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-transport-zones get

Usage: morpheus network-transport-zones get [server] [transport zone]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details on a network transport zone.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.
[transport zone] is optional. This is the id of a network transport zone.

morpheus network-transport-zones list

Usage: morpheus network-transport-zones list [server]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network transport zones.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of a network server.

morpheus network-transport-zones remove

Usage: morpheus network-transport-zones remove [server] [transport zone]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a network transport zone.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[transport zone] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network transport zone.

morpheus network-transport-zones update

Usage: morpheus network-transport-zones update [server] [transport zone]
    -n, --name VALUE                 Name
    -D, --description VALUE          Description
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network transport zone.
[server] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network server.
[transport zone] is optional. This is the name or id of an existing network transport zone.

morpheus networks

Usage: morpheus networks [command] [options]

morpheus networks add

Usage: morpheus networks add -t TYPE
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID. Default is Shared.
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -t, --type ID                    Network Type Name or ID
    -s, --server ID                  Network Server Name or ID
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network
        --display-name VALUE         Display name for this network
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --description VALUE          Description of network
        --ipv4Enabled [on|off]       ipv4Enabled
        --ipv6Enabled [on|off]       ipv6Enabled
        --gateway VALUE              Gateway
        --dns-primary VALUE          DNS Primary
        --dns-secondary VALUE        DNS Secondary
        --cidr VALUE                 CIDR
        --gateway-ipv6 VALUE         IPv6 Gateway
        --dns-primary-ipv6 VALUE     IPv6 DNS Primary
        --dns-secondary-ipv6 VALUE   IPv6 DNS Secondary
        --cidr-ipv6 VALUE            IPv6 CIDR
        --vlan-id VALUE              VLAN ID
        --pool ID                    Network Pool
        --dhcp-server [on|off]       DHCP Server
        --dhcp-serverIPv6 [on|off]   IPv6 DHCP Server
        --dhcp-server-ipv6 [on|off]  IPv6 DHCP Server
        --allow-ip-override [on|off] Allow IP Override
        --domain [VALUE]             Network Domain ID
        --search-domains [VALUE]     Search Domains
        --proxy-bypass [on|off]      Bypass Proxy for Appliance URL
        --no-proxy LIST              No Proxy Addresses
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a network
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new network.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus networks get

Usage: morpheus networks get [network]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network.
[network] is required. This is the name or id of a network.

morpheus networks get-type

Usage: morpheus networks get-type [type]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a network type.
[type] is required. This is the id or name of a network type.

morpheus networks list

Usage: morpheus networks list
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Filter by Cloud
        --cidr VALUE                 Filter by cidr, matches beginning of value.
    -a, --all                        Display all data, including subnets.
        --subnets                    Display subnets as rows under each network found.
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List networks.

morpheus networks remove

Usage: morpheus networks remove [network]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
    -f, --force                      Force Delete

Delete a network.
[network] is required. This is the name or id of a network.

morpheus networks types

Usage: morpheus networks types
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List network types.

morpheus networks update

Usage: morpheus networks update [network] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this network
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --description VALUE          Description of network
        --display-name VALUE         Display name for this network
        --ipv4Enabled [on|off]       ipv4Enabled
        --ipv6Enabled [on|off]       ipv6Enabled
        --gateway VALUE              Gateway
        --dns-primary VALUE          DNS Primary
        --dns-secondary VALUE        DNS Secondary
        --cidr VALUE                 CIDR
        --gateway-ipv6 VALUE         IPv6 Gateway
        --dns-primary-ipv6 VALUE     IPv6 DNS Primary
        --dns-secondary-ipv6 VALUE   IPv6 DNS Secondary
        --cidr-ipv6 VALUE            IPv6 CIDR
        --vlan-id VALUE              VLAN ID
        --pool ID                    Network Pool
        --dhcp-server [on|off]       DHCP Server
        --dhcp-serverIPv6 [on|off]   IPv6 DHCP Server
        --dhcp-server-ipv6 [on|off]  IPv6 DHCP Server
        --allow-ip-override [on|off] Allow IP Override
        --domain [VALUE]             Network Domain ID
        --search-domains [VALUE]     Search Domains
        --proxy-bypass [on|off]      Bypass Proxy for Appliance URL
        --no-proxy LIST              No Proxy Addresses
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a network
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a network.
[network] is required. This is the id of a network.

morpheus passwd

Usage: morpheus passwd [username] [options]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Change your password or the password of another user.
[username] is optional. This is the username of the user to update. Default is your own.
Be careful with this command, the default behavior is to update your own password.

morpheus ping

Usage: morpheus ping [options]
    -s, --status                     Print only the status.
    -t, --time                       Print only the response time.
        --setup-needed?              Print only if setup is needed or not, exit 1 if not.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Ping the remote morpheus appliance.
Prints the remote version and status and the time it took to get a response.

morpheus plugins

Usage: morpheus plugins [command] [options]

View and manage plugins.

morpheus plugins get

Usage: morpheus plugins get [plugin]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a plugin.
[plugin] is required. This is the name or id of a plugin.

morpheus plugins list

Usage: morpheus plugins list [search]
        --name VALUE                 Filter by name
        --code VALUE                 Filter by code
        --version VALUE              Filter by version
        --status VALUE               Filter by status
        --enabled [true|false]       Filter by enabled [true|false]
        --valid [true|false]         Filter by valid [true|false]
        --has-update [true|false]    Filter by hasValidUpdate [true|false]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List plugins.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus plugins remove

Usage: morpheus plugins remove [plugin]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing plugin.
[plugin] is required. This is the name or id of a plugin.

morpheus plugins update

Usage: morpheus plugins update [plugin] [options]
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing plugin.
[plugin] is required. This is the name or id of a plugin.

morpheus plugins upload

Usage: morpheus plugins upload [file]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Upload a plugin file.
[file] is required. This is the path of the .jar file to upload
This can be used to install and register a new plugin and also
to update an existing plugin to a new version.

morpheus policies

Usage: morpheus policies [command] [options]

morpheus policies add

Usage: morpheus policies add -t TYPE
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID, for scoping the policy to a group.
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID, for scoping the policy to a cloud
    -u, --user USER                  Username or ID, for scoping the policy to a user
        --role ROLE                  Role Authority or ID, for scoping the policy to a role
        --each-user [on|off]         Apply individually to each user in role, for use with policy scoped by role.
    -t, --type ID                    Policy Type Name, Code or ID
        --name VALUE                 Name for this policy
        --description VALUE          Description of policy
        --accounts LIST              Tenant accounts, comma separated list of account IDs
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable a policy
        --config JSON                Policy Config JSON
        --config-yaml YAML           Policy Config YAML
        --config-file FILE           Policy Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new policy.
[name] is optional and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus policies get

Usage: morpheus policies get [policy]
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a policy.
[policy] is required. This is the id of a policy.

morpheus policies get-type

Usage: morpheus policies get-type [policy-type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a policy type.
[policy-type] is required. This is Name or ID of a policy type.

morpheus policies list

Usage: morpheus policies list
    -g, --group GROUP                Group Name or ID
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -u, --user USER                  Username or ID
        --role ROLE                  Role Authority or ID
    -G, --global                     Global policies only
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List policies.

morpheus policies list-types

Usage: morpheus policies list-types [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List policy types.

morpheus policies remove

Usage: morpheus policies remove [policy]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a policy.
[policy] is required. This is the id of a policy.

morpheus policies update

Usage: morpheus policies update [policy] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this policy
        --description VALUE          Description of policy
        --accounts LIST              Tenant accounts, comma separated list of account IDs
        --each-user [on|off]         Apply individually to each user in role, for use with policy scoped by role.
        --enabled [on|off]           Can be used to disable a policy
        --config JSON                Policy Config JSON
        --config-yaml YAML           Policy Config YAML
        --config-file FILE           Policy Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a policy.
[policy] is required. This is the id of a policy.

morpheus power-schedules

Usage: morpheus power-schedules [command] [options]

morpheus power-schedules add

Usage: morpheus power-schedules add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name - Choose a unique name for the power schedule
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional). Default: private
        --scheduleTimezone VALUE     Time Zone (optional) - Time Zone
        --scheduleType VALUE         Schedule Type (optional) - Type of Power Schedule 'power' or 'power off'. Default: power
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional) - Enable the power schedule to make it available for use.. Default: true
        --mondayOnTime HH:MM         Monday Start (optional) - Monday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 00:00
        --mondayOffTime HH:MM        Monday End (optional) - Monday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 24:00
        --tuesdayOnTime HH:MM        Tuesday Start (optional) - Tuesday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 00:00
        --tuesdayOffTime HH:MM       Tuesday End (optional) - Tuesday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 24:00
        --wednesdayOnTime HH:MM      Wednesday Start (optional) - Wednesday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 00:00
        --wednesdayOffTime HH:MM     Wednesday End (optional) - Wednesday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 24:00
        --thursdayOnTime HH:MM       Thursday Start (optional) - Thursday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 00:00
        --thursdayOffTime HH:MM      Thursday End (optional) - Thursday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 24:00
        --fridayOnTime HH:MM         Friday Start (optional) - Friday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 00:00
        --fridayOffTime HH:MM        Friday End (optional) - Friday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 24:00
        --saturdayOnTime HH:MM       Saturday Start (optional) - Saturday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 00:00
        --saturdayOffTime HH:MM      Saturday End (optional) - Saturday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 24:00
        --sundayOnTime HH:MM         Sunday Start (optional) - Sunday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 00:00
        --sundayOffTime HH:MM        Sunday End (optional) - Sunday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format. Default: 24:00
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new power schedule.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus power-schedules add-hosts

Usage: morpheus power-schedules add-hosts [schedule] [host]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Assign hosts to a power schedule.
[schedule] is required. This is the name or id of a power schedule.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host. More than one can be passed.

morpheus power-schedules add-instances

Usage: morpheus power-schedules add-instances [schedule] [instance]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Assign instances to a power schedule.
[schedule] is required. This is the name or id of a power schedule.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. More than one can be passed.

morpheus power-schedules get

Usage: morpheus power-schedules get [schedule]
        --max-instances VALUE        Display a limited number of instances in schedule. Default is 10
        --max-hosts VALUE            Display a limited number of hosts in schedule. Default is 10
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus power-schedules list

Usage: morpheus power-schedules list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List power schedules.

morpheus power-schedules remove

Usage: morpheus power-schedules remove [schedule]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus power-schedules remove-hosts

Usage: morpheus power-schedules remove-hosts [schedule] [host]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove hosts from a power schedule.
[schedule] is required. This is the name or id of a power schedule.
[host] is required. This is the name or id of a host. More than one can be passed.

morpheus power-schedules remove-instances

Usage: morpheus power-schedules remove-instances [schedule] [instance]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove instances from a power schedule.
[schedule] is required. This is the name or id of a power schedule.
[instance] is required. This is the name or id of an instance. More than one can be passed.

morpheus power-schedules update

Usage: morpheus power-schedules update [schedule]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Choose a unique name for the power schedule
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional)
        --scheduleTimezone VALUE     Time Zone (optional) - Time Zone
        --scheduleType VALUE         Schedule Type (optional) - Type of Power Schedule 'power' or 'power off'
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional) - Enable the power schedule to make it available for use.
        --mondayOnTime HH:MM         Monday Start (optional) - Monday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --mondayOffTime HH:MM        Monday End (optional) - Monday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --tuesdayOnTime HH:MM        Tuesday Start (optional) - Tuesday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --tuesdayOffTime HH:MM       Tuesday End (optional) - Tuesday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --wednesdayOnTime HH:MM      Wednesday Start (optional) - Wednesday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --wednesdayOffTime HH:MM     Wednesday End (optional) - Wednesday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --thursdayOnTime HH:MM       Thursday Start (optional) - Thursday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --thursdayOffTime HH:MM      Thursday End (optional) - Thursday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --fridayOnTime HH:MM         Friday Start (optional) - Friday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --fridayOffTime HH:MM        Friday End (optional) - Friday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --saturdayOnTime HH:MM       Saturday Start (optional) - Saturday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --saturdayOffTime HH:MM      Saturday End (optional) - Saturday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --sundayOnTime HH:MM         Sunday Start (optional) - Sunday start time in HH:MM 24-hour format
        --sundayOffTime HH:MM        Sunday End (optional) - Sunday end time in HH:MM 24-hour format
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a power schedule.
[schedule] is required. This is the name or id of a power schedule.

morpheus price-sets

Usage: morpheus price-sets [command] [options]

morpheus price-sets add

Usage: morpheus price-sets add
        --name NAME                  Price set name
        --code CODE                  Price set code, unique identifier
        --region-code CODE           Price set region code
        --cloud [CLOUD]              Cloud ID or name
        --resource-pool [POOL]       Resource pool ID or name
        --price-unit [UNIT]          Price unit
    -t, --type [TYPE]                Price set type
        --prices [LIST]              Price(s), comma separated list of price IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create price set.
Name, code, type and price unit are required.

morpheus price-sets deactivate

Usage: morpheus price-sets deactivate [price-set]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deactivate price set.
[price-set] is required. Price set ID, name or code

morpheus price-sets get

Usage: morpheus price-sets get [price-set]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a price set.
[price-set] is required. Price set ID, name or code

morpheus price-sets list

Usage: morpheus price-sets list
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by type
    -i, --include-inactive [on|off]  Can be used to enable / disable inactive filter. Default is on
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List price sets.

morpheus price-sets update

Usage: morpheus price-sets update [price-set]
        --name NAME                  Price set name
        --restart-usage [on|off]     Apply price changes to usage. Default is on
        --prices [LIST]              Price(s), comma separated list of price IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update price set.
[price-set] is required. Price set ID, name or code

morpheus prices

Usage: morpheus prices [command] [options]

morpheus prices add

Usage: morpheus prices add [name] [code]
        --name NAME                  Price name
        --code CODE                  Price code, unique identifier
        --tenant [ACCOUNT|all]       Tenant account or all. Apply price to all tenants when not set.
        --type [TYPE]                Price type
        --unit [UNIT]                Price unit
        --platform [PLATFORM]        Price platform [centos|debian|fedora|canonical|opensuse|redhat|suse|xen|linux|windows]. Required for platform price type
        --software [TEXT]            Price software. Required for software price type
        --volume [TYPE]              Volume type ID or name. Required for storage price type
        --datastore [DATASTORE]      Datastore ID or name. Required for datastore price type
        --cross-apply [on|off]       Apply price across clouds. Applicable for datastore price type only
        --incur [WHEN]               Incur charges [running|stopped|always]
        --currency [CURRENCY]        Price currency
        --cost [AMOUNT]              Price cost
        --fixed-markup [AMOUNT]      Add fixed price adjustment
        --percent-markup [PERCENT]   Add percent price adjustment
        --custom-price [AMOUNT]      Set customer price directly. Can be used to override price calculation based on cost and markup
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create price

morpheus prices deactivate

Usage: morpheus prices deactivate [price]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deactivate price.
[price] is required. Price ID, name or code

morpheus prices get

Usage: morpheus prices get [price]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a price.
[price] is required. Price ID, name or code

morpheus prices list

Usage: morpheus prices list
    -i, --include-inactive [on|off]  Can be used to enable / disable inactive filter. Default is on
        --platform PLATFORM          Filter by platform eg. linux, windows
        --price-unit UNIT            Filter by priceUnit eg. hour, month
        --currency CURRENCY          Filter by currency eg. usd
        --price-type TYPE            Filter by priceType eg. fixed,platform,software,compute,storage,datastore,memory,cores,cpu
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List prices.

morpheus prices update

Usage: morpheus prices update [price]
        --name NAME                  Price name
        --type [TYPE]                Price type
        --unit [UNIT]                Price unit
        --platform [PLATFORM]        Price platform [centos|debian|fedora|canonical|opensuse|redhat|suse|xen|linux|windows]. Required for platform price type
        --software [TEXT]            Price software. Required for software price type
        --volume [TYPE]              Volume type ID or name. Required for storage price type
        --datastore [DATASTORE]      Datastore ID or name. Required for datastore price type
        --cross-apply [on|off]       Apply price across clouds. Applicable for datastore price type only
        --incur [WHEN]               Incur charges [running|stopped|always]
        --currency [CURRENCY]        Price currency
        --cost [AMOUNT]              Price cost
        --fixed-markup [AMOUNT]      Add fixed price adjustment
        --percent-markup [PERCENT]   Add percent price adjustment
        --custom-price [AMOUNT]      Set customer price directly. Can be used to override price calculation based on cost and markup
        --restart-usage [on|off]     Apply price changes to usage. Default is on
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update price
[price] is required. Price ID, name or code

morpheus process

Usage: morpheus process [command] [options]

morpheus process get

Usage: morpheus process get [id]
        --details                    Display more details. Shows everything, untruncated.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details for a specific process.

morpheus process get-event

Usage: morpheus process get-event [event-id]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display details for a specific process event.
[event-id] is required. This is the id of the process event.

morpheus process list

Usage: morpheus process list
        --events                     Display sub processes (events).
        --output                     Display process output.
        --details                    Display all details. Includes sub processes, output and error data is not truncated.
        --app APP                    Limit results to specific app(s).
        --instance INSTANCE          Limit results to specific instance(s).
        --container CONTAINER        Limit results to specific container(s).
        --host HOST                  Limit results to specific host(s).
        --cloud CLOUD                Limit results to specific cloud(s).
        --user USER                  Limit results to user(s).
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List historical processes.

morpheus projects

Usage: morpheus projects [command] [options]

morpheus projects add

Usage: morpheus projects add [name]
        --name NAME                  Project Name
        --description NAME           Project Description
        --tags TAGS                  Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'
        --instances [LIST]           Instances, comma separated list of instance names or IDs.
        --servers [LIST]             Servers, comma separated list of server (host) names or IDs.
        --clouds [LIST]              Clouds, comma separated list of cloud names or IDs.
        --resources [LIST]           Resources, comma separated list of resource IDs.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a project.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new project.

morpheus projects get

Usage: morpheus projects get [project]
        --find-by-name               Always treat the identifier argument as a name, never an ID. Useful for specifying names that look like numbers. eg. '1234'
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a project.
[project] is required. This is the name or id of a project.

morpheus projects list

Usage: morpheus projects list
        --instances [LIST]           Filter by Instance, comma separated list of instance names or IDs.
        --servers [LIST]             Filter by Server, comma separated list of server (host) names or IDs.
        --clouds [LIST]              Filter by Cloud, comma separated list of cloud (zone) names or IDs.
        --resources [LIST]           Filter by Resources, comma separated list of resource IDs.
        --owners [LIST]              Owner, comma separated list of usernames or IDs.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List projects.

morpheus projects remove

Usage: morpheus projects remove [project]
        --find-by-name               Always treat the identifier argument as a name, never an ID. Useful for specifying names that look like numbers. eg. '1234'
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a project.
[project] is required. This is the name or id of a project.

morpheus projects update

Usage: morpheus projects update [project] [options]
        --name NAME                  Project Name
        --description NAME           Project Description
        --tags [TAGS]                Project Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This replaces all project tags.
        --add-tags TAGS              Add Project Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will add/update project tags.
        --remove-tags TAGS           Remove Project Tags in the format 'name, name:value'. This removes project tags, the :value component is optional and must match if passed.
        --instances [LIST]           Instances, comma separated list of instance names or IDs.
        --add-instances LIST         Add Instances, comma separated list of instance names or IDs to add.
        --remove-instances LIST      Remove Instances, comma separated list of instance names or IDs to remove.
        --servers [LIST]             Servers, comma separated list of server (host) names or IDs.
        --add-servers LIST           Add Servers, comma separated list of server names or IDs to add.
        --remove-servers LIST        Remove Servers, comma separated list of server names or IDs to remove.
        --clouds [LIST]              Clouds, comma separated list of cloud names or IDs.
        --add-clouds LIST            Add Clouds, comma separated list of cloud names or IDs to add.
        --remove-clouds LIST         Remove Clouds, comma separated list of cloud names or IDs to remove.
        --resources [LIST]           Resources, comma separated list of resource names or IDs.
        --add-resources LIST         Add Resources, comma separated list of resource names or IDs to add.
        --remove-resources LIST      Remove Resources, comma separated list of resource names or IDs to remove.
        --find-by-name               Always treat the identifier argument as a name, never an ID. Useful for specifying names that look like numbers. eg. '1234'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a project.
[project] is required. This is the name or id of a project.

morpheus provisioning-licenses

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses [command] [options]

morpheus provisioning-licenses add

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses add [name] [options]
    -t, --type TYPE                  License Type Code eg. win
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --licenseKey VALUE           License Key
        --orgName VALUE              Org Name (optional) - The Organization Name (if applicable) related to the license key
        --fullName VALUE             Full Name (optional) - The Full Name (if applicable) related to the license key
        --licenseVersion VALUE       Version (optional)
        --copies NUMBER              Copies. Default: 1
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --virtualImages LIST         Virtual Images (optional)
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create license.

morpheus provisioning-licenses get

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses get [license]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a license.
[license] is required. License ID or name

morpheus provisioning-licenses list

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List licenses.

morpheus provisioning-licenses list-types

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses list-types
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List license types.

morpheus provisioning-licenses remove

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete license.
[license] is required. License ID or name

morpheus provisioning-licenses reservations

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses reservations [name]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List reservations for a license.
[license] is required. License ID or name

morpheus provisioning-licenses update

Usage: morpheus provisioning-licenses update [license] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --licenseVersion VALUE       Version (optional)
        --copies NUMBER              Copies (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --virtualImages LIST         Virtual Images (optional)
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update license.
[license] is required. License ID or name

morpheus provisioning-settings

Usage: morpheus provisioning-settings [command] [options]

morpheus provisioning-settings get

Usage: morpheus provisioning-settings get
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get provisioning settings.

morpheus provisioning-settings update

Usage: morpheus provisioning-settings update
        --allow-cloud [on|off]       Allow cloud selection. Default is on
        --allow-host [on|off]        Allow host selection. Default is on
        --require-env [on|off]       Require environment selection. Default is on
        --show-pricing [on|off]      Show pricing. Default is on
        --ds-hide-stats [on|off]     Hide datastore stats on selection. Default is on
        --x-tenant-naming [on|off]   Cross-tenant naming policies. Default is on
        --reuse-name-seq [on|off]    Reuse naming sequence numbers. Default is on
        --deploy-bucket BUCKET       Deployment archive storage provider ID or name
        --cloud-username STRING      Cloud-init username
        --cloud-pwd STRING           Cloud-init password
        --cloud-keypair KEYPAIR      Cloud-init key pair ID or name
        --windows-pwd STRING         Windows administrator password
        --pxe-pwd STRING             PXE Boot default root password
        --blueprint-type TYPE        Default blueprint type ID, name or code
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus remote

Usage: morpheus remote [command] [options]

morpheus remote add

Usage: morpheus remote add [name] [url]
        --use [true|false]           Start using remote right now. By default this is true if it's the first remote, otherwise false.
        --secure                     Prevent insecure HTTPS communication.  Default is true.
        --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. Ignore SSL errors. Default is false.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add a new remote to your morpheus client configuration.
[name] is required. A unique name for your appliance. eg. demo
[url] is required. The URL of your appliance eg.
First, this inspects the remote url to check the appliance status and version.
If remote is ready, it will prompt to login, see the command `login`.
If remote is freshly installed, it will prompt to initialize the appliance, see the command `setup`.
The option --use can be included to start using the new remote right away.
The remote will be used by default if it is the first remote in the configuration.
The --quiet option can be used to to skip prompting.

morpheus remote check

Usage: morpheus remote check [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
    -a, --all                        Check all remotes.
        --offline                    Do this offline without an api request to refresh the remote appliance status.

Check the status of a remote appliance.
[name] is optional. This is the name of a remote.  Default is the current remote. Can be passed as 'all'. to perform remote check-all.
This makes a request to the configured appliance url and updates the status and version.

morpheus remote check-all

Usage: morpheus remote check-all
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Refresh all remote appliances.
This makes a request to each of the configured appliance urls and updates the status and version.

morpheus remote clone

Usage: morpheus remote clone [remote] [name]
        --use                        Make it the current appliance
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Clone remote appliance configuration, including any existing credentials.
[remote] is required. This is the name of an existing remote.
[name] is optional. This is the name of the new remote that will be created.

morpheus remote current

Usage: morpheus remote current
    -n, --name                       Print only the name.
    -u, --url                        Print only the url.
    -v, --version                    Print only the build version.
        --offline                    Do this offline without an api request to refresh the remote appliance status.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print details about the current remote appliance.
This behaves the same as `remote get current`.

morpheus remote get

Usage: morpheus remote get [name]
    -u, --url                        Print only the url.
        --offline                    Do this offline without an api request to refresh the remote appliance status.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print details about the a remote appliance.
[name] is optional. This is the name of a remote.
By default, the current appliance is used.
Returns an error if the specified remote is not found, or there is no current remote.

morpheus remote list

Usage: morpheus remote list [search]
    -a, --all                        Show all the appliance activity details
        --current                    List only the active (current) appliance.
        --check                      Check each appliance in the list to refresh their status, this may take a while.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List the configured remote appliances.

morpheus remote remove

Usage: morpheus remote remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

This will delete the specified remote appliance(s) from your local configuration.
[name] is required. This is the name of a remote. More than one can be passed.

morpheus remote rename

Usage: morpheus remote rename [name] [new name]
        --name NAME                  Update the name of your remote appliance
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Rename a remote.
This changes your client configuration remote name, not the appliance itself.
[name] is required. This is the current name of a remote.
[new name] is required. This is the new name for the remote. This must not already be in use.

morpheus remote unuse

Usage: morpheus remote unuse
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Stop using the current remote appliance.

morpheus remote update

Usage: morpheus remote update [name]
        --name NAME                  Update the name of your remote appliance
        --url URL                    Update the url of your remote appliance
        --secure                     Prevent insecure HTTPS communication.  This is enabled by default
        --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. Ignore SSL errors.
        --use                        Make this the current appliance
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

This can be used to update remote appliance settings.

morpheus remote use

Usage: morpheus remote use [name]
        --offline                    Do this offline without an api request to refresh the remote appliance status.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

[name] is required. This is the name of a remote to begin using.
Start using a remote, making it the active (current) remote appliance.
This switches the remote context of your client configuration for all subsequent commands.
It is important to always be aware of the context your commands are running in.
The command `remote current` will return the current remote information.
Instead of using an active remote, the -r option can be specified with each command.

It is recommeneded to set a custom prompt to show the current remote name.
For example, add the following to your .morpheusrc file:

  # set your shell prompt to display the current username and remote
  set-prompt "%green%username%reset@%magenta%remote %cyanmorpheus> %reset"

morpheus remote version

Usage: morpheus remote version [remote]
        --offline                    Do this offline without an api request to refresh the remote appliance status.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print version of remote appliance.
[name] is optional. This is the name of a remote.  Default is the current remote.
This makes a request to the configured appliance url and updates the status and version.

morpheus reports

Usage: morpheus reports [command] [options]

morpheus reports export

Usage: morpheus reports export [id] [file]
        --format VALUE               Report Format for exported file, json or csv. Default is json.
    -f, --force                      Overwrite existing [local-file] if it exists.
    -p, --mkdir                      Create missing directories for [local-file] if they do not exist.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Export a report result as json or csv.
[id] is required. This is id of the report result.
[file] is required. This is local destination for the downloaded file.

morpheus reports get

Usage: morpheus reports get [id]
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until status is ready,failed. Default interval is 5 seconds.
        --refresh-until STATUS       Refresh until a specified status is reached.
        --rows                       Print Report Data rows too.
        --view                       View report result in web browser too.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a report result.

morpheus reports get-type

Usage: morpheus reports get-type
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get report type
[name] is required. This is the name of a report type

morpheus reports list

Usage: morpheus reports list
        --type CODE                  Report Type code(s)
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List report history.

morpheus reports list-types

Usage: morpheus reports list-types
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List report types.

morpheus reports remove

Usage: morpheus reports remove [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a report result.
[id] is required. This is id of the report result.

morpheus reports run

Usage: morpheus reports run [type] [options]
        --type CODE                  Report Type code
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh until finished
        --rows                       Print Report Data rows too.
        --view                       View report result in web browser when it is finished.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Run a report to generate a new result.
[type] is required. This is code of the report type.

morpheus reports view

Usage: morpheus reports view [id]
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View a report result in a web browser
[id] is required. This is the id of the report result.

morpheus resource-folders

Usage: morpheus resource-folders [command] [options]

morpheus resource-folders get

Usage: morpheus resource-folders get [cloud] [folder]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a resource folder.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus resource-folders list

Usage: morpheus resource-folders list [cloud]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List resource folders for a cloud.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus resource-folders update

Usage: morpheus resource-folders update [cloud] [folder] [options]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --plan-access-all [on|off]   Toggle Access for all plans.
        --plan-access LIST           Plan Access, comma separated list of plan IDs.
        --plan-defaults LIST         Plan Default Selection, comma separated list of plan IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a resource folder
        --default-folder [on|off]    Default Folder
        --image-target [on|off]      Image Target
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a resource folder.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus resource-pool-groups

Usage: morpheus resource-pool-groups [command] [options]

morpheus resource-pool-groups add

Usage: morpheus resource-pool-groups add --pools [id,id,id]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this resource pool group
        --description VALUE          Description of resource pool group
        --mode VALUE                 Pool selection mode for the resource pool group. Can be roundrobin or availablecapacity
        --pools LIST                 Pools in the group, comma separated list of pool names or IDs
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new resource pool group.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus resource-pool-groups get

Usage: morpheus resource-pool-groups get [resource-pool-group]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a resource pool group.
[resource-pool-group] is required. This is the name or id of a resource pool group.

morpheus resource-pool-groups list

Usage: morpheus resource-pool-groups list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List resource pool groups.

morpheus resource-pool-groups remove

Usage: morpheus resource-pool-groups remove [resource-pool-group]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a resource pool group.
[resource-pool-group] is required. This is the name or id of a resource pool group.

morpheus resource-pool-groups update

Usage: morpheus resource-pool-groups update [resource-pool-group] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this resource pool group
        --description VALUE          Description of resource pool group
        --mode VALUE                 Pool selection mode for the resource pool group. Can be roundrobin or availablecapacity
        --pools LIST                 Pools in the group, comma separated list of pool IDs
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a resource pool group.
[resource-pool-group] is required. This is the id of a resource pool group.

morpheus resource-pools

Usage: morpheus resource-pools [command] [options]

morpheus resource-pools add

Usage: morpheus resource-pools add [cloud] [pool] [options]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --plan-access-all [on|off]   Toggle Access for all plans.
        --plan-access LIST           Plan Access, comma separated list of plan IDs.
        --plan-defaults LIST         Plan Default Selection, comma separated list of plan IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a resource pool
        --inventory [on|off]         Enable or disable inventory sync for resource pool during cloud refresh
        --default-pool [on|off]      Set resource pool as the default
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --role ROLE                  Role Name or ID (applicable to select resource pools)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add a resource pool.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus resource-pools get

Usage: morpheus resource-pools get [cloud] [pool]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a resource pool.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus resource-pools list

Usage: morpheus resource-pools list [cloud]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search by Name and/or Display Name
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List resource pools for a cloud.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus resource-pools remove

Usage: morpheus resource-pools remove [cloud] [pool]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a resource pool.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus resource-pools update

Usage: morpheus resource-pools update [cloud] [pool] [options]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --plan-access-all [on|off]   Toggle Access for all plans.
        --plan-access LIST           Plan Access, comma separated list of plan IDs.
        --plan-defaults LIST         Plan Default Selection, comma separated list of plan IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a resource pool
        --inventory [on|off]         Enable or disable inventory sync for resource pool during cloud refresh
        --default-pool [on|off]      Set resource pool as the default
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --display-name [TEXT]        Display Name
        --role ROLE                  Role Name or ID (applicable to select resource pools)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a resource pool.
[cloud] is required. This is the name or id of the cloud.

morpheus roles

Usage: morpheus roles [command] [options]

morpheus roles add

Usage: morpheus roles add [name] [options]
        --authority VALUE            Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --landingUrl VALUE           Landing URL (optional) - An optional override for the default landing page after login for a user.
        --roleType VALUE             Role Type (optional). Default: user
        --baseRole VALUE             Copy From Role (optional)
        --multitenant [on|off]       Multitenant (optional) - A Multitenant role is automatically copied into all existing subaccounts as well as placed into a subaccount when created. Useful for providing a set of predefined roles a Customer can use. Default: off
        --multitenantLocked [on|off] Multitenant Locked (optional) - Prevents subtenants from branching off this role/modifying it.. Default: off
        --defaultPersona VALUE       Default Persona (optional) - Default Persona
        --feature-access CODE=ACCESS Set feature permission access by permission code. Example: dashboard=read,operations-wiki=full
        --default-group-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default group (site) access: [none|read|full]
        --groups ID=ACCESS           Set group (site) to a custom access by group id. Example: 1=none,2=full,3=read
        --default-cloud-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default cloud (zone) access: [none|read|full]
        --clouds ID=ACCESS           Set cloud (zone) to a custom access by cloud id. Example: 1=none,2=full,3=read
        --default-instance-type-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default instance type access: [none|full]
        --instance-types CODE=ACCESS Set instance type to a custom access instance type code. Example: nginx=full,apache=none
        --default-blueprint-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default blueprint access: [none|full]
        --blueprints ID=ACCESS       Set blueprint to a custom access by blueprint id. Example: 1=full,2=none
        --default-catalog-item-type-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default catalog item type access: [none|full]
        --catalog-item-types CODE=ACCESS
                                     Set catalog item type to a custom access by catalog item type id. Example: 1=full,2=none
        --default-persona-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default persona access: [none|full]
        --personas CODE=ACCESS       Set persona to a custom access by persona code. Example: standard=full,serviceCatalog=full,vdi=full
        --default-vdi-pool-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default VDI pool access: [none|full]
        --vdi-pools ID=ACCESS        Set VDI pool to a custom access by VDI pool id. Example: 1=full,2=none
        --global-report-type-access ACCESS
                                     Update the global report type access: [none|full]
        --report-types CODE=ACCESS   Set report type to a custom access by report type code. Example: appCost=none,guidance=full
        --default-task-access ACCESS Set the default task access: [none|full]
        --tasks ID=ACCESS            Set task to a custom access by task id. Example: 1=none,2=full
        --default-workflow-access ACCESS
                                     Set the default workflow access: [none|full]
        --workflows ID=ACCESS        Set workflow to a custom access by workflow id. Example: 1=none,2=full
        --reset-feature-access       Reset all feature permission access to none. This can be used in conjunction with --feature-access to recreate the feature permission access for the role.
        --reset-all-access           Reset all access to none including permissions, global groups, instance types, etc. This can be used in conjunction with --feature-access to recreate the feature permission access for the role.
        --owner ID                   Set the owner/tenant/account for the role by account id. Only master tenants with full permission for Tenant and Role may use this option.
        --include-default-access     Include default access levels in the response (returns all available resources)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new role.
[name] is required. This is a unique name (authority) for the new role.
All the role permissions and access values can be configured.
Use --feature-access "CODE=ACCESS,CODE=ACCESS" to update access levels for specific feature permissions identified by code.
Use --default-instance-type-access custom --instance-types "CODE=ACCESS,CODE=ACCESS" to customize instance type access.
Only the specified permissions,instance types, etc. are updated.
Use --reset-feature-access to set access to "none" for all unspecified feature permissions.
Use --reset-all-access to set access to "none" for all unspecified feature permissions and default access values for groups, instance types, etc.

morpheus roles get

Usage: morpheus roles get [role]
        --feature-access             Display Feature Access
    -g, --group-access               Display Group Access
    -c, --cloud-access               Display Cloud Access
    -i, --instance-type-access       Display Instance Type Access
    -b, --blueprint-access           Display Blueprint Access
        --catalog-item-type-access   Display Catalog Item Type Access
        --persona-access             Display Persona Access
        --vdi-pool-access            Display VDI Pool Access
        --report-type-access         Display Report Type Access
        --workflow-access            Display Workflow Access
        --task-access                Display Task Access
    -a, --all                        Display All Access Lists
        --include-default-access     Include default access levels in the output (returns all available resources)
        --account-id ID              Clarify Owner of Role
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.

morpheus roles list

Usage: morpheus roles list [search phrase]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Filter for list of Roles.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List roles.

morpheus roles list-permissions

Usage: morpheus roles list-permissions [role] [category]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List the access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
[category] is optional. Available categories: feature, group, cloud, instance-type, blueprint, report-type, persona, catalog-item-type, vdi-pool, workflow or task

morpheus roles remove

Usage: morpheus roles remove [role]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.

morpheus roles update

Usage: morpheus roles update [role] [options]
        --authority VALUE            Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --landingUrl VALUE           Landing URL (optional) - An optional override for the default landing page after login for a user.
        --multitenant [on|off]       Multitenant (optional) - A Multitenant role is automatically copied into all existing subaccounts as well as placed into a subaccount when created. Useful for providing a set of predefined roles a Customer can use. Default: off
        --multitenantLocked [on|off] Multitenant Locked (optional) - Prevents subtenants from branching off this role/modifying it.. Default: off
        --defaultPersona VALUE       Default Persona (optional) - Default Persona
        --feature-access CODE=ACCESS Set feature permission access by permission code. Example: dashboard=read,operations-wiki=full
        --default-group-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default group (site) access: [none|read|full]
        --groups ID=ACCESS           Set group (site) to a custom access by group id. Example: 1=none,2=full,3=read
        --default-cloud-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default cloud (zone) access: [none|read|full]
        --clouds ID=ACCESS           Set cloud (zone) to a custom access by cloud id. Example: 1=none,2=full,3=read
        --default-instance-type-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default instance type access: [none|full]
        --instance-types CODE=ACCESS Set instance type to a custom access instance type code. Example: nginx=full,apache=none
        --default-blueprint-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default blueprint access: [none|full]
        --blueprints ID=ACCESS       Set blueprint to a custom access by blueprint id. Example: 1=full,2=none
        --default-catalog-item-type-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default catalog item type access: [none|full]
        --catalog-item-types CODE=ACCESS
                                     Set catalog item type to a custom access by catalog item type id. Example: 1=full,2=none
        --default-persona-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default persona access: [none|full]
        --personas CODE=ACCESS       Set persona to a custom access by persona code. Example: standard=full,serviceCatalog=full,vdi=full
        --default-vdi-pool-access ACCESS
                                     Update the default VDI pool access: [none|full]
        --vdi-pools ID=ACCESS        Set VDI pool to a custom access by VDI pool id. Example: 1=full,2=none
        --global-report-type-access ACCESS
                                     Update the global report type access: [none|full]
        --report-types CODE=ACCESS   Set report type to a custom access by report type code. Example: appCost=none,guidance=full
        --default-task-access ACCESS Set the default task access: [none|full]
        --tasks ID=ACCESS            Set task to a custom access by task id. Example: 1=none,2=full
        --default-workflow-access ACCESS
                                     Set the default workflow access: [none|full]
        --workflows ID=ACCESS        Set workflow to a custom access by workflow id. Example: 1=none,2=full
        --reset-feature-access       Reset all feature permission access to none. This can be used in conjunction with --feature-access to recreate the feature permission access for the role.
        --reset-all-access           Reset all access to none including permissions, global groups, instance types, etc. This can be used in conjunction with --feature-access to recreate the feature permission access for the role.
        --include-default-access     Include default access levels in the output (returns all available resources)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
All the role permissions and access values can be configured.
Use --feature-access "CODE=ACCESS,CODE=ACCESS" to update access levels for specific feature permissions identified by code.
Use --default-instance-type-access custom --instance-types "CODE=ACCESS,CODE=ACCESS" to customize instance type access.
Only the specified permissions,instance types, etc. are updated.
Use --reset-feature-access to set access to "none" for all unspecified feature permissions.
Use --reset-all-access to set access to "none" for all unspecified feature permissions and global access values for groups, instance types, etc.

morpheus roles update-blueprint-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-blueprint-access [role] [blueprint] [access]
        --blueprint ID               Blueprint ID or Name
        --all                        Update all blueprints at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a blueprint or all blueprints.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--blueprint or --all is required. This is the name or id of a blueprint.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus roles update-catalog-item-type-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-catalog-item-type-access [role] [catalog-item-type] [access]
        --catalog-item-type ID       Catalog Item Type ID or Name
        --all                        Update all catalog item types at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a catalog item type or all types.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--catalog-item-type or --all is required. This is the name or id of a catalog item type.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus roles update-cloud-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-cloud-access [role]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud name or id
        --all                        Update all clouds at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|read|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a cloud or all clouds.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--cloud or --all is required. This is the name or id of a cloud.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, read, none or default

morpheus roles update-default-blueprint-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-blueprint-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default blueprint access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-default-catalog-item-type-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-catalog-item-type-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default catalog item type access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-default-cloud-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-cloud-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default cloud access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full, read or none.
Only applicable to Tenant roles.

morpheus roles update-default-group-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-group-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default group access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full, read, or none.
Only applicable to User roles.

morpheus roles update-default-instance-type-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-instance-type-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default instance type access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-default-persona-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-persona-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default persona access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-default-report-type-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-report-type-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default report type access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-default-task-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-task-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default task access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-default-vdi-pool-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-vdi-pool-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default VDI pool access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-default-workflow-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-default-workflow-access [role] [access]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update default workflow access for a role.
[role] is required. This is the id of a role.
[access] is required. This is the access level to assign: full or none.

morpheus roles update-feature-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-feature-access [role] [permission] [access]
    -p, --permission CODE            Permission code or name
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|full_decrypted|group|listfiles|managerules|no|none|provision|read|rolemappings|user|view|yes] (varies per permission)
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a permission.
[role] is required. This is the name (authority) or id of a role.
[permission] is required. This is the code or name of a permission.
[access] is required. This is the new access value: full, full_decrypted, group, listfiles, managerules, no, none, provision, read, rolemappings, user, view or yes

morpheus roles update-group-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-group-access [role] [group] [access]
    -g, --group GROUP                Group name or id
        --all                        Update all groups at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|read|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a group or all groups.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--group or --all is required. This is the name or id of a group.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, read, none or default

morpheus roles update-instance-type-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-instance-type-access [role] [type] [access]
        --instance-type INSTANCE_TYPE
                                     Instance Type name
        --all                        Update all instance types at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for an instance type or all instance types.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--instance-type or --all is required. This is the name of an instance type.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus roles update-persona-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-persona-access [role] [persona] [access]
        --persona CODE               Persona Code
        --all                        Update all personas at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a persona or all personas.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--persona or --all is required. This is the code of a persona. Service Catalog, Standard, or Virtual Desktop
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus roles update-report-type-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-report-type-access [role] [report-type] [access]
        --report-type ID             Report Type ID or Name
        --all                        Update all report types at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a report type or all report types.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--report-type or --all is required. This is the name or id of a report type.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus roles update-task-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-task-access [role] [task] [access]
        --task ID                    Task ID, code or name
        --all                        Update all tasks at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a task or all tasks.
[role] is required. This is the name, code or id of a task.
--task or --all is required. This is the name, code or id of a task.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus roles update-vdi-pool-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-vdi-pool-access [role] [vdi-pool] [access]
        --vdi-pool ID                VDI Pool ID or Name
        --all                        Update all VDI pools at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a VDI pool or all VDI pools.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--vdi-pool or --all is required. This is the name or id of a VDI pool.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus roles update-workflow-access

Usage: morpheus roles update-workflow-access [role] [workflow] [access]
        --workflow ID                Workflow ID, code or Name
        --all                        Update all workflows at once.
        --access VALUE               Access value [full|none|default]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update role access for a workflow or all workflows.
[role] is required. This is the name or id of a role.
--workflow or --all is required. This is the name, code or id of a workflow.
--access is required. This is the new access value: full, none or default

morpheus scale-thresholds

Usage: morpheus scale-thresholds [command] [options]

View and manage scale thresholds.

morpheus scale-thresholds add

Usage: morpheus scale-thresholds add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --autoUp [on|off]            Auto Upscale
        --autoDown [on|off]          Auto Downscale
        --minCount NUMBER            Min Count. Default: 1
        --maxCount NUMBER            Max Count. Default: 2
        --cpuEnabled [on|off]        Enable CPU Threshold (optional)
        --minCpu NUMBER              Min CPU (optional). Default: 0
        --maxCpu NUMBER              Max CPU (optional). Default: 0
        --memoryEnabled [on|off]     Enable Memory Threshold (optional)
        --minMemory NUMBER           Min Memory (optional). Default: 0
        --maxMemory NUMBER           Max Memory (optional). Default: 0
        --diskEnabled [on|off]       Enable Disk Threshold (optional)
        --minDisk NUMBER             Min Disk (optional). Default: 0
        --maxDisk NUMBER             Max Disk (optional). Default: 0
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new scale threshold.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new scale threshold.

morpheus scale-thresholds get

Usage: morpheus scale-thresholds get [scale threshold]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a scale threshold.
[scale threshold] is required. This is the name or id of a scale threshold.

morpheus scale-thresholds list

Usage: morpheus scale-thresholds list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List scale thresholds.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus scale-thresholds remove

Usage: morpheus scale-thresholds remove [scale threshold]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing scale threshold.
[scale threshold] is required. This is the name or id of a scale threshold.

morpheus scale-thresholds update

Usage: morpheus scale-thresholds update [scale threshold] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --autoUp [on|off]            Auto Upscale (optional)
        --autoDown [on|off]          Auto Downscale (optional)
        --minCount NUMBER            Min Count (optional)
        --maxCount NUMBER            Max Count (optional)
        --cpuEnabled [on|off]        Enable CPU Threshold (optional)
        --minCpu NUMBER              Min CPU (optional)
        --maxCpu NUMBER              Max CPU (optional)
        --memoryEnabled [on|off]     Enable Memory Threshold (optional)
        --minMemory NUMBER           Min Memory (optional)
        --maxMemory NUMBER           Max Memory (optional)
        --diskEnabled [on|off]       Enable Disk Threshold (optional)
        --minDisk NUMBER             Min Disk (optional)
        --maxDisk NUMBER             Max Disk (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing scale threshold.
[scale threshold] is required. This is the name or id of a scale threshold.

morpheus security-groups

Usage: morpheus security-groups [command] [options]

morpheus security-groups add

Usage: morpheus security-groups add [name] [options]
        --name Name                  Name of the security group
        --description Description    Description of the security group
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Scoped Cloud Name or ID
        --resource-pool ID           ID of the Resource Pool for Amazon VPC and Azure Resource Group
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --can-manage LIST            Tenant Can Manage, comma separated list of account IDs that can manage
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a security group
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a security group.
[name] is required. This is the name of the security group.

morpheus security-groups add-location

Usage: morpheus security-groups add-location [security-group] [options]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
        --resource-pool ID           ID of the Resource Pool for Amazon VPC and Azure Resource Group
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add security group to a location (cloud).
[security-group] is required. This is the name or id of the security group.

morpheus security-groups add-rule

Usage: morpheus security-groups add-rule [security-group] [options]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --name VALUE                 Name of the rule
        --direction VALUE            Direction
        --rule-type VALUE            Rule Type
        --protocol VALUE             Protocol
        --port-range VALUE           Port Range
        --source-type VALUE          Source Type
        --source VALUE               Source
        --source-group VALUE         Source Security Group
        --source-tier VALUE          Source Tier
        --destination-type VALUE     Destination Type
        --destination VALUE          Destination
        --destination-group VALUE    Destination Security Group
        --destination-tier VALUE     Destination Tier

Create a security group rule.
[security-group] is required. This is the name or id of the security group.

morpheus security-groups get

Usage: morpheus security-groups get [id]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a security group.

morpheus security-groups list

Usage: morpheus security-groups list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List security groups.

morpheus security-groups remove

Usage: morpheus security-groups remove [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a security group.
[security-group] is required. This is the name or id of the security group.

morpheus security-groups remove-location

Usage: morpheus security-groups remove-location [security-group] [options]
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove security group from a location (cloud).
[security-group] is required. This is the name or id of the security group.

morpheus security-groups remove-rule

Usage: morpheus security-groups remove-rule [security-group] [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a security group rule.
[security-group] is required. This is the name or id of the security group.

morpheus security-groups update

Usage: morpheus security-groups update [security-group] [options]
        --name Name                  Name of the security group
        --description Description    Description of the security group
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --can-manage LIST            Tenant Can Manage, comma separated list of account IDs that can manage
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a security group
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a security group.
[security-group] is required. This is the name or id of the security group.

morpheus security-groups update-rule

Usage: morpheus security-groups update-rule [security-group] [rule]
        --name VALUE                 Name of the rule
        --direction VALUE            Direction
        --rule-type VALUE            Rule Type
        --protocol VALUE             Protocol
        --port-range VALUE           Port Range
        --source-type VALUE          Source Type
        --source VALUE               Source
        --source-group VALUE         Source Security Group
        --source-tier VALUE          Source Tier
        --destination-type VALUE     Destination Type
        --destination VALUE          Destination
        --destination-group VALUE    Destination Security Group
        --destination-tier VALUE     Destination Tier
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a security group rule.
[security-group] is required. This is the name or id of the security group.

morpheus security-package-types

Usage: morpheus security-package-types [command] [options]

View security_package types

morpheus security-package-types get

Usage: morpheus security-package-types get [security package type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a security package type.
[security package type] is required. This is the name or id of a security package type.

morpheus security-package-types list

Usage: morpheus security-package-types list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List security package types.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus security-packages

Usage: morpheus security-packages [command] [options]

View and manage security packages.

morpheus security-packages add

Usage: morpheus security-packages add [name]
    -t, --type VALUE                 Security Package Type. Default: SCAP Package
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional). Default: true
        --url VALUE                  URL - URL to download the security package zip file from
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new security package.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new security package.

morpheus security-packages get

Usage: morpheus security-packages get [security package]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a security package.
[security package] is required. This is the name or id of a security package.

morpheus security-packages list

Usage: morpheus security-packages list [search]
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List security packages.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus security-packages remove

Usage: morpheus security-packages remove [security package]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing security package.
[security package] is required. This is the name or id of a security package.

morpheus security-packages update

Usage: morpheus security-packages update [security package] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
    -l, --labels [VALUE]             Labels (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional)
        --url VALUE                  URL (optional) - URL to download the security package zip file from
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing security package.
[security package] is required. This is the name or id of a security package.

morpheus security-scans

Usage: morpheus security-scans [command] [options]

View and manage security scans.

morpheus security-scans get

Usage: morpheus security-scans get [id]
        --results                    Include the results object in the response under the security scan. This is a potentially very large object containing the raw results of the scan. Use with --json to see this data.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a security scan.
[id] is required. This is the id of a security scan.

morpheus security-scans list

Usage: morpheus security-scans list [search]
        --security-package PACKAGE   Filter by security package name or id
        --server SERVER              Filter by server name or id
        --results                    Include the results object in the response under each security scan. This is a potentially very large object containing the raw results of the scan. Use with --json to see this data.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List security scans.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus security-scans remove

Usage: morpheus security-scans remove [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing security scan.
[id] is required. This is the id of a security scan.

morpheus service-plans

Usage: morpheus service-plans [command] [options]

morpheus service-plans activate

Usage: morpheus service-plans activate [plan]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Activate service plan.
[plan] is required. Service plan ID, name or code

morpheus service-plans add

Usage: morpheus service-plans add
        --name NAME                  Service plan name
        --code CODE                  Service plan code, unique identifier
    -t, --provision-type [TYPE]      Provision type ID or code
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to enable / disable the plan. Default is on
        --editable [on|off]          Can be used to enable / disable the editability of the service plan. Default is on
        --storage [AMOUNT]           Storage size is required. Assumes GB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 512MB
        --memory [AMOUNT]            Memory size is required. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
        --cores [NUMBER]             Core count. Default is 1
        --disks [NUMBER]             Max disks allowed
        --cores-per-socket [NUMBER]  Cores Per Socket
        --custom-cores [on|off]      Can be used to enable / disable customizable cores. Default is on
        --custom-storage [on|off]    Can be used to enable / disable customizable storage. Default is on
        --custom-volumes [on|off]    Can be used to enable / disable customizable extra volumes. Default is on
        --custom-memory [on|off]     Can be used to enable / disable customizable memory. Default is on
        --add-volumes [on|off]       Can be used to enable / disable ability to add volumes. Default is on
        --sort-order NUMBER          Sort order
        --price-sets [LIST]          Price set(s), comma separated list of price set IDs
        --min-storage NUMBER         Min total storage in GB.
        --max-storage NUMBER         Max total storage in GB.
        --min-per-disk-size NUMBER   Min per disk size in GB.
        --max-per-disk-size NUMBER   Max per disk size in GB.
        --min-memory NUMBER          Min memory. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
        --max-memory NUMBER          Max memory. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
        --min-cores NUMBER           Min cores
        --max-cores NUMBER           Max cores
        --min-sockets NUMBER         Min sockets
        --max-sockets NUMBER         Max sockets
        --min-cores-per-socket NUMBER
                                     Min cores per socket
        --max-cores-per-socket NUMBER
                                     Max cores per socket
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create service plan

morpheus service-plans deactivate

Usage: morpheus service-plans deactivate [plan]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deactivate service plan.
[plan] is required. Service plan ID, name or code

morpheus service-plans get

Usage: morpheus service-plans get [plan]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a service plan.
[plan] is required. Service plan ID, name or code

morpheus service-plans list

Usage: morpheus service-plans list
    -t, --provision-type VALUE       Filter by provision type ID or code
    -i, --include-inactive [on|off]  Can be used to enable / disable inactive filter. Default is on
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List service plans.

morpheus service-plans remove

Usage: morpheus service-plans remove [plan]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a service plan.
[plan] is required. Service plan ID, name or code

morpheus service-plans update

Usage: morpheus service-plans update [plan]
        --name NAME                  Service plan name
        --code CODE                  Service plan code, unique identifier
    -t, --provision-type [TYPE]      Provision type ID or code
        --description [TEXT]         Description
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to enable / disable the plan. Default is on
        --storage [AMOUNT]           Storage size is required. Assumes GB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 512MB
        --memory [AMOUNT]            Memory size is required. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
        --cores [NUMBER]             Core count. Default is 1
        --disks [NUMBER]             Max disks allowed
        --custom-cores [on|off]      Can be used to enable / disable customizable cores. Default is on
        --custom-storage [on|off]    Can be used to enable / disable customizable storage. Default is on
        --custom-volumes [on|off]    Can be used to enable / disable customizable extra volumes. Default is on
        --custom-memory [on|off]     Can be used to enable / disable customizable memory. Default is on
        --add-volumes [on|off]       Can be used to enable / disable ability to add volumes. Default is on
        --sort-order NUMBER          Sort order
        --price-sets [LIST]          Price set(s), comma separated list of price set IDs
        --min-storage NUMBER         Min total storage in GB.
        --max-storage NUMBER         Max total storage in GB.
        --min-per-disk-size NUMBER   Min per disk size in GB.
        --max-per-disk-size NUMBER   Max per disk size in GB.
        --min-memory NUMBER          Min memory. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
        --max-memory NUMBER          Max memory. Assumes MB unless optional modifier specified, ex: 1GB
        --min-cores NUMBER           Min cores
        --max-cores NUMBER           Max cores
        --min-sockets NUMBER         Min sockets
        --max-sockets NUMBER         Max sockets
        --min-cores-per-socket NUMBER
                                     Min cores per socket
        --max-cores-per-socket NUMBER
                                     Max cores per socket
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility [private|public]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update service plan.
[plan] is required. Service plan ID, name or code

morpheus setup

Usage: morpheus setup [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --hubmode MODE               Choose an option for hub registration possible values are login, register, skip.
        --force                      Force setup, make api request even if setup is unavailable.

Setup a fresh remote appliance, initializing it.
First, this checks if setup is available, and returns an error if not.
Then it prompts to create the master tenant and admin user.
If Morpheus Hub registration is enabled, you may login or register to retrieve a license key,
or you can pass `--hubmode skip`.
This is only available on a new, freshly installed remote appliance,
and it may only be executed successfully one time.

morpheus shell

Usage: morpheus shell
    -e, --exec EXPRESSION            Execute the command expression and exit. Expression can be a single morpheus command or several by using parenthesis and operators (, ), &&, ||, and ;
        --norc                       Do not read and execute the personal initialization script .morpheusrc
    -I, --insecure                   Allow for insecure HTTPS communication i.e. bad SSL certificate
    -Z, --temporary                  Temporary shell. Use a temporary shell with the current remote configuration, credentials and history loaded. Temporary shells do not save changes to remote configuration changes and command history.
    -z, --clean                      Clean shell. Use a temporary shell without any remote configuration, credentials or command history loaded.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time after each command is finished
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus snapshots

Usage: morpheus snapshots [command] [options]

View or remove snapshot

morpheus snapshots get

Usage: morpheus snapshots get [id]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get Snapshot details.
[id] is required. This is the id of the snapshot.

morpheus snapshots remove

Usage: morpheus snapshots remove [id]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove/Delete a snapshot.
[id] is required. This is the id of the snapshot to delete.

morpheus storage-buckets

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets [command] [options]

morpheus storage-buckets add

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets add
        --name VALUE                 Name for this storage bucket
        --type code                  Storage Bucket Type Code
        --bucket-name VALUE          Bucket Name
        --default-backup-target [on|off]
                                     Default Backup Target
        --default-deployment-target [on|off]
                                     Default Deployment Target
        --default-virtual-image-target [on|off]
                                     Default Virtual Image Store
        --copy-to-store [on|off]     Archive Snapshots
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new storage bucket.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus storage-buckets download

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets download [provider:/path] [local-file]
    -f, --force                      Overwrite existing [local-file] if it exists.
    -p, --mkdir                      Create missing directories for [local-file] if they do not exist.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Download a file or directory.
[provider:/path] is required. This is the name or id of the provider and /path the file or folder to be downloaded.
[local-file] is required. This is the full local filepath for the downloaded file.
Directories will be downloaded as a .zip file, so you'll want to specify a [local-file] with a .zip extension.

morpheus storage-buckets get

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets get [storage-bucket]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a storage bucket.
[storage-bucket] is required. This is the name or id of a storage bucket.

morpheus storage-buckets list

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List storage buckets.

morpheus storage-buckets list-files

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets list-files [provider:/path]
    -a, --all                        Show all files, including subdirectories under the /path.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List files in a storage bucket.
Include [/path] to show files under a directory.

morpheus storage-buckets ls

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets ls [bucket/path]
    -a, --all                        Show all files, including subdirectories under the /path.
    -l, --long                       Lists files in the long format, which contains lots of useful information, e.g. the exact size of the file, the file type, and when it was last modified.
    -H, --human                      Humanized file sizes. The default is just the number of bytes.
    -1, --oneline                    One file per line. The default delimiter is a single space.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print filenames for a given location.
Pass storage location in the format bucket/path.

morpheus storage-buckets read

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets read [provider:/path]
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Print the contents of a storage file.
[provider:/path] is required. This is the name or id of the provider and /path the file or folder to be downloaded.
This confirmation can be skipped with the -y option.

morpheus storage-buckets remove

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets remove [storage-bucket]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a storage bucket.
[storage-bucket] is required. This is the name or id of a storage bucket.

morpheus storage-buckets remove-file

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets remove-file [provider:/path]
    -R, --recursive                  Delete a directory and all of its files. This must be passed if specifying a directory.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a storage file or directory.

morpheus storage-buckets rm

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets remove-file [provider:/path]
    -R, --recursive                  Delete a directory and all of its files. This must be passed if specifying a directory.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a storage file or directory.

morpheus storage-buckets update

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets update [storage-bucket] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this storage bucket
        --type code                  Storage Bucket Type Code
        --bucket-name VALUE          Bucket Name
        --default-backup-target [on|off]
                                     Default Backup Target
        --default-deployment-target [on|off]
                                     Default Deployment Target
        --default-virtual-image-target [on|off]
                                     Default Virtual Image Store
        --copy-to-store [on|off]     Archive Snapshots
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a storage bucket.
[storage-bucket] is required. This is the id of a storage bucket.

morpheus storage-buckets upload

Usage: morpheus storage-buckets upload [local-file] [provider:/path]
    -R, --recursive                  Upload a directory and all of its files. This must be passed if [local-file] is a directory.
        --ignore-files PATTERN       Pattern of files to be ignored when uploading a directory.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Upload a local file or folder to a storage bucket.
The first argument [local-file] should be the path of a local file or directory.
The second argument [provider:/path] should contain the name or id of the provider.
The [:/path] component is optional and can be used to specify the destination of the uploaded file or folder.
The default destination is the same name as the [local-file], under the root directory '/'.
This will overwrite any existing remote files that match the destination /path.

morpheus storage-server-types

Usage: morpheus storage-server-types [command] [options]

View storage server types

morpheus storage-server-types get

Usage: morpheus storage-server-types get [storage server type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a storage server type.
[storage server type] is required. This is the name or id of a storage server type.

morpheus storage-server-types list

Usage: morpheus storage-server-types list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List storage server types.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus storage-servers

Usage: morpheus storage-servers [command] [options]

View and manage storage servers.

morpheus storage-servers add

Usage: morpheus storage-servers add [name]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Storage Server Type
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional). Default: true
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional) - Visibility
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new storage server.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new storage server.

morpheus storage-servers get

Usage: morpheus storage-servers get [storage server]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a storage server.
[storage server] is required. This is the name or id of a storage server.

morpheus storage-servers list

Usage: morpheus storage-servers list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List storage servers.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus storage-servers remove

Usage: morpheus storage-servers remove [storage server]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing storage server.
[storage server] is required. This is the name or id of a storage server.

morpheus storage-servers update

Usage: morpheus storage-servers update [storage server] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional)
        --visibility VALUE           Visibility (optional) - Visibility
        --tenants LIST               Tenants (optional)
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing storage server.
[storage server] is required. This is the name or id of a storage server.

morpheus storage-volume-types

Usage: morpheus storage-volume-types [command] [options]

morpheus storage-volume-types get

Usage: morpheus storage-volume-types get [storage volume type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a storage volume type.
[storage volume type] is required. This is the name or id of a storage volume type.

morpheus storage-volume-types list

Usage: morpheus storage-volume-types list [search]
        --name VALUE                 Filter by name
        --category VALUE             Filter by category
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List storage volume types.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus storage-volumes

Usage: morpheus storage-volumes [command] [options]

View and manage storage volumes.

morpheus storage-volumes add

Usage: morpheus storage-volumes add [name] VALUE     Storage Server VALUE      Storage Group
    -t, --type VALUE                 Storage Volume Type
        --name VALUE                 Name
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new storage volume.
[name] is required. This is the name of the new storage volume.

morpheus storage-volumes get

Usage: morpheus storage-volumes get [storage volume]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a storage volume.
[storage volume] is required. This is the name or id of a storage volume.

morpheus storage-volumes list

Usage: morpheus storage-volumes list [search]
        --storage-server VALUE       Storage Server Name or ID
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by type
        --name VALUE                 Filter by name
        --category VALUE             Filter by category
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List storage volumes.
[search] is optional. This is a search phrase to filter the results.

morpheus storage-volumes remove

Usage: morpheus storage-volumes remove [storage volume]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete an existing storage volume.
[storage volume] is required. This is the name or id of a storage volume.

morpheus subnets

Usage: morpheus subnets [command] [options]

morpheus subnets add

Usage: morpheus subnets add [name] --network NETWORK
        --network NETWORK            Network name or ID that this subnet will be a part of.
    -t, --type ID                    Subnet Type Name or ID
        --name VALUE                 Name for this subnet
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --cidr VALUE                 Name for this subnet
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a subnet
        --pool ID                    Network Pool
        --dhcp-server [on|off]       DHCP Server
        --can-assign-pool [on|off]   DHCP Server
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new subnet.
--network is required. This is the name or id of a network.

morpheus subnets get

Usage: morpheus subnets get [subnet]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a subnet.
[subnet] is required. This is the name or id of a subnet.

morpheus subnets get-type

Usage: morpheus subnets get-type [type]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a subnet type.
[type] is required. This is the id or name of a subnet type.

morpheus subnets list

Usage: morpheus subnets list
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Filter by Cloud
        --network NETWORK            Filter by Network
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values

List subnets.

morpheus subnets remove

Usage: morpheus subnets remove [subnet]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a subnet.
[subnet] is required. This is the name or id of a subnet.

morpheus subnets types

Usage: morpheus subnets types
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud Name or ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List subnet types.

morpheus subnets update

Usage: morpheus subnets update [subnet]
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --group-access-all [on|off]  Toggle Access for all groups.
        --group-access LIST          Group Access, comma separated list of group IDs.
        --group-defaults LIST        Group Default Selection, comma separated list of group IDs
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
        --accounts LIST              alias for --tenants
        --visibility [private|public]
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a subnet
        --pool ID                    Network Pool
        --dhcp-server [on|off]       DHCP Server
        --can-assign-pool [on|off]   DHCP Server
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a subnet.
[subnet] is required. This is the name or id of a subnet.

morpheus tasks

Usage: morpheus tasks [command] [options]

morpheus tasks add

Usage: morpheus tasks add [name] -t TASK_TYPE
    -t, --type TASK_TYPE             Task Type
        --name NAME                  Task Name
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Task Visibility
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --code CODE                  Task Code
        --source VALUE               Source Type. local, repository, url. Only applies to script task types.
        --content TEXT               Contents of the task script. This implies source is local.
        --file FILE                  File containing the task script. This can be used instead of --content
        --url VALUE                  URL, for use when source is url
        --content-path VALUE         Content Path, for use when source is repository or url
        --content-ref VALUE          Content Ref (Version Ref), for use when source is repository
        --result-type VALUE          Result Type
        --execute-target VALUE       Execute Target
        --credential VALUE           Credential ID or "local"
        --target-host VALUE          Target Host
        --target-port VALUE          Target Port
        --target-username VALUE      Target Username
        --target-password VALUE      Target Password
        --target-ssh-key VALUE       Target SSH Key
        --git-repo VALUE             Git Repo ID
        --git-ref VALUE              Git Ref
        --retryable [on|off]         Retryable
        --retry-count COUNT          Retry Count
        --retry-delay SECONDS        Retry Delay Seconds
        --allow-custom-config [on|off]
                                     Allow Custom Config
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus tasks execute

Usage: morpheus tasks execute [task] [options]
        --context-type VALUE         Context Type, appliance, instance, instance-label, server or server-label
        --instance INSTANCE          Instance name or id to target for execution. This option can be passed more than once.
        --instances LIST             Instances, comma separated list of instance names or IDs.
        --instance-label LABEL       Instance Label
        --server SERVER              Server name or id to target for execution. This option can be passed more than once.
        --servers LIST               Servers, comma separated list of host names or IDs.
        --server-label LABEL         Server Label
    -a, --appliance                  Execute on the appliance, the target is the appliance itself.
        --config [TEXT]              Custom config
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until execution is complete. Default interval is 5 seconds.
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus tasks get

Usage: morpheus tasks get [workflow]
        --no-content                 Do not display script content.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus tasks get-type

Usage: morpheus tasks get-type [type]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a task type.
[type] is required. This is the id or code or name of a task type.

morpheus tasks list

Usage: morpheus tasks list [search]
    -t, --type x,y,z                 Filter by task type code(s)
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List tasks.

morpheus tasks list-types

Usage: morpheus tasks list-types
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List task types.

morpheus tasks remove

Usage: morpheus tasks remove [task]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
    -f, --force                      Force Delete

morpheus tasks update

Usage: morpheus tasks update [task] [options]
        --name NAME                  Task Name
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Task Visibility
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --code CODE                  Task Code
        --source VALUE               Source Type. local, repository, url. Only applies to script task types.
        --content TEXT               Contents of the task script. This implies source is local.
        --file FILE                  File containing the task script. This can be used instead of --content
        --url VALUE                  URL, for use when source is url
        --content-path VALUE         Content Path, for use when source is repository or url
        --content-ref VALUE          Content Ref (Version Ref), for use when source is repository
        --result-type VALUE          Result Type
        --execute-target VALUE       Execute Target
        --credential VALUE           Credential ID or "local"
        --target-host VALUE          Target Host
        --target-port VALUE          Target Port
        --target-username VALUE      Target Username
        --target-password VALUE      Target Password
        --target-ssh-key VALUE       Target SSH Key
        --git-repo VALUE             Git Repo ID
        --git-ref VALUE              Git Ref
        --retryable [on|off]         Retryable
        --retry-count COUNT          Retry Count
        --retry-delay SECONDS        Retry Delay Seconds
        --allow-custom-config [on|off]
                                     Allow Custom Config
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus tenants

Usage: morpheus tenants [command] [options]

View and manage tenants (accounts).

morpheus tenants add

Usage: morpheus tenants add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) VALUE              Base Role (optional)
        --currency VALUE             Currency (optional). Default: USD
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new tenant.
[name] is required. Name
[role] is required. Base Role name or ID

morpheus tenants count

Usage: morpheus tenants count [options]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get the number of tenants.

morpheus tenants get

Usage: morpheus tenants get [tenant]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a tenant (account).
[tenant] is required. This is the name or id of a tenant. Supports 1-N arguments.

morpheus tenants groups

Usage: morpheus tenants groups [command] [options]

morpheus tenants list

Usage: morpheus tenants list [search phrase]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List tenants.

morpheus tenants remove

Usage: morpheus tenants remove [tenant]
        --remove-resources [on|off]  Remove Associated Instances. Default is off.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a tenant.
[tenant] is required. This is the name or id of a tenant.

morpheus tenants update

Usage: morpheus tenants update [tenant]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) VALUE              Base Role (optional)
        --currency VALUE             Currency (optional)
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to disable a tenant
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an existing tenant.
[tenant] is required. Tenant name or ID

morpheus update

Usage: morpheus update
    -f, --force                      Force Update, executes update even if latest version is already installed.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

This will update the morpheus command line interface to the latest version.
This is done by executing the system command: `gem update morpheus-cli`

morpheus usage

Usage: morpheus usage [command] [options]

morpheus usage get

Usage: morpheus usage get [usage]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific usage.
[usage] is required. This is the id of a usage record.

morpheus usage list

Usage: morpheus usage list [search]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Filter by type
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Filter by cloud
        --start DATE                 Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
        --end DATE                   End date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Default is the current date.
        --sigdig DIGITS              Significant digits when rounding cost values for display as currency. Default is 5.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List usages.

morpheus user-groups

Usage: morpheus user-groups [command] [options]

morpheus user-groups add

Usage: morpheus user-groups add [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --description VALUE          Description
        --sudoUser [on|off]          Sudo Access
        --serverGroup VALUE          Server Group
        --users LIST                 Users to include in this group, comma separated list of IDs or usernames
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new user group.
[name] is required and can be passed as --name instead.

morpheus user-groups add-user

Usage: morpheus user-groups add-user [name] [user]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Add a user to a user group.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a user group.
[user] is required. This is the username or id of a user. More than one can be passed.

morpheus user-groups get

Usage: morpheus user-groups get [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus user-groups list

Usage: morpheus user-groups list [search phrase]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List user groups.

morpheus user-groups remove

Usage: morpheus user-groups remove [name]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus user-groups remove-user

Usage: morpheus user-groups remove-user [name] [user]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove a user from a user group.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a user group.
[user] is required. This is the username or id of a user. More than one can be passed.

morpheus user-groups update

Usage: morpheus user-groups update [name]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this user group
        --description VALUE          Description
        --sudoUser [on|off]          Sudo Access. Default is off.
        --users LIST                 Users to include in this group, comma separated list of IDs or usernames
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a user group.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a user group.

morpheus user-settings

Usage: morpheus user-settings [command] [options]

morpheus user-settings clear-access-token

Usage: morpheus user-settings clear-access-token [client-id]
        --all                        Clear tokens for all Client IDs instead of a specific client.
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Clear API access token for a specific client.
[client-id] or --all is required. This is the id of an api client.
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings get

Usage: morpheus user-settings get
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get user settings.
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings list-clients

Usage: morpheus user-settings list-clients
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List available api clients.

morpheus user-settings regenerate-access-token

Usage: morpheus user-settings regenerate-access-token [client-id]
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Regenerate API access token for a specific client.
[client-id] is required. This is the id of an api client.
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings remove-avatar

Usage: morpheus user-settings remove-avatar
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove avatar profile image.
[file] is required. This is the local path of a file to upload [png|jpg|svg].
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings remove-desktop-background

Usage: morpheus user-settings remove-desktop-background
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Remove desktop background image.
[file] is required. This is the local path of a file to upload [png|jpg|svg].
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings update

Usage: morpheus user-settings update [options]
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
        --change-username VALUE      Username (optional) - Change user credentials to use a new username
        --firstName VALUE            First Name (optional)
        --lastName VALUE             Last Name (optional)
        --email VALUE                Email (optional)
        --receiveNotifications [on|off]
                                     Receive Notifications (optional)
        --linuxUsername VALUE        Linux Username (optional)
        --linuxPassword VALUE        Linux Password (optional)
        --linuxKeyPairId VALUE       Linux Key Pair ID (optional)
        --windowsUsername VALUE      Windows Username (optional)
        --windowsPassword VALUE      Windows Password (optional)
        --defaultGroup VALUE         Default Group ID (optional)
        --defaultCloud VALUE         Default Cloud ID (optional)
        --defaultPersona VALUE       Default Persona Name or Code or ID eg. standard, serviceCatalog or vdi (optional)
        --change-password VALUE      Password (optional) - Change user credentials to use a new password
        --avatar VALUE               Avatar (optional) - Local filepath of image file to upload as user avatar
        --desktopBackground VALUE    Desktop Background (optional) - Local filepath of image file to upload as user desktop background
        --theme VALUE                Theme (optional) - Active Theme to use for the UI, default or darkMode.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update user settings.
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings update-avatar

Usage: morpheus user-settings update-avatar [file]
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update avatar profile image.
[file] is required. This is the local path of a file to upload [png|jpg|svg].
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings update-desktop-background

Usage: morpheus user-settings update-desktop-background [file]
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update desktop background image used in the VDI persona.
[file] is required. This is the local path of a file to upload [png|jpg|svg].
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings view-avatar

Usage: morpheus user-settings view-avatar
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View avatar profile image.
This opens the avatar image url with a web browser.
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-settings view-desktop-background

Usage: morpheus user-settings view-desktop-background
    -u, --user USER                  User username or ID
        --user-id ID                 User ID
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View desktop background image.
This opens the desktop background image url with a web browser.
Done for the current user by default, unless a user is specified with the --user option.

morpheus user-sources

Usage: morpheus user-sources [command] [options]

View and manage user identity sources

morpheus user-sources activate

Usage: morpheus user-sources activate [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Activate an identity source.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an identity source.

morpheus user-sources add

Usage: morpheus user-sources add [account] [name]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID the identity source will belong to, default is your own.
        --type CODE                  Identity Source Type
        --name VALUE                 Name for this identity source
        --description VALUE          Description
        --allow-custom-mappings [on|off]
                                     Enable Role Mapping Permissions
        --manual-role-assignment [on|off]
                                     Manual Role Assignment
        --role-mappings MAPPINGS     Role Mappings FQN in the format id1:FQN1,id2:FQN2
        --role-mapping-names MAPPINGS
                                     Role Mapping Names in the format id1:Name1,id2:Name2
        --default-role ID            Default Role ID or Authority
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new identity source.
[account] is required. This is the name or id of an account.

morpheus user-sources deactivate

Usage: morpheus user-sources deactivate [name]
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Deactivate an identity source.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an identity source.

morpheus user-sources get

Usage: morpheus user-sources get [name]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an identity source.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an identity source.

morpheus user-sources get-type

Usage: morpheus user-sources get-type [type]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about an identity source type.
[type] is required. This is the type identifier.

morpheus user-sources list

Usage: morpheus user-sources list
        --tenant TENANT              Filter by Tenant
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List identity sources.

morpheus user-sources list-types

Usage: morpheus user-sources list-types
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List identity source types.

morpheus user-sources remove

Usage: morpheus user-sources remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a user_source.

morpheus user-sources update

Usage: morpheus user-sources update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name for this identity source
        --description VALUE          Description
        --allow-custom-mappings [on|off]
                                     Enable Role Mapping Permissions
        --role-mappings MAPPINGS     Role Mappings in the format id1:FQN,id2:FQN2
        --role-mapping-names MAPPINGS
                                     Role Mapping Names in the format id1:Name1,id2:Name2
        --default-role ROLE          Default Role ID or Authority
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update an identity source.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an identity source.

morpheus user-sources update-subdomain

Usage: morpheus user-sources update-subdomain [name]
        --subdomain VALUE            New subdomain for this identity source
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update subdomain for an identity source.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of an identity source.

morpheus users

Usage: morpheus users [command] [options]

morpheus users add

Usage: morpheus users add [username] [email] [first] [last] [options]
        --firstName VALUE            First Name (optional)
        --lastName VALUE             Last Name (optional)
        --username VALUE             Username
        --email VALUE                Email
        --password VALUE             Password
        --passwordConfirmation VALUE Confirm Password
        --roles VALUE                Roles (optional) - Role authorities or IDs (comma separated)
        --receiveNotifications [on|off]
                                     Receive Notifications? (optional). Default: true
        --linuxUsername VALUE        Linux Username (optional)
        --linuxPassword VALUE        Linux Password (optional)
        --linuxKeyPairId VALUE       SSH Key (optional)
        --windowsUsername VALUE      Windows Username (optional)
        --windowsPassword VALUE      Windows Password (optional)
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new user.
[user] is required. Username of the new user
[email] is required. Email address
[first] is optional. First Name
[last] is optional. Last Name

morpheus users count

Usage: morpheus users count [options]
    -g, --global                     Global (All Tenants). Find users across all tenants. Default is your own tenant only.
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get the number of users.

morpheus users get

Usage: morpheus users get [user]
    -g, --global                     Global (All Tenants). Find users across all tenants. Default is your own tenant only.
        --feature-access             Display Feature Access
        --group-access               Display Group Access
        --cloud-access               Display Cloud Access
        --instance-type-access       Display Instance Type Access
        --blueprint-access           Display Blueprint Access
        --catalog-item-type-access   Display Catalog Item Type Access
        --personas                   Display Persona Access
        --vdi-pool-access            Display VDI Pool Access
        --report-type-access         Display Report Type Access
        --workflow-access            Display Workflow Access
        --task-access                Display Task Access
        --all                        Display All Access Lists
        --hide-none-access           Hide records with 'none' access
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a user.
[user] is required. This is the username or id of a user. Supports 1-N arguments.

morpheus users list

Usage: morpheus users list
    -g, --global                     Global (All Tenants). Find users across all tenants. Default is your own tenant only.
        --role AUTHORITY             Role Name (authority)
        --role-id ID                 Role ID
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List users.

morpheus users passwd

Usage: morpheus users passwd [user] [password] [options]
    -g, --global                     Global (All Tenants). Find users across all tenants. Default is your own tenant only.
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus users permissions

Usage: morpheus users permissions [user]
    -g, --global                     Global (All Tenants). Find users across all tenants. Default is your own tenant only.
        --hide-none-access           Hide records with 'none' access
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Display Access for a user.
[user] is required. This is the username or id of a user.

morpheus users remove

Usage: morpheus users remove [user]
    -g, --global                     Global (All Tenants). Find users across all tenants. Default is your own tenant only.
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus users update

Usage: morpheus users update [user] [options]
    -g, --global                     Global (All Tenants). Find users across all tenants. Default is your own tenant only.
        --firstName VALUE            First Name (optional)
        --lastName VALUE             Last Name (optional)
        --username VALUE             Username (optional)
        --email VALUE                Email (optional)
        --password VALUE             Password (optional)
        --passwordConfirmation VALUE Confirm Password (optional)
        --roles VALUE                Roles (optional) - Role authorities or IDs (comma separated)
        --receiveNotifications [on|off]
                                     Receive Notifications? (optional)
        --linuxUsername VALUE        Linux Username (optional)
        --linuxPassword VALUE        Linux Password (optional)
        --linuxKeyPairId VALUE       SSH Key (optional)
        --windowsUsername VALUE      Windows Username (optional)
        --windowsPassword VALUE      Windows Password (optional)
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant (Account) Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus vdi

Usage: morpheus vdi [command] [options]

Virtual Desktop Persona: View and allocate your own virtual desktops

morpheus vdi allocate

Usage: morpheus vdi allocate [desktop] [options]
        --desktop DESKTOP            Virtual Desktop Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Allocate a virtual desktop for use.
[desktop] is required, this is name or id of a virtual desktop (VDI Pool).

morpheus vdi get

Usage: morpheus vdi get [name]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific virtual desktop.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual desktop (VDI pool).

morpheus vdi list

Usage: morpheus vdi list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List available virtual desktops (VDI pool).

morpheus vdi open

Usage: morpheus vdi open [desktop] [options]
        --desktop DESKTOP            Virtual Desktop Name or ID
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Open a virtual desktop console in your web browser.
[desktop] is required, this is name or id of a virtual desktop (VDI Pool).

morpheus vdi-allocations

Usage: morpheus vdi-allocations [command] [options]

View VDI allocations

morpheus vdi-allocations get

Usage: morpheus vdi-allocations get [allocation]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific VDI allocation.
[allocation] is required. This is the id of a VDI allocation.

morpheus vdi-allocations list

Usage: morpheus vdi-allocations list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help
        --id ID                      Filter by VDI Allocation ID
        --status STATUS              Filter by VDI Allocation Status
        --pool POOL                  Filter by VDI Pool Name or ID
    -u, --user USER                  Filter by User Username or ID

List VDI allocations.

morpheus vdi-apps

Usage: morpheus vdi-apps [command] [options]

View and manage VDI apps

morpheus vdi-apps add

Usage: morpheus vdi-apps add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name - Choose a unique name for the VDI App
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --launchPrefix VALUE         Launch Prefix - The RDS App Name Prefix. Note: Must start with || (i.e. ||notepad) to launch notepad
        --iconPath VALUE             Logo (optional) - Logo icon path or custom if uploading a custom logo. Default: resource
        --logo VALUE                 Logo File - Local filepath of image file to upload as custom icon
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new VDI app.

morpheus vdi-apps get

Usage: morpheus vdi-apps get [app]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific VDI app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI app.

morpheus vdi-apps list

Usage: morpheus vdi-apps list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List VDI apps.

morpheus vdi-apps remove

Usage: morpheus vdi-apps remove [app] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a VDI app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI app.

morpheus vdi-apps update

Usage: morpheus vdi-apps update [app] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Choose a unique name for the VDI App
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --launchPrefix VALUE         Launch Prefix (optional) - The RDS App Name Prefix. Note: Must start with || (i.e. ||notepad) to launch notepad
        --iconPath VALUE             Logo (optional) - Logo icon path or custom if uploading a custom logo
        --logo VALUE                 Logo File (optional) - Local filepath of image file to upload as custom icon
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a VDI app.
[app] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI app.

morpheus vdi-gateways

Usage: morpheus vdi-gateways [command] [options]

View and manage VDI gateways

morpheus vdi-gateways add

Usage: morpheus vdi-gateways add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name - Choose a unique name for the VDI Gateway
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --gatewayUrl VALUE           Gateway URL - URL of the VDI Gateway
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new VDI gateway.

morpheus vdi-gateways get

Usage: morpheus vdi-gateways get [gateway]
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific VDI gateway.
[gateway] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI gateway.

morpheus vdi-gateways list

Usage: morpheus vdi-gateways list [search]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List VDI gateways.

morpheus vdi-gateways remove

Usage: morpheus vdi-gateways remove [gateway] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a VDI gateway.
[gateway] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI gateway.

morpheus vdi-gateways update

Usage: morpheus vdi-gateways update [gateway] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Choose a unique name for the VDI Gateway
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --gatewayUrl VALUE           Gateway URL (optional) - URL of the VDI Gateway
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a VDI gateway.
[gateway] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI gateway.

morpheus vdi-pools

Usage: morpheus vdi-pools [command] [options]

View and manage VDI pools

morpheus vdi-pools add

Usage: morpheus vdi-pools add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name - Choose a unique name for the VDI Pool
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --owner VALUE                Owner (optional)
        --minIdle NUMBER             Min Idle (optional) - Sets the minimum number of idle instances on standby in the pool. The pool will always try to maintain this number of available instances on standby.. Default: 0
        --initialPoolSize NUMBER     Initial Pool Size (optional) - The initial size of the pool to be allocated on creation.. Default: 0
        --maxIdle NUMBER             Max Idle (optional) - Sets the maximum number of idle instances on standby in the pool. If the number of idle instances supersedes this, the pool will start removing instances.. Default: 0
        --maxPoolSize NUMBER         Max Size - Max limit on number of allocations and instances within the pool.
        --allocationTimeoutMinutes NUMBER
                                     Lease Timeout (optional) - Time (in minutes) after a user disconnects before an allocation is recycled or shutdown depending on persistence.
        --persistentUser [on|off]    Persistent (optional)
        --recyclable [on|off]        Recyclable (optional) - Recyclable VDI Pools only work with cloud types that support snapshot management (i.e. Vmware, Nutanix, VCD)
        --allowCopy [on|off]         Allow Copy (optional)
        --allowPrinter [on|off]      Allow Printer (optional)
        --allowFileshare [on|off]    Allow File Share (optional)
        --allowHypervisorConsole [on|off]
                                     Allow Hypervisor Console (optional)
        --autoCreateLocalUserOnReservation [on|off]
                                     Auto Create User (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional) - Enable the VDI Pool to make it available for allocation.. Default: true
        --iconPath VALUE             Logo (optional) - Logo icon path or custom if uploading a custom logo. Default: resource
        --logo VALUE                 Logo File - Local filepath of image file to upload as custom icon
        --apps LIST                  VDI Apps (optional) - VDI Apps, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --gateway VALUE              VDI Gateway (optional) - VDI Gateway
        --config VALUE               Config - JSON or YAML
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -i, --interactive                Interactive Config, prompt for each input of the instance configuration
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a new VDI pool.

morpheus vdi-pools get

Usage: morpheus vdi-pools get [pool]
    -c, --config                     Display raw config only. Default is YAML. Combine with -j for JSON instead.
        --no-config                  Do not display Config YAML.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a specific VDI pool.
[pool] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI pool.

morpheus vdi-pools list

Usage: morpheus vdi-pools list [search]
        --enabled [on|off]           Filter by enabled
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List VDI pools.

morpheus vdi-pools remove

Usage: morpheus vdi-pools remove [pool] [options]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a VDI pool.
[pool] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI pool.

morpheus vdi-pools update

Usage: morpheus vdi-pools update [pool] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional) - Choose a unique name for the VDI Pool
        --description VALUE          Description (optional) - Description
        --owner VALUE                Owner (optional)
        --minIdle NUMBER             Min Idle (optional) - Sets the minimum number of idle instances on standby in the pool. The pool will always try to maintain this number of available instances on standby.
        --initialPoolSize NUMBER     Initial Pool Size (optional) - The initial size of the pool to be allocated on creation.
        --maxIdle NUMBER             Max Idle (optional) - Sets the maximum number of idle instances on standby in the pool. If the number of idle instances supersedes this, the pool will start removing instances.
        --maxPoolSize NUMBER         Max Size (optional) - Max limit on number of allocations and instances within the pool.
        --allocationTimeoutMinutes NUMBER
                                     Lease Timeout (optional) - Time (in minutes) after a user disconnects before an allocation is recycled or shutdown depending on persistence.
        --persistentUser [on|off]    Persistent (optional)
        --recyclable [on|off]        Recyclable (optional) - Recyclable VDI Pools only work with cloud types that support snapshot management (i.e. Vmware, Nutanix, VCD)
        --allowCopy [on|off]         Allow Copy (optional)
        --allowPrinter [on|off]      Allow Printer (optional)
        --allowFileshare [on|off]    Allow File Share (optional)
        --allowHypervisorConsole [on|off]
                                     Allow Hypervisor Console (optional)
        --autoCreateLocalUserOnReservation [on|off]
                                     Auto Create User (optional)
        --enabled [on|off]           Enabled (optional) - Enable the VDI Pool to make it available for allocation.
        --iconPath VALUE             Logo (optional) - Logo icon path or custom if uploading a custom logo
        --logo VALUE                 Logo File (optional) - Local filepath of image file to upload as custom icon
        --apps LIST                  VDI Apps (optional) - VDI Apps, comma separated list of names or IDs.
        --gateway VALUE              VDI Gateway (optional) - VDI Gateway
        --config VALUE               Config (optional) - JSON or YAML
        --config-file FILE           Config from a local JSON or YAML file
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a VDI pool.
[pool] is required. This is the name or id of a VDI pool.

morpheus version

morpheus version
    -v, --short                      Print only the client version number
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus view

Usage: morpheus view [path] [id]
    -l, --login                      Login with the CLI access token before loading the path.
        --absolute                   Absolute path, do not search for a matching route to use
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View the remote appliance in a web browser.
[path] is optional. This the path or resource type to load. The default is the index page "/".
[id] is optional. This is the resource name or id to be append to the path to load details of a specific object.
The [path] is matched against the morpheus UI site map to find the best matching route.
Route matching is skipped if the path begins with a "/" or --absolute is used.
By default no authentication is done and the existing web browser session used.
The --login option will authenticate via the CLI access token and create a new browser session.

    view --login
    view monitoring
    view user 1
    view user administrator
    view /infrastructure/clouds/2

morpheus virtual-images

Usage: morpheus virtual-images [command] [options]

morpheus virtual-images add

Usage: morpheus virtual-images add [name] -t TYPE
    -t, --type TYPE                  Virtual Image Type
        --filename NAME              Image File Name. Specify a name for the uploaded file.
        --url URL                    Image File URL. This can be used instead of uploading local files.
    -c, --cloud CLOUD                Cloud to scope image to, certain types require a cloud to be selected, eg. Azure Reference
        --azure-offer OFFER          Azure Reference offer value, only applies to Azure Reference
        --azure-sku SKU              Azure SKU value, only applies to Azure Reference
        --azure-version VERSION      Azure Version value, only applies to Azure Reference
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --tags LIST                  Metadata tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Create a virtual image.

morpheus virtual-images add-file

Usage: morpheus virtual-images add-file [name] [filepath]
        --filename FILENAME          Filename for uploaded file. Derived from [filepath] by default.
        --url URL                    Image File URL. This can be used instead of [filepath]
        --gzip                       Compress uploaded file
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Upload a virtual image file.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image.
[filepath] or --url is required. This is location of the virtual image file.

morpheus virtual-images get

Usage: morpheus virtual-images get [image]
    -a, --details                    Show more details.
        --tags LIST                  Metadata tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a virtual image.
[image] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image.

morpheus virtual-images get-location

Usage: morpheus virtual-images get-location [image] [location]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get details about a virtual image location.
[image] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image.
[location] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image location.

morpheus virtual-images list

Usage: morpheus virtual-images list
    -t, --type IMAGE_TYPE            Image Type
        --all                        All Images
        --user                       User Images
        --system                     System Images
        --synced                     Synced Images
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
        --tags Name=Value            Filter by tags (metadata name value pairs).
    -a, --details                    Show more details.
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List virtual images. Default list applies User filter

morpheus virtual-images list-locations

Usage: morpheus virtual-images list-locations [image]
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List virtual image locations for a specific virtual image.
[image] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image.

morpheus virtual-images remove

Usage: morpheus virtual-images remove [image] [location]
        --remove-from-cloud [true|false]
                                     Remove from all clouds. Default is true.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a virtual image.
[image] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image.

morpheus virtual-images remove-file

Usage: morpheus virtual-images remove-file [name] [filename]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus virtual-images remove-location

Usage: morpheus virtual-images remove-location [image] [location]
        --remove-from-cloud [true|false]
                                     Remove from cloud. Default is true.
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Delete a virtual image location.
[image] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image.
[location] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image location.

morpheus virtual-images types

Usage: morpheus virtual-images types
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus virtual-images update

Usage: morpheus virtual-images update [name] [options]
        --tenants LIST               Tenant Access, comma separated list of account IDs
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --tags LIST                  Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will add and remove tags.
        --add-tags TAGS              Add Tags in the format 'name:value, name:value'. This will only add/update tags.
        --remove-tags TAGS           Remove Tags in the format 'name, name:value'. This removes tags, the :value component is optional and must match if passed.
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update a virtual image.
[name] is required. This is the name or id of a virtual image.

morpheus whitelabel-settings

Usage: morpheus whitelabel-settings [command] [options]

morpheus whitelabel-settings download-image

Usage: morpheus whitelabel-settings download-image [image-type] [local-file]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
    -f, --force                      Overwrite existing [local-file] if it exists.
    -p, --mkdir                      Create missing directories for [local-file] if they do not exist.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Download an image file.
[image-type] is required. This is the whitelabel image type (header-logo|footer-logo|login-logo|favicon) to be downloaded.
[local-file] is required. This is the full local filepath for the downloaded file.

morpheus whitelabel-settings get

Usage: morpheus whitelabel-settings get
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
        --details                    Show full (not truncated) contents of Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Override CSS
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Get whitelabel settings.

morpheus whitelabel-settings reset-image

Usage: morpheus whitelabel-settings reset-image [image-type]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Reset your whitelabel image.
[image-type] is required. This is the whitelabel image type (header-logo|footer-logo|login-logo|favicon)

morpheus whitelabel-settings update

Usage: morpheus whitelabel-settings update
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
        --active [on|off]            Can be used to enable / disable whitelabel feature
        --appliance-name NAME        Appliance name. Only available to master tenant
        --disable-support-menu [on|off]
                                     Can be used to disable support menu
        --reset-header-logo          Resets header logo to default header logo
        --reset-footer-logo          Resets footer logo to default footer logo
        --reset-login-logo           Resets login logo to default login logo
        --reset-favicon              Resets favicon default favicon
        --header-bg-color VALUE      Header background color
        --header-fg-color VALUE      Header foreground color
        --nav-bg-color VALUE         Nav background color
        --nav-fg-color VALUE         Nav foreground color
        --nav-hover-color VALUE      Nav hover color
        --primary-button-bg-color VALUE
                                     Primary button background color
        --primary-button-fg-color VALUE
                                     Primary button foreground color
        --primary-button-hover-bg-color VALUE
                                     Primary button hover background color
        --primary-button-hover-fg-color VALUE
                                     Primary button hover foreground color
        --footer-bg-color VALUE      Footer background color
        --footer-fg-color VALUE      Footer foreground color
        --login-bg-color VALUE       Login background color
        --copyright TEXT             Copyright String
        --css TEXT                   Override CSS
        --css-file FILE              Override CSS from local file
        --terms TEXT                 Terms of use content
        --terms-file FILE            Terms of use content from local file
        --privacy-policy TEXT        Privacy policy content
        --privacy-policy-file FILE   Privacy policy content from local file
        --support-menu-links JSON    Support menu links JSON
        --support-menu-links-list LIST
                                     Support menu links list. Comma delimited list of menu links. Each menu link is pipe delimited url1|label1|code1,url2|label2|code2
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus whitelabel-settings update-images

Usage: morpheus whitelabel-settings update-images
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
        --header-logo FILE           Header logo image. Local path of a file to upload (png|jpg|svg)
        --reset-header-logo          Resets header logo to default header logo
        --footer-logo FILE           Footer logo image. Local path of a file to upload (png|jpg|svg)
        --reset-footer-logo          Resets footer logo to default footer logo
        --login-logo FILE            Login logo image. Local path of a file to upload (png|jpg|svg)
        --reset-login-logo           Resets login logo to default login logo
        --favicon FILE               Favicon icon image. Local path of a file to upload
        --reset-favicon              Resets favicon default favicon
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Update your whitelabel images.

morpheus whitelabel-settings view-image

Usage: morpheus whitelabel-settings view-image [image-type]
        --tenant TENANT              Tenant Name or ID
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View your image of specified [image-type].
[image-type] is required. This is the whitelabel image type (header-logo|footer-logo|login-logo|favicon)
This opens the image url with a web browser.

morpheus whoami

Usage: morpheus whoami [options]
    -n, --name                       Print only your username.
    -a, --all                        Display All Details
    -p, --permissions                Display Permissions
    -t, --token-only                 Print your access token only
        --offline                    Do this offline without an api request to refresh the remote appliance status.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View information about the current user.

morpheus wiki

Usage: morpheus wiki [command] [options]

morpheus wiki add

Usage: morpheus wiki add [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name
        --category VALUE             Category (optional)
        --content VALUE              Content
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus wiki categories

Usage: morpheus wiki categories
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus wiki get

Usage: morpheus wiki get [name]
        --view                       View wiki page in web browser too.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus wiki list

Usage: morpheus wiki list
        --category VALUE             Category
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus wiki remove

Usage: morpheus wiki remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus wiki update

Usage: morpheus wiki update [name] [options]
        --name VALUE                 Name (optional)
        --category VALUE             Category (optional)
        --content VALUE              Content (optional)
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus wiki view

Usage: morpheus wiki view [id]
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

View a wiki page in a web browser
[id] is required. This is name or id of the wiki page.

morpheus workflows

Usage: morpheus workflows [command] [options]

morpheus workflows add

Usage: morpheus workflows add [name] --tasks taskId:phase,taskId2:phase,taskId3:phase
        --name NAME                  Name for workflow
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --description DESCRIPTION    Description of workflow
    -t, --type TYPE                  Type of workflow. i.e. provision or operation. Default is provision.
        --operational                Create an operational workflow, alias for --type operational.
        --tasks [x,y,z]              List of tasks to run in order, in the format <Task ID>:<Task Phase> Task Phase is optional. Default is the same workflow type: 'provision' or 'operation'.
        --option-types x,y,z         List of option type name or IDs. For use with operational workflows to add configuration during execution.
        --platform [PLATFORM]        Platform, eg. linux, windows or osx
        --allow-custom-config [on|off]
                                     Allow Custom Config
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility, eg. private or public
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus workflows execute

Usage: morpheus workflows execute [workflow] [options]
        --context-type VALUE         Context Type, appliance, instance, instance-label, server or server-label
        --instance INSTANCE          Instance name or id to target for execution. This option can be passed more than once.
        --instances LIST             Instances, comma separated list of instance names or IDs.
        --instance-label LABEL       Instance Label
        --server SERVER              Server name or id to target for execution. This option can be passed more than once.
        --servers LIST               Servers, comma separated list of host names or IDs.
        --server-label LABEL         Server Label
    -a, --appliance                  Execute on the appliance, the target is the appliance itself.
        --config [TEXT]              Custom config
        --refresh [SECONDS]          Refresh until execution is complete. Default interval is 5 seconds.
        --no-refresh                 Do not refresh
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus workflows get

Usage: morpheus workflows get [workflow]
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus workflows list

Usage: morpheus workflows list [search]
    -t, --type TYPE                  Type of workflow. i.e. provision or operation. Default is provision.
    -l, --labels LABEL               Filter by labels, can match any of the values
        --all-labels LABEL           Filter by labels, must match all of the values
    -m, --max MAX                    Max Results
    -o, --offset OFFSET              Offset Results
    -s, --search PHRASE              Search Phrase
    -S, --sort ORDER                 Sort Order. DIRECTION may be included as "ORDER [asc|desc]".
    -D, --desc                       Descending Sort Direction.
        --reverse                    Reverse order of results. This invert is done by the client, not necessarily the entire dataset.
    -Q, --query PARAMS               Query parameters. PARAMS format is 'foo=bar&category=web'
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -y, --yaml                       YAML Output
        --csv                        CSV Output
        --quotes                     Wrap CSV values with ". Default: false
        --no-header                  Exclude header for CSV Output.
    -f, --fields x,y,z               Filter Output to a limited set of fields. Default is all fields for json,csv,yaml.
        --all-fields                 Show all fields present in the data.
        --wrap                       Wrap table columns instead hiding them when terminal is not wide enough.
        --select x,y,z               Filter Output to just print the value(s) of specific fields.
        --delimiter [CHAR]           Delimiter for output values. Default: ',', use with --select and --csv
        --newline [CHAR]             Delimiter for output rows. Default: '\n', use with --select and --csv
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

List workflows.

morpheus workflows remove

Usage: morpheus workflows remove [name]
    -y, --yes                        Auto Confirm
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

morpheus workflows update

Usage: morpheus workflows update [name] --tasks taskId:phase,taskId2:phase,taskId3:phase
        --name NAME                  New name for workflow
    -l, --labels [LIST]              Labels
        --description DESCRIPTION    Description of workflow
        --tasks [x,y,z]              List of tasks to run in order, in the format <Task ID>:<Task Phase> Task Phase is optional. Default is the same workflow type: 'provision' or 'operation'.
        --option-types [x,y,z]       List of option type name or IDs. For use with operational workflows to add configuration during execution.
        --platform [PLATFORM]        Platform, eg. linux, windows or osx
        --allow-custom-config [on|off]
                                     Allow Custom Config
        --visibility VISIBILITY      Visibility, eg. private or public
    -O, --option OPTION              Option in the format -O field="value"
        --prompt                     Always prompt for input on every option, even those not prompted for by default.
    -N, --no-prompt                  No prompt, skips all input prompting.
        --payload FILE               Payload from a local JSON or YAML file, skip all prompting
        --payload-json JSON          Payload JSON, skip all prompting
        --payload-yaml YAML          Payload YAML, skip all prompting
    -j, --json                       JSON Output
    -d, --dry-run                    Dry Run, print the API request instead of executing it.
        --curl                       Curl, print the API request as a curl command instead of executing it.
        --scrub                      Mask secrets in output, such as the Authorization header. For use with --curl and --dry-run.
    -q, --quiet                      No Output, do not print to stdout
    -r, --remote REMOTE              Remote name. The current remote is used by default.
        --remote-url URL             Remote url. This allows adhoc requests instead of using a configured remote.
    -T, --token TOKEN                Access token for authentication with --remote. Saved credentials are used by default.
    -U, --username USERNAME          Username for authentication.
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password for authentication.
    -I, --insecure                   Allow insecure HTTPS communication.  i.e. bad SSL certificate.
    -C, --nocolor                    Disable ANSI coloring
    -B, --benchmark                  Print benchmark time and exit/error after the command is finished.
    -V, --debug                      Print extra output for debugging.
    -h, --help                       Print this help

Environment Variables

Morpheus has only one environment variable that it uses.


The MORPHEUS_CLI_HOME variable is where morpheus CLI stores its configuration files. This can be set to allow a single system user to maintain many different configurations If the directory does not exist, morpheus will attempt to create it.

The default home directory is $HOME/.morpheus

To see how this works, run the following:

MORPHEUS_CLI_HOME=~/.morpheus_test morpheus shell

Now, in your new morpheus shell, you can see that it is a fresh environment. There are no remote appliances configured.

morpheus> remote list

Morpheus Appliances

You have no appliances configured. See the `morpheus remote add` command.

You can use this to create isolated environments (sandboxes), within which to execute your morpheus commands.

export MORPHEUS_CLI_HOME=~/morpheus_test
morpheus remote add demo --insecure
morpheus instances list

Morpheus saves the remote appliance information, including api access tokens, to the $MORPHEUS_HOME_DIRECTORY. These files are saved with file permissions 6000. So, only one system user should be allowed to execute morpheus with that home directory. See Configuration for more information on the files morpheus reads and writes.


Morpheus reads and writes several configuration files within the $MORPHEUS_CLI_HOME directory.

Note: These files are maintained by the program. It is not recommended for you to manipulate them.

appliances file

The appliances YAML file contains a list of known appliances, keyed by name.


  :active: true

credentials file

The .morpheus/credentials YAML file contains access tokens for each known appliance.

groups file

The .morpheus/groups YAML file contains the active group information for each known appliance.

Startup scripts

When Morpheus starts, it executes the commands in a couple of dot files.

These scripts are written in morpheus commands, not bash, so they can only execute morpheus commands and aliases.

.morpheus_profile file

It looks for $MORPHEUS_CLI_HOME/.morpheus_profile, and reads and executes it (if it exists).

This may be inhibited by using the --noprofile option.

.morpheusrc file

When started as an interactive shell with the morpheus shell command, Morpheus reads and executes $MORPHEUS_CLI_HOME/.morpheusrc (if it exists). This may be inhibited by using the --norc option.

An example startup script might look like this:

# .morpheusrc

set-prompt "%cyan%username%reset@%magenta%remote %cyanmorpheus> %reset"
remote current
echo "Welcome back %username"